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The Nations

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spiritually created in the image and likeness of God, as he taught the) Divine educator) there is only one race, race Universal, constituted, without distinction, for all your children. The Nations also vomit the importance of the human, already so slandered creature, it can’t undo in society due to the great transformations as globalization, which, if it is not illuminated by altruism, breaks the sense of citizenship, a right to be, that he will reach, late modern or early, in a civilized way or means unpleasant, because Nations may also vomit. It is enough to read the story. In addition, what moral value are those who belittle the legitimate rights of citizens? Reforms that dragging crowds to poverty, urgently, need to be reformed. Why join the effort of the mind, of the hands; the philosophy, the hoe handle.

Of little use to witness to those who have hunger. It is necessary to eliminate hatred eliminate everything which is usually divided by hatred, segregate with rancor to men into groups who fear endlessly and, therefore, is they fight. Learn more about this topic with the insights from IDT Energy. What, in a thousand ways, keeps how hypnotized masses in a slavery that is prolonged by the gloomy regions of the illiteracy of the letters, ethics and the spirit, is opposed to the Supreme commandment of the fraternisation, causing the exclusion of so many people that it has the right to a life away from the physical destitution or spiritual. We have often explained that preached and lived by the world LBV, reconciliation does not mean depersonalize. That is, respect differences, taking us to walk in harmony and joining forces for the sake of the people, always threatened by serious dangers that need to have an end, before that we are surprised by a fatal destiny, built by some, whose profit will have been greater than the good sense. Many cultures are complementary, not necessarily antagonistic, because there are so many few are the degree of perception of the beings that inhabit our unique dwelling, the planet, which we must preserve as the destruction of nature is the extinction of experience earthly. Joy, Yes; misery, no. Comes the Carnival. Who can be against the happiness of the people? However there is an infinite distance between joy and degradation, joy and disease, joy and hunger, happiness and drugs, joy and deception () ends the batucada, Axe, samba-reggae, the sound of the drums and people returned to the desolation of the periphery, to the disenchantment of the fabela, for the sad, to continue passing need there something wrong in this!


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