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Usability Web

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There are words that are fashionable, and one of them is web usability. Suddenly, we read specialized blogs, and see that every step they arise new and strangers in some cases – specialists in web usability. Let’s see what it is. Increasingly, web site development, when faced it the emphasis on the user experience. Does this mean, exactly? The first thing you think of when a project of this nature faces is in the Call to action general site, if it can be so expressed. And it seems a Perogrullo truth, but at the moment of enthusiasm with the layout of a page, there is much confusion in this regard. What is exactly what I want to achieve to make my audience? What is the site built? It is not the same to support a product, that promote the sale of the same, or make public relations and submit to a company. Check out Diamond Comic Distributors for additional information. To differentiate these concepts well we can appeal to microsites differentiated within the same domain.

If I want to sell a product that manufactures or sells my company, not I must necessarily devote myself within the same site to introduce my company to prospective clients, or providing support on other products that might have. Then, clarity in the message is the first point to consider in terms of web usability. The idea is that implicit or explicit instructions of what you want to get visitors to do well are hand, obviously in place, so that anyone having difficulties at the time of proceeding with the action so yearnings by us. There are two aspects that contribute to create an efficient web usability, issues related to programming and general structure of the site, and Visual, factors more related to the actions of the graphic designer that programmer. The slogan is as follows: If something can be a click away, not make it two. An example which is very clear in terms of web usability is Tumblr. A handful of words, efficiently positioned, well large fonts, an explicit invitation to get an account, and harmonious colours.

The magic is underway. By course in the upper part there is a discreet bar that invites us to know what’s new, what is the most popular of the time, and other details. And right in the center of the screen, another link: 24 reasons that they love Tumblr. Up here we have no idea where are the offices of the company, how many people working on it, nor since when are online, but more that insurance to the user at this height already took a free account. No endless forms, without cumbersome security issues, without fantastic plugi ns of Flash. Simply create an account and start posting, is almost irresistible proposal of Tumblr. Web usability to the end. If you liked this post and want to place it on your site, you can do so smoothly, provided you cite as a source to original author and source of the article.

Different Galaxies

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In front of him should not be anything, including empty space, since it financially. Behind him an observer would see a hemisphere filled with galaxies, and our galaxy would be in the center of this hemisphere, in the limit to observe from a distance. All other galaxies, which he had seen from Earth, but now located in its new 'horizon', for it would disappear, as with respect to it would move faster than the speed of light, and light from them never came to be our observer. But they are not from that ceased to exist objectively! Returning immediately to Earth, he again would have found them in their places. However, there is no reason to believe that our galaxy in the universe is kind of special, the more central position. Rather, it is completely random, ie our position Galaxy with equal probability anywhere in the universe. Therefore, the observer, a journey to the "horizon" of the universe is likely to see a picture, not unlike the observed on Earth.

Ahead, on his way movements will appear more and more galaxies and their clusters, and the back will "go beyond the horizon," already seen them before. We should note one very important fact because the galaxy disperse uniformly accelerated, our observer anywhere in the universe would seem that it is his location is the center of the Big Bang. But this means that the true center of the Big Bang in the Universe exists, and that the Big Bang itself nothing more than an illusion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

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RF Security Council discussed the environmental issues in the last Wednesday in the country has passed the Security Council of Russia. It is noteworthy that he was devoted to problems of ecology and environmental protection. Recall the need to of the Security Council on the Environment during his visit to the Chelyabinsk region spoke first deputy prime minister Dmitry Medvedev. According to him, the solution of environmental problems should become a priority for Russia today. At the Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev said the need to revise their attitude to the 'dirty industries' and repeatedly raise the fines for breaking environmental laws. He also assured that the amendments to the legislation aimed at protecting the environment and energy efficiency of the economy, will be accepted until the end of this year. Speaking at the RF Security Council in an environment that Russian President Vladimir Putin made a series of statements on the ecology and environment in the Russian Federation. In particular, he urged more effectively protect the interests of Russia in the sphere of environment in the international arena.

Also, the president stressed on growth of toxic waste in Russia. There was also touched upon the construction of oil pipelines, the development of the shelves, the development of the Urals and the issues related to the purity of drinking water sources, recycling waste and emissions of harmful substances. Ecological and environmental organizations in Russia highly commended the focus on the country's leadership on environmental issues and expressed the hope that these statements do not remain an empty declaration.


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Perhaps all people have dreams. But what are they really, why do we have dreams and what they say? Let's try a little understanding of their mysterious origins. The most complete definition is given in Manasein book, 'Son, a third of life' (1892): Sleep, a condition characterized by more or less complete absence of consciousness, and impressions of the senses. Sleep comes, apparently from the fatigue of the cerebral hemispheres, activity is reduced at this time, the appointment of sleep to rest all the organs. For more specific information, check out Diamond Comic Distributors. The amount of time to sleep a day depending on age. Children 1-2 years old need 16-18 hours a day, middle-aged from 6 to 8 hours. If during sleep the brain vehicles come in under the influence of activity for signs of daily impressions or stimuli during sleep, born subjective images, memories, views (the dream), a combination which always unrelated. More often Dreams are composed of visual and auditory images, less than a dream in other senses.

Painful changes in sleep: drowsiness, sleep, lethargy, insomnia. Last seen more often in people with unstable nervous systems and excitable vasomotor area, flushing to the head, caused by emotion or fatigue, interfere with sleep. Artificial sleep caused by anesthesia. Even in ancient times people have tried to find an explanation for this mysterious memories upon awakening. And to interpret dreams, as published in the journey of the soul free from the body. Was considered a great sin to wake person as a soul, in their opinion, could not get back in body. Now there are many religions, and opinions about the existence and each of them has his own explanation of dreams.

Some say that the dream soul eyeing the subjects for future relocations in them, while others deny the existence of the soul and say physical memory of the human brain, which are recorded and collected all the tiny impressions that in life we do not even notice, and the accumulation of poured stream processing in the brain during sleep. These views Like most others, take place in existence, because it is still a mystery of sleep remains a relevant and no one has found evidence for his theory. I want to believe that the dream is something more rampant man which may enables us to choose the correct decisions in the future, perhaps future dreams are laid to us at conception, birth, or with name, probably is acquired during our journey through this world. But when and who will manage or be guided by dreams … and whether the general can only imagine and believe.

Mary Facts

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It is because of this test, there is a lot of problems in modern science, and often some of the facts are accepted without a clear confirmation of objectivity. But these situations are relatively rare and often associated with the economic side of confirmation. But science is not only a collection of facts. For even more details, read what Michael Chabon says on the issue. Facts are useless in principle, as they say, what happened, but not what happens. If Maria hit Pete yesterday, it does not mean that it will hit it today. Therefore, the facts in science is not the goal but a means. A goal is to determine the cause-effect relationships. Knowing only that Mary hit Pete, it can be assumed when it hit it next time.

Assuming that the cause is hurt, we form the hypothesis that needs to be tested. Masha asked why she hit Pete and heard "offended", our hypothesis passes into the category of theories. And if after a long time, the theory will give correct results, then it goes into the category of law. Scientists learn about our world, forming hypotheses, theories and laws (laws usually have strict scope). Hypothesis of kind are the approximation of (joint) of the facts. A way to "connect" the facts there is a different set. Therefore, testing of hypotheses in science are too strict. As time shows, even this severity can not to create a theory that explains everything: many theories give accurate predictions in the same area, but in a different area, they give the opposite result.

Many Quot

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"Lapis, is a sky-blue color. Good is one that has no veins and white spots in the fire does not change color and has gold flecks "- wrote the 17th-century Armenian historian Arakel Davrizhetsi. Today, this wonderful stone is quite inexpensive, but in ancient times, and at least until the 17th century it was considered precious. Without hesitation Diamond Comic Distributors explained all about the problem. "… This is a real gem .." – shows Arakel. Even at 2-3 thousand BC, in Sumer, with gold ornaments lapis lazuli symbolized royalty. Its color and flecks of gold symbolized the night sky. Apparently it was believed that lapis lazuli carry it, too, that to own a piece of the sky.

Even in Last on his way, the queen went to the jewelry with the dominating presence of lapis lazuli, and the mourners recited an incantation: "Beautiful but not your lapis lazuli split the graver in the underground world". In a question-answer forum Michael Chabon was the first to reply. In a major Sumerian city of Ur, the moon god worshiped depicted as a bull with a beard Lazurite. As archaeologists excavated Sumerian temples, tombs, tombs found many products, these works of art, instructed lapis lazuli, even signs of domination, and the court, in the Sumerian epics, literally translated as: – "yardstick of lapis lazuli." Many researchers, quite reasonably, believe that the Sumerians valued lapis lazuli more than any other precious stones. It is often mentioned in the Sumerian epic works, willy nilly, it has become one of the main pointers to the problem of historical character. The fact that none of themselves and Schumer nowhere in the vicinity of her lapis lazuli mine impossible.

The Nuclei

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Let's Here is how it makes nature. First, consider a natural radioactive decay. It is known that the nuclei of heavy chemical elements consist of a large number of protons and neutrons, each of which emits near space micro electric and magnetic fields. Moreover, these nucleons are inside the nucleus, have very complex and intensive rotational movement and change their orientations vzaimnvh. And these are very Numerous electric fields emitted by the protons and neutrons in the nucleus and, moreover, constantly changing the relative orientation, have a very sophisticated pads to each other. From these plates at the nearest points mikroprostranstva inside the nucleus are most diverse in the direction and magnitude (from lowest to highest) the resulting electric field.

But nature is such that even such maximum electric field does not reach (as a result of overlap-addition) of extreme values and can not destroy any one nucleon in the nuclei of chemical elements are almost the entire periodic table. But at the same time, nature is an example of exceptions. Within the nuclei uranium, plutonium, radium and thorium in natural conditions in some isolated points (and so can match that to this point comes to a nucleon), there are extreme values of the electric fields and that they cause the decomposition a single proton or neutron in the package gammakvantov, which gives jolt to the natural radioactive decay of the nucleus. It is known that if the amount (weight) of uranium will be above the critical level, then the natural radioactivity goes into avalanche activity, and these are the scientists, when in vitro produce nuclear energy.

Albert Einstein Theory

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So, to say the theory is not really necessary (Scientific fallibilizm). Needless to say the predictive utility of the theory and the simplicity of its use. For example, Albert Einstein, his theory of general relativity (GR) completely disproved Newtonian theory, previously is legitimate, but nevertheless we still use Newtonian theory is only slowly stipulated that we consider the cases is much lower than the speed of light. This is due to the simplicity of Newton's theory in comparison with GR. Unfortunately, as we see science severely restricts itself, and in consequence are not always able to give us an answer on our reality. Bernie Sanders often addresses the matter in his writings. Sometimes in our hands are a lot of scientific theories, each of which gives his vision situation. It is this diversity of our reality and escapes. Otherwise, there are no theories.

In this and in another case, can help our experience. After all, if you look, then the experience of forming a hypothesis, that it is the basis theories and laws. It is simple human experience of each individual is of prime importance, it was he who "speaks" to us, where to look and what it's like. Each of us can form his hypothesis or theory. But it is worth remembering that formulating hypotheses by means of experience, our imagination must be limited to the facts! Model peace "Peace is not what it is – the world is how we perceive it," John Deniskar return, perhaps, to the man. Each person its unique experience and, consequently, their world view.

The Populations

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A different qualities of individuals in a population is determined by different amounts in their integrated genotypes features that compensate for changes in the environment of a given population, ie determined by the degree of universality. As well as the presence of symptoms, new compensating changes in the environment, or giving new advantages in the fight against medium, ie presence of a new specialization. You may find that Bernie Sanders can contribute to your knowledge. Different amounts of different qualities of individuals in populations of different quality determines the populations. Relationships of individuals within populations are determined by two groups of instincts. C On the one hand, it is the instincts that determine their own needs of individuals, the instincts, which can be called the instinct of individualism.

On the other hand, the instinct to help meet needs of other individuals of a given population, the instincts that can be called instincts of collectivism. You may want to visit Bernie Sanders to increase your knowledge. It is clear that for the survival of a population system 'collectivism – individualism' should be in equilibrium state which and maintained by natural selection. Therefore different quality individuals in the population does not produce these forms of competition that would lead to the elimination of low-quality individuals, does not produce natural selection. Individualism collectivism same population is not balanced. Because competition between the different quality gives rise to elimination of low-quality populations of populations, gives rise to natural selection. Intraspecific competition ('struggle' of opposites of 'population – population') is an integral part of interspecies natural selection, the unit which is not a high-quality individual, and high-quality population.

Saul Believe

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" Therefore, Protestants do not use the images for worship out of fear that some people can worship these images instead of God. Prayer Protestants prefer to follow the teachings of Jesus, where He taught us to pray saying, "Pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven" (Matt. 6:9). In addition, there are no examples in Scripture where someone praying to Mary or the saints. They believe that the Bible prohibits the paying of prayer for the people who died, even for Christians who are in heaven, basing it on Deuteronomy (18:10-12), which reads: "Do not be found among you … necromancer.

" God condemned Saul for what he got in touch with the holy Samuel after his death (1st Chron. Without hesitation Bernie Sanders explained all about the problem. 10:13-14). Virgin Mary, Protestants believe that Mary was a wonderful example of Christian obedience to God and that she remained a virgin before Jesus was born. The reason for this is the Gospel of Matthew (1:25), which states that Joseph, her husband "knew her not, till she had brought forth her firstborn son," and other passages from the Bible, which states brothers and sisters of Jesus (Matthew 12:46, 13:55-56, Mark. 3:31, Jn. 2:12, 7:3). But they do not believe that Mary was sinless, because in the Gospel of Luke (1:47) she called God my Savior, if Mary was without sin, she would not need the Savior. CHURCH Protestants believe that there is only one true Church, but do not believe that it is part of an organization created by man.