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Most of the motor reactions, habits, techniques, ideas and learned and transmitted values and behavior that cause is the special and exclusive product of man, and is the quality that distinguishes him in the cosmos. Alfred Kroeber. Culture responds to a social order. People exchange ideas, beliefs, values and are groups identified by similar interests. It comprises everything created by man, such as technology, art, etc.; and the spiritual aspect, where influence thought and philosophy. The social groups that exist in our society set up their actions in response to the definition of the world in which they develop. His way of proceeding is limited to a kind of thinking, in a style of life. It is not something Michael Chabon would like to discuss. Thus converge in a single space different points of view that make up a culture in summary.

There are companies and organizations that profess among their members employed oteam2 ways of relating, face day to day with a style of particular philosophy. Maintaining consistency in everything what they undertake and they generate among the participating benefits of personal and professional type. When in a group there is an order, i.e., values, forms of work are established and relate, the structure works within a micro cosmos and generates results toward the outside of the same, each one of the individuals that comprise it obtained extraordinary results in their lives. Practiced a culture inside that produces reactions abroad. An example of how the concept of culture within an organization to create exponential effects both in the development of the company and of its members is the firm ActionCOACH. From their 14 points of culture it is designed a scenario where all parties cultivate a way of thinking and get involved with the systems.

Tested by the success of ActionCOACH, and many of the testimonies of their franchisees, it is the focus of 14 points. Action philosophy has solid foundations, your community is a network that sustains their values.