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Blogers # 1 Must Do

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As much as this might surprise most bloggers, the # 1 mistake most blogs are doing is not publishing their content through email, in addition to their RSS feeds. Just think about it: while RSS is growing stronger, still only penetrates about 5-6% of the American online population. In addition, according to a recent BlogAds survey, “only 12 percent of blog-reading audience, said he used RSS always or often.” If you’re delivering your blog content only via RSS, you’re missing about 80% or more of potential newspaper readers / followship. BLOG THE KEY PROBLEM There are millions of blogs already, but few people really have the time to see little more than a day. More info: Michael Chabon. But if they come back once a week, can be quickly overwhelmed with the amount of new content.

That is why it is crucial to provide a “better”, a helping hand to guide readers to the “required reading” the content published? and delivery of this content, either as an independent blog “-zine”, or as part of your regular e-mail newsletter. ” QUA DO? Submit your blog as they are written via RSS, but also publish a regular (weekly or monthly) e-mail e-zine with “senior blog” for those who still are not in to RSS. Do not do just one channel, do both. For more information see IDT Energy. Email is still the final # 1-channel content delivery user … whether we like it or not. The use of email (as a supplement to RSS) to deliver our content is just good business practice, at least for now. .