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Average Education

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Data-collecting of the educative unit: Monet college Was with a joint action of a commission of certain Christian community that they had approved in March of 1996 under the coordination of a religious leader Luis of France (fictitious name), with the presence of the Departmental one of Education of a net of schools. Philip Tiago (fictitious name), the creation of the School with the fancy name: ' ' Monet&#039 school; ' (fictitious name), from the following year of 1997. Learn more about this with Author. They had been registered that initial year, 18 pupils which had been attended by the one for teachers who had voluntarily donated themselves for this work. During the period that understood of 1997 the 1999 this school took care of the community with voluntary work and total managed by the church with the support of the reliogiosa institution. Only in 2000 that the school took a route more promising, they developed work aiming at the construction of a new school. In October of 2003, the project was approved, being priority, to construct to bathrooms and 04 classrooms in the year of 2004. The school was developed and reached the targets of registers considered for the net of schools each year. From 2004 the 2010 school has advanced in growth to each year in the physical, pedagogical aspect and spiritual.

Today with 815 pupils and 52 employees, 3 pisos with 13 classrooms, direction, treasure-house, reception, coordination of infantile education and basic I, coordination of basic education II, orientation, room for library, laboratory of sciences, room of the professors, square poliesportiva, masculine and feminine patio of recreation, playground, bathrooms, infantile bathroom and canteen, etc. Descriptions of the educative unit the School of the Monet this located in So Lus? Maranho has as clientele pupils of the infantile Education to nineth of Basic Ensino, and Average Education from the year of 2011. Taking care of to the community in the adjacencies of the quarter and members of a local religious community and other quarters.


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