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Artificial Languages

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Natural languages – the languages that formed as a result of historical events based on existing long languages and dialects. Artificial language invented by the same people. However, no matter how great the difference between them, yet a sufficiently clear distinction does not exist, and it is difficult sometimes to determine which group belongs to one or another language: to natural or artificial language. For example, if we consider artificial languages Esperanto and Volapuk, the composition of the first include borrowing from the natural languages: Slavic, Germanic languages, as well as from the Latins. A speech language Volapuk are inherently completely fictitious. Romansh language – one of the official languages of Switzerland. It is used in Grisons 60 000. However, the collective name of the language, it includes several related languages belonging to Romance.

And people who say they largely do not understand each other. Romansch language dialects are separate languages. The most prevalent dialect is surselvsky and verhneengadinsky. Printed on them and before all the official documents in Switzerland. Later, in the early 80’s was a common literary language of Romansch.

It included the words of the dialects of the language that would have at least two of They sounded the same. And if the word sounds different in the major dialects, it was taken from a least-common dialect. Grammar was also a team. And quite difficult to attribute Romansh language as natural and to artificial languages. If we consider the Czech language, it is worth noting that at the tim


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