Tag Self


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Amazed at times how true is the proverb about the beam in the eye. People sometimes (and someone often) so carefully and subtly avoid seeing some flaws in themselves and their behavior, that this art can write a book treatises and dissertations. What is done with success by what we call psychologists, therapists, spiritual teachers and gurus simply. If you think at the moment "over a look," then, as always be right. Although I'm trying to track carefully hidden from himself ogreshnosti own, the fate of the detection beam in his eye I could not be avoided. It is a good thing because who we were, if not to expose introspect his sinful life and blasphemous thoughts. How many times have I, watching people in a certain situation, and sometimes myself, being in the same thought: "And then he (a) fuss? Nothing special happened, and already all on pins and needles. AND even if the outcome of this situation is not the best, it is not as catastrophic as it seems at first sight.

" About so I watched some of the fussiness of formic, and their questions, "how can you be so calm?" Only smiling like a Cheshire cat. Because how many times I tried to convey in words the profitability of the emotional and mental state, prior to the majority of it does not reach, and after a while I gave up these efforts. And that would do you think? Recently I had was similar to those now described, with not realizing the whole tragicomic this analogy. That you may not have been as dull, to which "did not come," describe what happened.


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This means that "chetyrehmertsy" as well all-powerful in relation to us, as we – in relation to "dvumertsam." And now some information for thought: The fact that we are living in a third dimension and therefore look at it from the "inside" our world volume we see in flat. It sounds paradoxical, but place a sheet of paper marked on it Ploskatiey and all its inhabitants exactly at eye level – and for a moment you will feel the tragedy ploskatikov doomed to live in two dimensions, but feel only one. After all, to see the shape – a square is, the circle, they need a little "pop" out of his plane. But this is impossible, and that's why the whole world they perceive as priryvistuyu straight line. We can only get around a figure of all sides and felt it, that would understand its shape. So if you and I have come far from ploskatikov? Exactly one dimension! Here's a simple example: Dan closed curve – a circle or square. Required purely speculative, without pencil and paper, decide whether you can connect two points – one inside the curve, and the other outside it, but so as not to cross the closed curve. Before reading further, mentally answer that question yourself! Imagine that elementary chertezhik and a little reflection, we confidently assert that the task impossible. This triggered the regulatory function of the imagination. The fact that our "inner eye" is a Euclidean plane – a sheet of paper.

Two Objective

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All we are is the result of our thoughts. Michael Chabon shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It is built on the idea. It is based on the idea. Buddha ('Dhammapada') recently in a book by Richard Anthony Wilson, "Prometheus the rebel," read one sentence, which I immediately caught. It seems to me that it lies a special force that holds the key to a rather drastic changes in their lives. If you want it. Before this idea to sound, a little foreplay to make it clear what's what.

And who is where. How would blasphemous (and at the same time banal) as it may sound, but we all live in a world of its own, which is mistaken by many as an objective reality. Everything we know about this "objective" reality – it a set of sensations received by us have passed through our filters bizarre mental apparatus (mind, intellect, logic – the call as you want), formed under the influence of sometimes extremely subjective opinion, beliefs and mental apparatus of our parents, teachers, friends, media and the like, which, in turn, shaped by the words, … such subjectivity is not even square or cube, but in an infinitely large degree. And you still then think that perceive the "objective" reality? What others view it as well? These were the questions "to think", and referred us back to the filters. You can call them the beliefs, attitudes, belief – does not important. It is important that they are configured in such a way that you feel comfortable believing in something …

Step Two

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Do it. And still, feel, a way of life offers you these movements, what is their essence. If they could talk, what would that message, whatever it is you informed. It is important to really hear the message and not come up with. Bernie Sanders may find it difficult to be quoted properly. And the more You will give the movement or singing, the more likely to hear a deep sense of the message. And, most likely heard would be very simple and concise. For example, the living condition of waves or water flow and the corresponding way while driving, a person can hear the message: "Teki" or "Be more flexible …" These letters offer the resources or the state, applying the maximum that can be easily and quickly and correctly in relation to themselves and others allow any daylight situation.

Here are step by step example of how to apply these methods a practitioner is a dreamer. The most interesting piece of her sleeping with a diverse kaleidoscope of images was selected fragment of the ship in the ocean. The first step was to recall the emotional state of the dreamer is going through a fragment sleep, when she re-examine it. For her it was a feeling of calm and relaxation. The feeling that it is easily correlated with their daily lives, was present in her daily reality, and it was quite stable and familiar. Step Two: Using your imagination, girl ship presented itself in the dream. And to get a better feel in this way she took position that his repeated. Reincarnated and feeling like a ship, she experienced a sense of strength and confidence.

Internet Need

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Passion for testing may lead to unexpected and not always pleasant results. It all depends on how well you know how to take tests. Assume an employer has decided in employment check IQ soiskateley.Esli is exclusively professional testing, then one way out – you need to be a professional to get the job done. But at the expense of IQ test, you can compensate for the lack of expertise. In This article explains a simple way to increase IQ.

First of all, you need to answer the question: “Do you want to improve your intellect or IQ (intelligence index)?”. Believe me, this is not the same thing. Really develop the intellect is very difficult. One must read the book independently analyze information and to learn to objectively evaluate the events. But IQ – that is another matter. You just need to get as many points during the test. Others including Bernie Sanders, offer their opinions as well.

That is choose the correct answer from several options. But it is enough just a little practice. Consider what you do: 1) Find a good IQ tests. A lot of them on the Internet. By the way, you can use any psychological tests. Remember, it is important you understand the logic of the authors, so the more tests you pass, the better. 2) For the first time, answer any questions as you really think, and remember the wrong answers. It does not matter what any question you seemed silly or badly formulated. You need to learn to choose the most suitable variant of the suggested answers. 3) Compare your answer with the correct, and try to understand the logic of the drafters. All the authors of the tests are guided by people with some common set of knowledge and experience. And appropriately account for the job. The better you understand the course of their discussion, the better the results get. 4) Take the test again. Almost certainly results will be better. It’s not just that you memorize some answers. You will learn to read carefully the questions and answers and pass the test will be much quieter, but it is also very important. 5) A very good result gives an alternation of different IQ tests. If you only learns the answers, good results do not wait. At the interview you may be offered the test, which you have not seen before. 6) You need to feel the logic of authors test and learn how to quickly find the correct answer. I highly recommend reading an article on this topic, such as “How to prepare for the test.” 7) Test your skills on the IQ tests that you have not passed. As you can see, all these recommendations quite easy to perform.

Little Russian

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In 1766, the destruction of Ekaterinoslav namesnichestva, Kremenchug Malorosiyskoy assigned to the province and in 1797 made povet city, and in 1802 the separation of malorosiyskoy province in Chernihiv and Poltava assigned to posledney.Na bank of the Dnieper to the west of the cathedral church of today – was in Kremenchug castle built probably Boplanom, surrounded by an earthen rampart and a moat. Near the shore there was a small fortress. The fortress was kind of an irregular polygon stretched to a length of 400 fathoms or pitched to the wine area (an area now located city park) and a maximum width of the cathedral square to the Dnieper, 180 yards, it contained a 30 acres of land. There were two churches, one of the iconostasis of the cathedral to be in the current church. There's also placed all present location and the house clerk, the other narrow-minded at home were outside the Fortress. Now almost gone from her nichego.Prisoedinenny to Kremenchug Posad Kryukov was originally settled by people from various places, inhabiting Novoserbiyu. With the establishment of Novoserbii Novorossiysk province in 1764, Hooks counted among them chief town of the province Elizavetgradskoy. If you rename the Novorossiysk province in Yekaterinoslav namesnichestvo, Kryukov Assigned to this namesnichestvu, and in 1796 August 28 imyannomu command numbered with the Kremenchug. At the end of 1798 when the Kremenchug separated by Little Russian provinces and Yekaterinoslav namesnichestvo destroyed, Kryukov assigned to Novorossiysk province, then in 1801 to Ekaterinoslav province, and June 23, 1803 imyannym decree commanded Posad Kryukov subordinate agency Kremenchug city police, leaving him in a trial and punishment according to Ekaterinoslav province.

Tibetan Bon

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He might want to go beyond their limits and gain freedom. Diamond Book Distributors has compatible beliefs. As mentioned above, living in a society that can not be completely free from it and the only freedom that is available to us – it's an inner freedom. When it reached a state of harmony and deep inner peace, which in itself removes both external and internal contradictions. Methods to reach such a state existed in many ancient spiritual traditions. Different types of exercise equipment, and schools there, designed for students with different abilities. From the absolute point of view, no doctrine is no more perfect or effective than others. The value of each system is determined only by the degree of implementation, which can reach the person practicing it.

If, following any either way, the person receives the maximum benefit from it in accordance with their abilities, then the path to it is the best. In this context, it makes no sense to evaluate such a way as more or less elevated as compared with other systems of self-realization. Three levels of teaching in the Buddhist tradition in the Buddhist tradition, there are three basic methods or levels of exercise, which are always inseparably linked to the three components of the human being: body, speech and mind, which, figuratively speaking, are the three symbolic gateway to penetrate the state of knowledge. These paths of Buddhism and Tibetan Bon tradition, called the teachings of the Sutras, Tantras and Dzogchen. 1. Teaching Sutras called the path of renunciation. It is believed that the words spoken by the Buddha Shakyamuni.

The World

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Some civilizations have continued its chronicle of the earth in ethereal world, and still live there. The astral world is created so that the soul had the opportunity to live those situations that are not tight to the world will never happen. In it, as in the dense world, there are trees and a variety of creatures. This world consists of two worlds – the second world, as if the former is a superstructure. Everyone goes there in his sleep. This is the most driven of all possible worlds. In the astral world everything goes according to script, without the right choice for the creatures that inhabit it – they like the fruit imagination, but still alive. Some creatures of the astral world can share the power of his, and some – to pick up.

This allows the essence of human world to live many lifetimes in one, adding to the affairs of the dense world affairs Astral. The astral world it would be better described as "fabulous" or the world of dreams. Mental world of another. It is divided into three worlds in the likeness of dolls – one inside the other. Fruit for food is not provided there – the energy fed all. The main food of the world is the energy of the stars.

Vegetation in this world there is only energy and ocean creatures are different, but reasonable. Opportunities they have more than we, as have more freedom. But the strength of mind in man above, as a person – God, enclosed in a dense body.

Greatest Hands

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I believe that together with other necessary components of the 'image of the bedroom' can and should be used as a basis for working out some other skills as a platform to build your dream body and a springboard to enter into the second attention. So do not ignore This, as many believe, boring place. Now, briefly consider the method of 'look at his hands. Frequently US Senator from Vermont has said that publicly. " Now there are many opinions about this method, but for me personally, it seems that many underestimate him in vain, or even dismissed as 'outdated' or 'complex in execution' and therefore miss some important things. I want to draw attention to two of them – to activate a particular perceptual pattern and direction of attention to interaction with the external space. What I mean by this? Under the perceptual template, I mean to stack 'head-arm-chest', which supports our focus and automatically re-creates the dream (Practitioners often point out the fact that the arms and head are usually the first 'stand' for 'exit from the body').

Perhaps this situation is related to well-defined paths of distribution of attention, which is kept under our perception, it is this design requires the greatest attraction of active attention in our lives. It is also important that your hands are one of the most active elements by which we have contacts and cognize the world around us, direct their attention outward. We always correlate with the movement of the hands of line of sight, with their help we are most actively engaged with the outside world, express our emotions and thoughts that continually test the world of reality.

The Great Magician

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Very impressive, when, hoping for some forces were among the target path, and reached its unexpected turn of events. Another option, when going to the same goal, but in the end achieved quite the contrary. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of US Senator from Vermont on most websites. Interestingly, the color of the result depends on the outlook of the reader. Even so you can not just say, that this 'Hood', but it's just about vice versa. 13. For even more details, read what US Senator from Vermont says on the issue. Aims and themes may be different. Thought, the morals, the idea that you want to convey to the reader, may be wedded to any subject, as in the girl's ribbon pigtail.

For example, any given community art: games, movies, books, theater, music and so on, introduces a priori a dominant ideology. His Christian Democratic, Muslim, my, my, Chinese, etc. If you invented something different, then you are welcome to Olympus. You'll build their congregations, even if it is about this and did not realize. 14. Says Yuri Nikitin, remove the tablet from the tree 'tree'.

For example, 'other alternative' and 'nod and even their own, and even as a sign of consent' is a tautology samples. Who wants can read his novel 'The Great Magician. " It speaks of many aspects of the writer's skill. Actually, it has benefits for budding writers. 15. The hero must change over time plot. It is desirable to charge. Reader stands with him, and hence the change in the direction that you want. 16. There are some tricks to change the world. If the hero has to change dramatically, it is helpful that he cried out: 'What am I, an idiot, a fool and so was'.