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Chinese Pyrotechnics

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Every year we celebrate one of the largest and most beautiful festivals in the night sky kotorgo lit with colored lights and fireworks, and the echo of explosions and popping pierce the entire city. Surely most people perceive the new Year of the most interesting, enchanting, funny and massive celebration. This is the time we spend in the company of his best friends, relatives and friends. And directly to them, as well as many strangers we can demonstrate all his inventiveness, original ideas and professionalism, to try himself as an amateur pyrotechnics, give yourself and others pleasure and delight in the contemplation of his own made pyrotechnics and fireworks. This passion will allow you to greatly embellish the already fun event.

It is advisable to follow all the traditions of this historic mark the celebration and not limit itself just take a large amount of alcohol that night. Producing their own variety of explosives and devices, so you develop your technical and creative skills. This brings many times more pleasure than to give a fairly limited resources on the Chinese factory, sometimes not satisfied with the result and quality, pyrotechnics, fireworks and firecrackers weak. Also, mastering, and gradually expanding their knowledge of science relating to a bomb, fireworks, smoke bombs, vzryvpaketov, you get a chance to feel the master of the explosion and fire. Looking at our site, you will learn about the many recipes for making pyrotechnic devices and accessories, allowing us to set goals that you previously seemed unattainable. You also get acquainted with the special devices and devices that enable significantly reduce the risk of burns and injuries as a result of neglect of safety. Controlling the fire and driving the explosion of pyrotechnics, can perform various tasks, ranging from the transfiguration rather boring and banal interview with a girl, has made a heart beating a fountain of sparks, ending with the implementation of hard work to demolish the walls and the excavated soil. Of course such an occupation is unsafe, having risk life and health, so work on making homemade fireworks are responsible people are always strictly adhere to safety rules both general and for each individual case. This is a significant risk, and to a very long time to get the adrenaline and enjoy their work, you need priderzhivatsya certain rules. It is important a great responsibility and tolerance, to give myself a full report on its actions, the removal of all alleged and potential negative factors that bring an already dangerous occupation heightened risks. All this is constantly kept in the attention and fixed, but the ultimate goal is aimed at bringing the result pleasure in the creation and supervision in action pyrotechnics and fireworks made hard work with their own hands.

Baking Gingerbread

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Baking gingerbread originated from ancient times. In the XVII century gingerbread submitted to the king's table. The famous German traveler who visited Adam Oleary in Russia in 1633, wrote in his diary '… amused by hunting, treated us to the king, carrots, grapes and Astrakhan cherry jam. " The word 'cake' comes from the Russian 'spice'. These treats were made from sweet dough with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and other exotic spices, delivered with great difficulty from distant countries. On the gingerbread has been associated a lot of ancient customs and beliefs. They were presented in connection with the festive events, a sign of respect and merit.

In these cases, they were pretty large – in the order of the one who gave. So, stick to the royal family weighed several pounds and was delivered to destination on two sledges. Without these sweet products are not held in Russia, no one event – either funny or sad. Cake gave the bride at the wedding feast at the end of his pieces were distributed among the guests, it oznayaalo it was time to go home. The day after the wedding, the newlyweds took a different cake, specially baked for the occasion, and went home to their parents young, there to put money and gifts. Treating carrot and ended a sad ritual of commemoration.

Also attributed healing properties of carrots, they were treated. In these cases, they represented the magical signs or initials the names of saints. The most favorite treat was a joy and cakes for the children.


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When I was small I had a dog, a guy gave me, I myself take it home inside a shoe box. When we toured all over the place, I smell and I pee up marking new territory. Shortly after that animal from just over 7 weeks of life became my best friend played, were, we did everything, and it was not necessary to take a walk because by that time the houses were huge (although I think that I was small) the truth is that in the courtyard we played until now not being able to. After 2 days of your stay in your new home we decided to call it bear I think it was by his great coat and his character, at least so said my mom. Thanks to him I realized that it is not so bad to scraped knees to fall, and only just lifted, cleaned and continue playing.

I remember that his favorite toy was a ball that I myself had done with a few old rags tied with a Ribbon. It was not an exemplary pupfish, now I remember that time I Hamster legs of chairs and my mom gave him a thrashing with a few newspapers, that animal only under his head and then ran crying I wanted to comfort him but my mother said that I had to learn things that one can remember () is curious, but casting a glance to the past even now, I see him moving the queue to see me arrive from school, I still remember his gaze once my mom corrected, I still remember the box of my skipper affidavits bed and above all still remember the day my MOM the gift. Search by all sides, with the hopes of finding it, but it was not. Got me so many excuses that I remember, the truth is that after all this time I’ll never forget my first dog. The best friend of a 6 year old that friend of 7 weeks of life that taught me to not mourn more falls, which taught me obedience, loyalty, and that changed my life. Now reading the words of Mr. Owen W. I think that he is right.

A dog does not want luxury cars, large houses, nor designer clothes, with a rod will feel happy. A dog does not care if you’re rich or poor, smart or clumsy, ready or silly. Give your heart and he will give you yours. Of how many people can say that? How many people can make you feel unique, pure, special? How much people can make you feel special?

Teaching Dogs

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And you want to teach a dog to be educated? Dogs are always learning. The problem is how to teach a dog to learn good habits and quit bad habits forever? Dogs understand things very differently than we humans so often when you’re trying to correct your dog can actually create behavior problems peoresa ! If you have a disobedient dog that causes you stress or embarrassment, breaking everything in your house, that makes disaster when left alone, barking all the time, etc., Then you’ve come to the most favorable place to find out how to teach a dog correct habits and behaviors. With the knowledge and skills that I will reveal to educate and to behave well your neighbors and friends feel jealous of your achievements. Teaching a dog means to enslave or mistreat, but mainly I’ve seen trainers who are leaving the armed forces (police, army, private security, etc..) That has as a methodology abuse and violence by training dogs, based on some theories that do not share or advise. What I teach has nothing to do with these types of training. Teaching a dog means to communicate with him and educate for a better living. Understanding your dog’s behavior is the most useful thing you can do to make the most of their friendship and to make sure you receive the most appropriate treatment in every situation, thus improving their quality of life and allowing it to be a “Happy Dog” with all letters.

Natural Law

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Now we could say, that mankind is fraught with Improvised leaders, i.e. that it played by those recurring psychological factors of the past (that each wearer in your unconscious, subconscious e) infraconciente), take care of any situation (good or bad), ordered by the Natural Law. Quite another thing, is that human being that is revealed against himself and against everything, fighting to cancel their “old debts”, initiating the experimentation of the REAL thing, with that which is beyond the affections and the mind, with what is not time, to go progressively achieving the VISION strategic authentic so is born the true leader. The authentic leader, respects the laws and the established order in this physical world, is not prisoner of any concept, dogma, ideology or theory, is not seduced by any political end, route of the Centre, (the one that connects to the intuitos from on high) is a being who loves or justice, freedom, peace, etc. Then of what leader can talk those who dictate courses, if they themselves do not know where they stand?

There are some people who catalogued her books as multi-ayuda, others say they have had enough doses of religiosity, what do you think? Well, you have to respect those views, but I’m not a religious, my books are not multi-ayuda, because nowhere we have sought to feed false self-esteem which is a good chubby Devil in majorities. It’s amazing to see how the same human being, your mental atrofiamiento product, made the mistake of going by dividing everything, and nobody knows anything for certain, due to what? That were creating ‘specializations’ diverse, in all areas, for example: there are people who can’t market a specific product, because they say: I’m specialized in mass; There are others, the dental branch that do not perform a dental filling, or a root canal treatment, because they specialised is orthodontics..

Not Just Reality

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Some of them, in its infancy, were beggars or homeless people in countries where poverty was their culture. They did not change their world that were special or gifted; they were able to depart from your rational mind and change your vision. They saw another reality, that made them free forever; by that became teachers, if teachers themselves. Yes they are special and gifted. While the people of its around it sank into the sea of despair, of pain, of suffering by their arrogant ignorance, they floated due to the boat of the understanding and salvation. For this reason, I need to read this book from the heart. Put aside your concepts laid down for a moment and gives me the opportunity to show you another reality, the only reality capable of giving you what you want, what you want, what you need for your life. Remember that the ego oppose resistance; puts barriers that we do not move forward. Not interested in him that we can control and freedom. Only our essence, that being of light that we have inside, who understands peace, of freedom, of joy. Every topic in the book has her why. My advice is to read them in quiet moments, when the mind is not hectic and ego-driven. It is a job inside and personal; It is a work between you and I. Why I need to be with you alone and tranquility; who me you spend all your attention. They are the secrets that I learned from my teachers and I share them with you forever. I know that with these secrets you can.


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Three bombs were blast in a bar in the city of Maiduguri. The attack was aimed at policemen who were in the room. The Government points to a radical Islamist group as responsible. At least 25 people died this Sunday to explode three bombs in a bar in the city of Maiduguri, located in the northeast of Nigeria, according to several witnesses and military sources reported. Around 18.00 h, local time, several men mounted on motorcycles threw up to three explosive devices against this bar, in an attack that appeared to be aimed at policemen who were inside. The army aimed at members of the sect Boko Haram as responsible for this attack, although there is still no official confirmation. This group, which pursues a strict application of sharia (Islamic law), has claimed responsibility for similar attacks. Boko Haram has been attributed the attack in ten days ago against a police station in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, as well as several committed against members of the security forces in Maiduguri, city located near the borders with Chad, Cameroon and Niger. Source of the news: at least 25 killed by a bombing in Nigeria

The Past

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The human being requires relationship with the truth and with the entire connection, to boost its capacity of perception of more meaningful contexts. Some educational models of HEIS recognized the importance that has the development of spirituality, by stating that this requires both academic life, intellect, artistic and cultural harmony, as well as in the development of sport, health and civic activities physical as well as the participation of society. Spirituality should be considered the expression of the individual intrinsic value regardless of their religion, race, or culture. Man as a being unfinished has to continuously resort to a praxis of self-education, the realization of man requires a continuous effort of learning, reflection and free will, experiencing a tension continues between what is and wants to be. This peculiarity makes the man is identified as a subject, and insofar as subject, can distance themselves from the object comprising as a different reality.

What refers to transit through the temporality thinking in the past, the present and the future, in an interest to dominate them, why think of death and prevents it. (4). Therefore education should be directed to the development of man’s capacity so that it knows more, not only with each other but also for others. Inwardly, educated humans will necessarily reflect its spirit in the outside world, according to the results produced, defining it with a new objective and actual profile that revolves around the ethics by simple nature, acting with integrity in all their actions, on the basis of the principles of the ultimate truth. Spiritual intelligence is the only one that makes the individual honest, why should be the center of all real education, the practice of this intelligence will not convert anyone into something different to what is, but try to awaken from the poorly understood, identify the things as they are not.(5) The holistic education is a relevant educational proposal, constitutes an opportunity for change in the level that you want to apply, but requires openness and commitment to the real need for transformation.

Ramon Gallegos Nava

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These communities are based on three main principles: collaboration.-This is all work together to achieve a common goal. Learning to learn-the learning should be applied. Community-forming a unity within diversity. Unlike learning communities in dialogues holistas there a default goal nor a leader who Orient such communication, the purpose is to communicate in a meaningful way, listen to each other, in a process where must overcome self-centeredness, where nobody has to impress anyone, where there are no powers to impose the own ideas. This is one of the resources of education holistic where it allows us to develop humility, cooperation, responsibility, respect and participation among students. It must be taken into account that the group is not a matter personal but cultural, although personal and cultural problems are related.

When the dialogue is applied to the field of education results you usually be extraordinary, awaken the genuine values and spirituality shines. CONCLUSIONS the holistic education and spiritual intelligence of Ramon Gallegos Nava are paradigms of the 21st century. Prepares educators to new roles in our current society, living a transition of scientist/industry to a sustainable society. The responsibility to implement the new educational model because you could say that of the darkness in which we have been involved we will entering into a light, where you see things more clearly that we are acquiring a level of consciousness, where we care about our environment and the world in which we live. We are in a great change that is required in education, but we need this new paradigm or educational model landed you go implementing little by little in our schools, that we form a group of new human beings committed to living in harmony and interacting with our fellow human beings. The holistic education recognizes the multiple dimensions of the human being: physical, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional and spiritual, so walk toward the perennial ideal of an individual living in a harmonious planet La education holistic integral is a way of wisdom, love and compassion, is the art of making us aware of our true nature; It is a way of life where we allow long live on us the light of universal love.

Expensive Treatments

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Get ready to receive the secrets of the universe, it has given wealth to many men and women in the world and the most surprising thing is that it does not depend on activity that you perform, or education you have, the past you’ve had or lucky. It depends only on your most essential and deep part. If already started to read this text is to say that you are much better than you really think, many to your around still do not know what to do in their lives or live chained to their negativity, you’re different and that’s the first step. When you finish this process of knowledge which you are immersing you will know in depth the following: how to recognize your most important goals how to familiarize yourself with your own inner self, your essence, your abilities and power hidden how to fill yourself full and abundant confidence, enthusiasm and goodwill how safely maintain the image of your own success and how to live, talk and dream each way with her. The rest is to wait to that glorious things happen the first step is to create in you a sense of wanting to be reborn in a world full of possibilities and break the chains of cursing, Blevins, doubts and others more than they bind your feet to run, your hands to take, your mind to create and your heart to wish. Believe that your reality is not that you have imposed, but that you can create, Yes, create your own reality or way. Quantum physics he speaks of multiple realities that alternate each other depending on the decisions we make, also our thinking and wish emits vibrations to the universe that you attract the things in which you keep a constant vibration, this is the faith of pordes do, up to move mountains.

We were created with a divine creative essence, where an exceptional world and wonderful is waiting to act according to our wishes. You must understand that you are not a body with a mind, a mind that has a body you are. As man thinks in his heart, so is he, i.e. you are what your mind thinks that it is. This step is to discover that there is a potential in you able to overcome every obstacle and take you to the wealth in all its fields. Many are wealthy at the expense of their health, have enough money to pay for expensive treatments. You can also be rich, but what I am asking is to achieve your wealth doing what you like, enjoying a healthy life and an absolute well-being.

If you think it, it will come to you. With which captured the impressions of the outside world through the senses, we turn, analyze and communicate with others, and it is that goes to sleep with our body. There is another level which was dubbed by the author of a fantastic book I had in my hands, which he called mind creative, is the subconscious and is responsible for all the involuntary functions of our body, which keeps us alive by controlling the physiological functions of our body and is in where to host what we really are our most intimate secrets, and the most wonderful thing is that it works 24 hours.