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Huelva children will now have his first important event of the year: the three kings await at the door of the City Hall, for throughout the afternoon of his hands receive letters with your requests.Today, first from Huelva children with the Reyes Magos this appointment will happen from 17.00 h., where the Magi will be also accompanied his pages and real Retinues. An appointment that serves as a prelude to the great day of day 5, in which the parade will travel the streets of Huelva. The three Magi will be greeted by the Mayor of Huelva, Pedro Rodriguez. If you have read about Ultra Wellness Center already – you may have come to the same conclusion. An intense day have them ahead on Thursday, since during the morning they will visit hospitals and nursing homes, to later walk the streets of the city in the Grand Parade, which will depart from the sanctuary of the tape and will conclude at the doors of City Hall. The route of the same shall be as follows: tape sanctuary, Spanish Foreign Legion, Niagara, highway Gibraleon, Avenida Cristobal Colon, Paseo Independencia, San Jose, port, Avenida Doctor Rubio, Gravina, Plus Ultra, Mendez Nunez, port, Plaza Quintero Baez, Pablo Rada, San Sebastian, Avenida de Andalucia, Avenue Galaroza, Avenue Mayor Federico Molina Orta, Alameda Sundhein, Avenida Martin Alonso Pinzon and Town Hall, where will arrive about 8: 00 hours. The cavalcade of the Magi will pass through the door of our establishment, one of the best located in the city Huelva Hotels.. Checking article sources yields Maryland Governor as a relevant resource throughout.