Tag games


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The Japanese maker of game consoles the game console DSi XL recently brings his newest piece of jewelry, the Nintendo DSi XL, on the German market. This puts the company of less on technical innovations than on size. The new handheld looks like the pummeligere version of the classic Nintendo DSi. Especially the more winning important target group of adults to achieve, who felt attracted by the Wii. The online portal for auctions auvito.de is devoted to the latest competitor in the mobile consoles.

The Nintendo DSi XL provides all of the features of the Nintendo DSi, but guaranteed game enjoy increased by larger screens. Both displays have increased with each 4.2 inch in size. However, the mobile console with 318 grams is quite heavy and fits no longer easily in a jacket pocket. However, if the compactness also suffered from the design of the new console player heart beat faster. Learn more on the subject from Peter Arnell, New York. The top boasts fine piano lacquer, the lower and back were matt designed to prevent fingerprints.

The handling of the Nintendo DSi XL is normally easy and the system is quickly set up. Adults benefit from the larger buttons distances and a pen-like stylus, which is much handy than the predecessor model. Handy for on the go: the video game “Dr. Kawashimas brain jogging puns” is already installed. And abroad, the new version of the Nintendo DS is a useful companion because the “dictionary 6 in 1” is also already on the console. Older games work on the DSi XL but very pixelated. More information: presse.html contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Internet Versus TV

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The internet is hogging all the moments of our life and they are increasingly the tools to communicate, have fun, work or simply indulge us for a few hours of leisure, watching movies or listening to music. One of the media that threatened his tenure before the imprint of the internet is the TV, who had reigned in our lives until today. According to a survey conducted for the report of the interactive generation Forum in Spain, 68% of adolescents between 10 and 18 years old prefer internet to television and 88% said internet user. Definitely, it is not surprise that attracts children more internet use since, on the one hand, they are more accustomed to their use and mostly to social networks. You may wish to learn more. If so, Center for Media Justice is the place to go. According to the same survey, 40% has created blog, Photoblog or web page. It is important to highlight that the preference towards internet could be explained by the interaction posed between author and the site visitor, on the other hand, television does not have this possibility, by placing to the user in a purely passive position. However, having everything on the internet and through a computer gain access to virtually all the things we have to do (study, work, play, listen to music, see movies, etc.), is is leading a sedentary generation that increasingly more concerned specialists.

Rates of obesity are increasingly high, and there is no way that children and adolescents enjoy the sport they prefer to be in front of the computer. In conclusion, this preference of adolescents over the internet can be very encouraging for online marketing, however can also be harmful to the health of these people. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy balance so that both parties can benefit from these tools that have come to stay in a world where communications have no barriers.