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The key to all successful website is the maximum quality content are sites where we hope to make money from adsense or any affiliate program. Many webmaster have focused on generating revenue with adsense, use items on other people to build sites of different thematic in a very short time, instead of creating their own content, this is understandable because they write content for web paguina time consuming . While this is a practice allowed in the long run original content and only won about duplicate content … But why? Consider the difference … is that original content is written by a person for their website or, failing that is only used by a small group of people. Everest capital often expresses his thoughts on the topic. While duplicate content is used by tens, hundreds or perhaps thousands of people, as happens with the items "stuck" in different articles directories, which can be copied and used by anyone in any website. There is fear in some webmaster about using duplicate content on your website, it is assumed that Search engines penalize the use of these articles, whether they consider your site and make them irrelevant to the end of search results or your site will definitely be banned, ie busquea engine (like Google) that erased site and its database so that site will never be found when users conduct their searches. Personally, I think this fear is exaggerated, I do not think Google decided to ban everyone using duplicate content, if so, would have to start with the big news sites content which accuse each other.


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