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Usability Web

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There are words that are fashionable, and one of them is web usability. Suddenly, we read specialized blogs, and see that every step they arise new and strangers in some cases – specialists in web usability. Let’s see what it is. Increasingly, web site development, when faced it the emphasis on the user experience. Does this mean, exactly? The first thing you think of when a project of this nature faces is in the Call to action general site, if it can be so expressed. And it seems a Perogrullo truth, but at the moment of enthusiasm with the layout of a page, there is much confusion in this regard. What is exactly what I want to achieve to make my audience? What is the site built? It is not the same to support a product, that promote the sale of the same, or make public relations and submit to a company. Check out Diamond Comic Distributors for additional information. To differentiate these concepts well we can appeal to microsites differentiated within the same domain.

If I want to sell a product that manufactures or sells my company, not I must necessarily devote myself within the same site to introduce my company to prospective clients, or providing support on other products that might have. Then, clarity in the message is the first point to consider in terms of web usability. The idea is that implicit or explicit instructions of what you want to get visitors to do well are hand, obviously in place, so that anyone having difficulties at the time of proceeding with the action so yearnings by us. There are two aspects that contribute to create an efficient web usability, issues related to programming and general structure of the site, and Visual, factors more related to the actions of the graphic designer that programmer. The slogan is as follows: If something can be a click away, not make it two. An example which is very clear in terms of web usability is Tumblr. A handful of words, efficiently positioned, well large fonts, an explicit invitation to get an account, and harmonious colours.

The magic is underway. By course in the upper part there is a discreet bar that invites us to know what’s new, what is the most popular of the time, and other details. And right in the center of the screen, another link: 24 reasons that they love Tumblr. Up here we have no idea where are the offices of the company, how many people working on it, nor since when are online, but more that insurance to the user at this height already took a free account. No endless forms, without cumbersome security issues, without fantastic plugi ns of Flash. Simply create an account and start posting, is almost irresistible proposal of Tumblr. Web usability to the end. If you liked this post and want to place it on your site, you can do so smoothly, provided you cite as a source to original author and source of the article.