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CGM Consumer Generated Media

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In opposition what it happens with softwares traditional, in boxes that can be placed in gondolas, with installers and dependents of an operational system, these applicatory ones can be brought up to date of constant, linear form. In the case of updates of security and performance, for example, the user of the application immediately it would be benefited without exactly taking knowledge. O' Reilly (2006, official notice in lecture). The content of the websites also suffered an enormous impact with Web 2,0, giving to the user the possibility to participate, generating and organizing the information. Exactly when the content is not generated by the users, this can be enriched through commentaries, evaluation, or personalization.

What it happens with blogs and sites of notice with space for commentaries. This method of content production also is called CGM Consumer Generated Media or media generated for the consumer is an used term to describe the content that is created and divulged for the proper consumer. With the sprouting of the Internet and the advance of the digital technologies, in the same way that the access of the consumers to the information had a significant increase, it also increased the easiness of the consumers in expressing its opinions. In the Internet the CGM is present in commentaries, fruns, list of quarrels, blogs and fotologs, participativos communities, groups, sites, in the YouTube, the proper Wikipedia. The consumers use all the available tools (Messenger, sites, blogs, e-mails, messages, cellular, etc.) to divulge, over all, its personal experiences and opinions in relation the products, services, marks, companies, notice.

(BLACKSHAW. 2009,). As well as it happened with the mouth-the-mouth, the CGM tends to have a greater to be able of influence on other consumers of what the traditional medias, therefore they tend to pass more credibility. The difference is that, with the available technology. Some companies already are stimulating the practical one of the CGM next to its consumers.


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