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Here is a reality for you that you have your store on the web: the majority of people who for some reason enters your store online, is not to buy things, but to find free information. But you don’t give up, this can be great news if you write free articles. It means that you have a technique that you can connect and use if you need more traffic. Writing articles is one of the ways faster and easier to carry traffic directed to your home page. Your items will bring traffic from 3 sources: 1) search engines: the URL in the resource box increases the popularity of your link, your PageRank and this results in major search engines for your website. (2) Newsletters: There are very few ezine editors that write their own content. They need people like us-free articles. (3) Home pages: webmasters want to content-rich web sites.

They also need your articles to publish on their sites. These are some tips and tricks to get more traffic and more visitors with your items: 1. review your items with SpamAssassin. So you can be sure that Spamkillers will not erase your items. 2. Do not put a date on your rights as author of the article the articles that I wrote two years ago still may be relevant, but if the author says 2003, publishers believe that the information is out of date. 3 Send your items to the lists of items.

4 Start your article with a sentence that captures your reader’s attention. Surfers are bombarded with information on the Internet: they will decide if they read your article in the first sentence, if it intrigues them, surprise them, excites them, or on the contrary if they feel challenged to stop reading. 5 Create a my items list for people who want to receive your latest articles. Place a registration form on your web site and your visitors are invited to join. 6 Creates a zip file containing all your previous articles as text or HTML files. Publish the link of download on your website, in your signature file, your autoresponder and click your newsletter. 7 Write your resource box in the third person and not in the form of an announcement: there will be editors Ezine that they like your articles, but your box of the resource instead rejects them publish them. 8 Send your articles to all the directories of online articles that you can find. Get a Google search with article directory and publish the article for free. 9. When you submit your articles to the article lists, include the URL of your article and / or home page. 10 Also includes the address of your automatic response article. That is all the information you need to get more traffic with your articles! By an effective entrepreneurship.


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