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Achieve Financial Independence

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The important point is the essence of life that must themselves understand one very important point, success has not come to you, you yourself must achieve it. This assertion is confirmed by successful people who achieved their goals. O’Malley for President is often quoted as being for or against this. Believe me, I was a lot of them and will need tens of thousands of pages to list all the names. But the important thing is that they all rushed to their purpose: overcoming the obstacles in its path, taking difficult decisions and risk taking responsibility for their actions, is these elements and allow them to achieve success and prosperity. So with the help of what can be successful. The answer is simple, there are only three classes, thanks to which, you can become the master their lives and receive residual income, even though what you are doing at any given time. Master of his life, in this concept I put people who simultaneously and independently owned by the following components: success: time, money and power. Here are the ways: 1) become a successful creative person (here, I'll take the great authors of famous musicians and singers, athletes, etc.) – people who receive fees for its work. For example, musician, recorded an album or the author published a book, and while these things are sold, they get royalties from the publisher. 2) engage an investment – is needed rather weighty initial investment and if you do not have a large capital or business that is profitable it becomes a problem and pushes your success for a sufficiently long period of time.

Character and Personality

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Roughly speaking, character is a combination of your decisions and choices that you make every day. Since then, from this day forward, always remember: The leader determine its validity and decisions that directly affect the formation of solid character. In fact, finding out the person has leadership qualities or not is quite simple. Leader always makes decisions quickly and begins to embody the ideas immediately. The man who has no leadership qualities – 300 times would consult with someone, and then think of a couple of months In the end, come to what someone else has already taken advantage of this opportunity or to implement such an idea to practice and reaping the benefits. At this point, enter it a habit to make decisions quickly, deliberately, but in any event not under the influence of emotions. And even if your decisions and your choices will ultimately not the best – not upset! You made a choice! You try it! You have committed the action! All the most famous and successful leaders were wrong a thousand times, but they kept trying and it led them to the target! Do not be those who constantly something feared and waiting! Be the one who constantly tries and does! There is another reason why you should have a strong character.

In the world there are many examples of very talented people to achieve in a certain area of tremendous success, but eventually come to the fact that they simply lost their heads and fell even lower than they were at one time. And all this for one reason: they had a weak character. To, and you have not experienced the same thing, you should have a simple iron character to you are not able to act is no stress and failure. So, ask yourself: whether you say action? Have all the cases to the end? Is it always keeps its word? Can people completely trust you? If you’re in a people, the most important thing is just your character. To improve your character, proceed as follows: 1. Look for gaps. Spend some time carefully Review key areas of your life (family, work, friends) and find those situations where you allow yourself to something does not finish, someone to cheat or just do not keep promises.

Record the data situation. 2. Try to find patterns between these situations. After thinking for a while, you specify any one or two features that you do not like. Examine them carefully. 3. Acknowledge all your mistakes and do everything possible to eliminate their consequences. 4. Now that you’ve identified those areas where you have weaknesses, develop a plan that will prevent you repeating the same mistakes and follow the plan. And remember, most importantly in the formation of a solid character – the daily effort! Daily practice! Daily control over their decisions! If you train every day and deal with myself – I guarantee you that soon you will have a strong character, which will change your life for the better!