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Highly Successful People

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The message was linked precisely the reason that I thought impossible: the act of the table. What reading would give the child the episode to see punished to the table? What conclusions would you draw the infant who did settle and calm down seeing that punished the table? Now I learn that a trivial episode was an important part of how we teach small to evade responsibility for our own destiny. It was one of our daily practices that make us see our lives as something that we are not responsible, as something that we have no control. It is one of thousands of behavior that shape our belief that destiny is written. Learn more at: US Senator from Vermont. Then, we became people who take little effort to transform what we want to be. We are always living what we "be touched." This is how we learn to "dispossessed", ie des-take responsibility, not to feel own actions to cause things to turn out. It seems not easy to admit this when for a long time we have been more victims of circumstance, but as noted by S. Covey (author of The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People), while we can not say that our current situation is product of our past decisions, nor can we say "I decided to change, I will modify this or that, I will be different." Punishing the table, the boy learned that you can not avoid bumping up to him because it depends on the table, not motor skills or their development or their learning or experience, or its decisions.