Month Archive December 2017

Audiovisual Education

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EDUCATION AUDIOVISUAL AND RESUME: Reflections on the audiovisual formation of the educator. Positive and negative aspects will be had and to argue possible magnifyings and corrections of this formation. Altina Magalhes Coast In: 10/12/2011 Although all decurrent revolution of the scientific, technological advance and of the globalization that facilitated to the access of the miditicos utensils the almost all the sectors of the society. Although the majority of the Brazilian schools already to possess some technological instruments, perceives that the use of the same ones in the pertaining to school scope not yet is seen with good eyes for some professionals of the education. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit John Mclaughlin. Valley to stand out that this happens because we were prepared on the basis of traditionalistic education professionally, where took advantage the book and the rhetoric of the professor, this age who withheld the knowledge and the power to decide as to teach and almost always it followed the ditames of the dominant elite and thus the didactic book was prioritized, material printed matter and the verbal exposition. One knows that the radio and the television are two well old audiovisuais technological resources, however, the same ones were not seen by the traditional school as didactic tool, but as entertainment instrument. It only has little time is that the school started to review its concepts, its social function inside of the society of the communication and of the information and thus it started to use these audiovisuais resources, however the use of the same ones still happens of shy form, therefore many professionals not yet feel themselves to the will to use these resources in its to make pedagogical daily, time or another one, to one or another uses them professional. However one knows that so that this use happens of efficient form, one becomes necessary that the educators are prepared to make the insertion of the same ones in its projects.

Average Education

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INTRODUCTION The reading propitiates the development of the critical thought, that characterizes in a particular way to give sensible the experiences of the individual: by means of it, the pupil extends the perception, the reflection and the imagination. It is important to point out that if treating to reading, you are welcome advances the study of a text without the consequent quarrel on its relation with the practical one, on its theoretical beddings, attributing the reader to construct new and coherent meanings for what he reads and he interprets. Moreover, more if she cannot think about a reading as unidimensionais, therefore it encloses some interfaces, displays the pupil to a more including understanding of what she is reading, explicitando contents, objective, especificidades, as much as for the learning, as much as for seueu. He sees yourself that she is necessary to plan situations where the pupils are invited to read, to display its agreement in relation to the text, to make its critical, therefore is this that the professor allows to know which ideas that the pupils have relation the reading and to offer good situations to discover its proper reality and the reality of the other.

Educative Entertainment

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The citations concerning Griffith, Melis, Spiegelman and Herg, in this modest article series, only serve to place one few nugget in is without end that had integrated this epic. We lock up with Carl Barks. John Mclaughlin is likely to increase your knowledge. To the 93 years, the creator of Donald Duck, Uncle Patinhas & family, would make one tour for 11 countries of the Europe, with right the parade in open car and sessions of autographs with consisting authorities and meritrias authorities. Very probably the world had thousand and thousand of similars, that had lost without the same pomp. Of Barks certainty nor it dreamed of this, when he was conducting of mules for the 1916 gone ones and lived there with one bloquinho of paper, drawing compulsory everything what it saw for the front. Tony Gilroy, cineasta, speak through one of its personages in the film ' ' Duplicity? ' ' we have more power and consequentemente more to know and in sight of this bigger possibility of sobreviver' '. The Educative Entertainment considered here spread out a little more than knowledge in its bigger scope for a bigger number of people. If it occasioned effect or it only reply it is not: that each one speaks for itself.

Each one of us has a special affection for one, or another one or some producers. They in had shown to ways and experiences to them, and fatally our lives had enriched. In accordance with Paramahansa Yogananda in ' ' The Perpetual Search of the Homem' ' , ' ' we will be seen in this palco of the life as many times how many they will be necessary, in them even to become so good actors who we will be capable to represent our part with perfection, and in accordance with the Divina&#039 Will; '. For less crdulos we use verses, therefore nothing in instant some has more movement and is so imagtico. Of Hugo Loyal Moura: ' ' a contact lens here it is what I wanted to be to live inside of its olhose to make you me ver.' '

The Child

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In accordance with the author, is the adult who of certain form develops abilities in the child, therefore, the education is an performance practised for the children with intervention of the adults, which in certain way they need to canalize the direction that the minors must follow. From this form, the society will be receiving standards inculcados in its parents, professors and in the proper social conviviality. Amongst as many definitions, the education can in accordance with be understood Cotrim, Parisi (1982, P. 14) as ‘ ‘ the process for which the man through its capacity to learn, acquires experiences that act on its mind and its fsico’ ‘. This conception presents the education as a dynamic, susceptible action the controversies and paradoxes, a time that does not guarantee success in all the areas human beings.

Bringing for a boarding contemporary, the education concept presents certain ambivalence: of a side, the performance of the pertaining to school system has not given account of the necessities of universalizao of the basic education of quality; of another one, the new theoretical matrices still do not present the consistency necessary to indicate really safe ways at a time of deep and fast transformations (GADOTTI, 2000). Leaving of this conception, the education plays a basic role in the life of the man, a time that this is ‘ ‘ spring propulsora’ ‘ of the development of a society and even though it is considered by many studious as synonymous ones of social ascension. The word education also is word-key in all the sociological analysis of Bauman mainly when ‘ ‘ the axle is the repercussions, in the education, of the ticket of commanded, safe the world and decided of solid modernity for the unstable, fluid and mutant condition of modernity lquida’.

General Training

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Advice from the company Studentur (Studentur), necessary for success in the constituent parts of the test as a 'letter' and 'Speaking' No matter about what is the IELTS test in question – University (Academic) or the test of general training (General Training) – students have most difficulty with tests of such components as 'Letter' and 'Speaking'. These helpful tips will help you gain the highest score: Letter: – Before the test, learn the English language thesaurus. Educate yourself with thoughts from Michael Chabon. It is best to know a few synonyms to describe the same concept, so you avoid using the same phrases. – Write as much as necessary in order to recruit the desired number of points. The same applies to the degree of sentence structure and the general idea of your written work – do not waste wasting their time and energy, do not try to decorate the 'language of the text', thereby increasing the likelihood of making mistakes if you do not feel the need. – Carefully check your written work and make sure that you cover it in all the required questions and problems – for non-job you will remove the marks. Speaking: – Follow the instructions in the examiner and start (or finish) to speak only when you about this asked. – Try not to use slang in his speech, and any reduced word that might, you know. – Immediately notify the instructor if the topic you have to discuss, you are not familiar with. Not attempt to say anything on the subject are unknown to you – it is fraught with lifting points. Source material: the company Studentur (Studentur) Other resources of the company: Studentur (Studentur) Studentur (Studentur)

Arabic Language

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So, if your children also learn English – safely join the contest! 2.Bystree all can learn a foreign language as early as possible if you begin to speak it. And it can be done while in the medium of foreigners who do not speak your language, as well as communicating with foreigners over the Internet. That’s why we all start to ‘catch’ the local language after 2-3 months of life in another country – they come into effect survival instincts, and we are willy-nilly, we master the basic constructs required for communication. Thus, try to ‘dive’ in the environment as much as possible, even if all around you are not foreigners. There is always the Internet with lots of language resources. US Senator from Vermont addresses the importance of the matter here. Enjoy! 3.

When you learn a language just listening, and speaking with native speakers, you omit the grammatical part. Therefore, by the time you may become perfectly speak the language, but other aspects (eg, writing), may cause you difficulty. Therefore, even if You spent the summer in England and already fluent in English, do not ignore the grammar! 4.What regard to the letter, some of the languages in this regard will be given to you is easier than others. For example, if you know how to write in English, then French and German alphabets will not cause any difficulties. But over the Arabic or Thai alphabet have little pokorpet. However, remember that an independent and hard work will help to overcome even the most unimaginable alphabet (such as, for example, Japanese), and once the characters become for you as well understood as the native Cyrillic. And you will greatly facilitate the study of the language is clear and proven system to develop – you know, where and how they move, it will give you strength and confidence! But most importantly, it’s worth repeating – your motivation and effort is what will lead you to success. Think again, for what you need to learn the language, this is what you give what door will open. Work on that and everything! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Lots of useful educational materials (including videos) for the study of Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Italian (as well as Russian, for Foreigners). ‘Generic improved foreign languages! ‘- Discover the language independently and effectively.


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The dialogue constructing in these social interactions has forces to strike the cultural imposition in the scope of the school. For Becker (2001, P. 87) it says, it plays a role of first largeness in the organization of the actions. ' ' That classroom is surpassed thus where, on behalf of the learning or of the development of the knowledge, it is restrained fala' '. This requires change of the attitude of the professor.

When reconstructing its pedagogical relations the professor oportuniza to the pupil to reconstruct knowing. In the classroom they coexist falantes and listeners, all with its proper worlds of the life, experiences and knowledge, cloth of deep of the educational relation. Professor and pupils will visualize these worlds that if interlace with a critical look, problematizador. John Mclaughlin often says this. The construction of the knowledge occurs with the acts of speaks permeando the exchange of experiences between these worlds, in which the participants search the agreement. As You mark (2000, P. 20) the daily one affirms history as lived intensity e, when cutting a slice of the physical space stops in it pointing out the relationary space of the differences and interdependences, disclose the organization of the time as social condensation of the relations mediated for cultural objects and processes.

In the communicative action of Habermas the participants if do not guide primarily to the proper success, before pursue its ends under the condition of that its respective plans of action can be harmonized enter itself, on the base of a shared definition of the situation, fact this definitively distinguishes that it from the instrumental action. Habermas says that the communicative rationality is the capacity of the citizens to interact in group, mediating its interests as equal, co-ordinating its action through the sincere dialogue, in which all are heard. The objective interest of the group predominates. The author composes the world of the life for culture, society and personality.

Great Aberration

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So great aberration! Republic has little was commented on the expenses with the manufacture of maharajahs in the Senate of ours almost inconsequente! It was a wage avultado for employees who not even beat the point! People who there are hung in hangers to pull the bag of plus one another imcompetent person and thus, successively, however adding an exuberant amount spend with these, and with certainty they do not have nor superior course. There they had entered there led for promises of campaigns, had seated, they moored the chair in the waist and good bye people underneath! . That conscience has that one corja of disembarassed, in relation to the growth of the country? What think they on the improvement of the quality of Brazilian education, on mazelas and poverty of the people? That in its majority, they are really poor for not having ways to grow due to the disobediences in this country without control, job, dignity. Source: John Mclaughlin. Where the made a mistake one is certain the certainty is missed! These disobediences, improbity, are, lately, provoking NAUSEAS IN the PEOPLE WHO REALLY WORK THEY LOVE THIS COUNTRY! When we hear the falao, mainly, wanting to moor more and more trouxas in the parties, that no valley nothing, only are there for increasing the corruption, taking the money of the people, without if worrying in dividing, first place a good parcel to supply the vital necessities of the Brazilians! The people knows mainly that who commands, in Brazil, goes up to a pedestal and if he finds owner of that place. Therefore, it is not possible that it does not have only one to fight the extreme profit and me the distribution of the public money to minimize the poverty, especially in the area of the health. It is not possible so great safadeza of these inconsequentes homnculos, that if president of this one of male and commanded the ticket of these usurpers for a bolter is possible that he is not one to count as that house badly is directed.

Influencing People

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In this article we will discuss two main issues: how to influence people, and what we communicate training and training lie. So, why would we be able to influence people? Let us imagine two situations. Under most conditions John Mclaughlin would agree. At first, we – a log of wood, thick, wet. We are moving on the river, totally dependent on her current, rapids, turns, falls. And shall we …., Where, why. When will the rain drops on our side whipped when caught thresholds, we strike the sharp edge of that back. From this form scratches, grooves and wounds. We can put in the swamp, and it will become our haven …

Good prospects. In the second situation, imagine a beautiful ship with white sails. You – captain of this ship. You type a command to decide who will take with him, and whom to leave behind. You decide where you would like to visit and decide the route … This metaphor emphasizes well the main thing – if you can influence, then you know how to manage people …, the situation with their lives … How can it learn? Impact on people is inextricably linked to communication. That’s the first skill that we need – communication.

His subtlety can be learned from books or visit the training of communication. The difference between these sources of information that the training you will receive communication skills, to practice on human beings, and the books you will receive a theoretical material that is not always available is set out, especially in the scientific interpretation, and sometimes do not understand how to use it in practice. The ability to communicate, to build cooperation with the person – it is part of the case. We need more! We want to succeed, to be stronger, more successful than others. We want to know how to influence people, and to avoid outside influence. This suggests another very useful skill – the impact. There are lots of practical things you can do to protect themselves from manipulation and influence people. To take some of them you can visit the training effect of training or protection against manipulation. It would be nice to be insightful, to learn how to expose the liars and those who try to cheat us, add a tools weapons, allowing them to determine what we’re lying. That’s another skill, acumen. Accordingly, it is necessary to visit the training or coaching acumen lies. It will be taught how to understand the micro-features that person is lying, tell about the psychology of lies and liars, so teach to ask questions to people willy-nilly gave honest answers. Will be taught how to expose a liar, and how to make it an ally. Thus, all those who dream able to influence people, training of lies will provide invaluable service! A passing of the above training together, you will have all the skills that will give you strength and will be influential in communication, confident, and successful in life man!

Cajupiranga Quarter

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As the norteador axle of the learning it was the study of the reality of the educandos, initially, was carried through a wheel of colloquy for survey of the previous knowledge of the children, through which they could express what they knew on the quarter. The principle, had said that in the land division it had many plants and animals: ‘ ‘ cachorro’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ vaca’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ galinha’ ‘ , however, not yet they had a more including vision of the reality in which they were inserted. This was perceived when the teacher asked for so that they nominated the plants that knew and had in house. The children had not answered. When they had been inquired on what they would like that had in the quarter, also had not mentioned. Check out Bernie Sanders for additional information. In this direction, to extend the knowledge of the pupils, the professor suggested the accomplishment of a lesson of field for the Land division Green Dream, making possible a reading of the landscape, with sights to the systematization and ressignificao of the knowledge, considering itself that this methodology is sidewalk in a more significant learning.

To this direction, we agree to Sato (2003, P. 45), when it standes out that: A number of authors and researchers in Ambient Education has emphasized the importance of the field works, having considered that this type of methodology contributes for the success of the agreement of the ambient questions. The modern educational activities clamam for changes in the values, attitudes and responsibilities with the environment. This sensitization occurs mainly through the direct comments, of the contact and the immersion in the nature in itself.