Tag education

Longdistance Education

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The courses of formation of professors are several whom if they had used of the modality of long-distance Education (EAD). One of the first projects to glimpse the formation of educators was the Institute of Broadcasting of the State of the Bahia (IRDEB) in the period of 1969 up to 1977. One of the projects that significant impact in the formation of professors had ' ' leigos' ' it was without a doubt, ' ' LOGOS' '. Project LOGOS was born in 1973 through seeming 699/72 of the Ministry of the Education. LOGOS I if constituted as an experimental stage of the project, with the direction of if establishing the effectiveness of the materials and ways that would be used in the course. LOGOS II was developed in the phase of expansion of the project in national level. LOGOS II was disactivated in the Center of Education Technician of Brasilia (CETEB) in 1990, being substituted for the Program of Valuation of Magistrio (PVM). This program started to be implanted in 1992, following the same molds of LOGOS II.

The PVM takes care of the professors who need since the formation of 1 degree until the specific formation of the teaching. Project FUNTEVE was born in 1985 under the domain of ' ' opening poltica' ' Brazilian. Thus the perspective of formation of the professors in the FUNTEVE had as base the preparation for a school more critical and contextualizada from the reality partner, economic and politics. Project FUNTEVE had as objective to work with the professors the participation in the democratization process and development of a new reality. The first state that used the emissions of the National System of Radiodifuso Educativa (SINRED) and of the Brazilian Company of Telecomunicaes (EMBRATEL) was the state of the Mato Grosso of the South. The proposal initial was to make the expansion of the net after the experience in this state.

Emotional Education

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In recent years, the association between emotional education and school comes listening with insistence. On the one hand it is paradoxical to think that you surprised the Association since the end first and last school is to educate. There are, however, have presented that this need to educate in emotions has not become manifest until relatively recently. And in that sense, the school is discovering a new role in its role as an educator by nature. Educate in emotions or emotional education suggests that teachers and students at school are real spaces for personal, professional and academic growth. When teachers and students are able to recognize their own emotions begin to observed improvements that have an impact on the academic results but also considerably improve the quality of the coexistence in the school. These two aspects, in turn, contribute to improve the self-esteem of students, on one hand, and the teachers, on the other. The students are motivated and recognize the best way in the day-to-day effort of success; There are improvements in teamwork and are able to engage in collective action.

Teachers, on the other hand, perceive a recognition to their task that allows them to position themselves as authority in the classroom from the place of dialogue, consensus and the affective and effective construction. Emotional education rests on three pillars that sustain it and maintain it over time: first of all the recognition, the identification of the emotions; Secondly the social capacity to cope with naturalness and success (assertiveness); and finally the self-esteem. Each of these pillars are the core competencies developing emotional students and teachers, as well as any person. These three powers cannot be purchased or transmitted as a finite body of knowledge but rather are incorporated through the experiences of each one of them to do daily.

Coursework And Thesis Writing

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To write coursework or thesis work itself, we must first of all understand what it is. Term paper – is an independent research students. To fulfill the course work is to strengthen, received during the training process, knowledge of the passed object. With coursework teacher checks the quality of the obtained student knowledge and ability to apply them to solve specific training problems. Subject of course work, as a rule, according to the department and brought to the attention of the student. Degree work – it's a graduation work research-performed students at graduation. Graduation work consolidates and extends the practical knowledge, and skills of independent scientific work, assesses students' creative potential. Degree thesis is determined by the teacher.

Sometimes students are allowed to offer its theme, the rationale for its development. Any research work (coursework or dissertation) must contain: title, contents, introduction, main part, practical part, the conclusion of the list References, annex. Leadership of the research work of implementing the teacher. Execution order for course work: selection and study of literature, develop a work plan and its coordination with director, writing the main body of work, carrying out the practical part of work, formulation of conclusions and writing the opinion, error correction, after consultation with the director and design work, if it graduation project, preparation of the opening words, getting access to protection, reviewing, preparing to defend, protect the exchange rate or the graduation project as literature, for writing projects and dissertations You can use the very materials departments and libraries of educational institutions, leading academic libraries. The main part containing chapters 4.3, fully reveals the theme of coursework or thesis work. Each chapter is better divided into a number of issues, highlighting in their main theses. Every thesis must contain evidence base. Material is desirable to state concisely and consistently. Here, Martin O’Malley expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

One question should flow logically from another. Introduction and Finally, written on the basis of already finished projects and dissertations. The introduction should describe the urgency of the problem, the degree of scrutiny, to indicate the main issues to be considered in your deliberations. Conclusion of the article contains the findings, the results of issues examined in the work, a description of the contribution made your work in modern science. An application shall be put all the graphics and illustrative material exchange (Graduate) work. Standard volume of course work is 25-30 pages, the amount of research paper 60-80 pages. Work is performed on one side of a standard format. When writing the text should remain the field. Size left field – 30 mm, right – 15 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 20 mm, with printing the font and spacing of -14, 1,5. All lists of student projects must be numbered. References made in the following order: 1. Legislation. 2.Normativnye acts, guidance materials, official guides, etc. 3. Special literature in alphabetical order. 4. Periodicals with the year and month of magazines and newspapers. During protection you need to summarize the main provisions kurosvoy and thesis work. Indicate the main issues under consideration. Prove the independence of their research, to be able to explain the statistics and conclusions of the them. Answer questions, both theoretical I of a practical nature relating to the topic or thesis course.

Diego Katzman

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The law of attraction works by sending you more than anything in what you think, feel and do. So the way in which you treat with money has a direct relationship on how easily and abundantly comes towards you. DineroImagina that money is a guest who you have in your House and ask yourself the following: do would be my guest in the manner in which I try to money? Here are three ways in which we can show hospitality to our guests – and the money first, welcomes your guests. He appreciates truly from your heart each visit and each visitor. A client of coaching and my friend welcomes your money putting each cheque received in a table for coffee in your bedroom. He spends several days appreciating your guest before you deposit it in your bank account since most of my income I receive electronically, I keep a worksheet for each transaction that comes to me. I love to see the total amount and I appreciate each person by which the money came to me Second, remember that like guests to go places, do and buy things.

Money loves to go to restaurants, amusement parks and special shops. But the money does not discriminate between pleasurable activities and which have to be made. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Steve Geppi. Also fun to visit the company of light, cable, water, phone, etc. The money simply likes to be in circulation. Always tends to look for people who understand that while more money do circulate, they will attract more money to move third, a guest who has been treated well, he will tell them to others and soon will have more guests. The money that is enjoyed, appreciated, spent, circulated or given, will attract more money. It is your attitude of enjoyment, pleasure, emotion or taste towards the money that attracts more money toward yourself there are many ways you can make money as a treasured guest.

It begins by appreciating all the money that comes to you. If you find 1 or 10 cents, lift up and celebrate how easy that is to the money flow toward you. He devotes time to appreciate each coupon or refund you receive. Make something special with part of the money you receive. Records in a notebook all unusual forms as comes the money to you. Note how easy that comes to you when these happy, cheerful and open toward the money on purpose, perhaps you’re thinking could treat well the money if I had lots of money. The truth is that, first you should treat well money so that he comes to you in abundance (starts with how little or much you have.

Republic Education

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The specialized knowledge, organized around the rationalities of science, aimed at to free the people of the limits of the nature and to offer to ways route to a more progressive social world. If the people could reflect on its conditions, them could also analyze ways stop rationally to improve them. (…) in first the 250 dopais years of history, our pertaining to school system was constituted of seminaries, what it does not leave of being an education, rigorously, professional, although this type of education today to be called ' ' humanstica' ' . These ' ' colgios' ' they can be considered an elementary type of professional superior education (formation of priests and bureaucrats), what it confirms the teses: ) the modern pertaining to school systems are initiated for superior education; b) superior education was always a professional education; c) what it is called, today, of ' ' humanismo' ' , it was simply, the primitive form of profissionalizao.' ' These citations, in special of Popkewitz, seem to also dimensionar the concept of education to the light of the university reform of years 90, through law 5.540/68: of the separation of university and university centers and of the reduction of the duration of the superior courses. It seems us that this Reformation, taken root in the transformations of education superior in the first decades of the Republic, in centuries XIX and XX, has as objective greaters to facilitate the access to superior education by means of multiplications of facultieses, to increase the number of nocturnal courses e, mainly, to adapt the resumes to the conditions of the local market. The ideology of an education of pragmatic, economic and managemental characters seems to be the one that permeia all this reform and the one that it intends, each time more, to dissociar the education of the research, therefore, to think or to speak in democracy, practical of the multiculturalismo, in ethics, interdisciplinaridade in a context, according to Noronha (1998) ' ' where systemize education is monopoly of classrooms that withhold the power, where the development of science, of the technology in the education strong is tied with the separation between knowing and making, the theory and the practical one, between the conception and the execution, deriving of the social division and technique of trabalho' ' , they are urgent necessities which the professor not it can and it does not have to open hand to fulfill, in such a way ahead of the pertaining to school context and its workstation as well as to rethink its proper formation (reverse speed) qualification.

United States

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The obstacles that a child with educative necessities special finds at the moment of the inclusion of respect to the fact of the pertaining to school resumes to be organized in agreement with the etrias bands. nowledge.. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Diamond Comic Distributors and gain more knowledge.. The programs are estratificados in function of a gradual sequence of difficulty, as if all the children of one same band of age learned the same in time that others that belongs to its group. The evaluation in the inclusive school prioritizes knowing the abilities and the abilities of the pupils. Being able to be it diagnosiss and continued they are forms of access to the knowledge of the pupil. Sassaki detaches (1997, p17) the controversy, that the society, in all the cultures, crossed diverse phases practises as for them social.

The social exclusion passed inside for the attendance if adding of social institutions. The social inclusion initiated, in 1985, in the developed countries more, with more impulse in 1990, foresees that it goes to develop up to 2020, in everybody. Process that if adapta to be able to include its general social systems, people with necessities special e, simultaneously, these if prepare to assume its roles in the society. It constitutes a bilateral process in which the people, still excluded and the society search in partnership, to equate problems, to decide on solutions and to accomplish and equalization of chance for all. Some countries already are pioneering in the phase of Inclusion as: United States, Canada, Italy and Spain, had implanted the classrooms and inclusive schools since the ends of the decade of 80 tie today. They share the scientific strategies as to surpass the contextual differences how much the preconception against the differences of the individuals and its necessities special. The paradigms of the integration and the inclusion are to form pupils, becoming them equal in acquired knowledge and excluding those that will not be capable of adquiriz them.

Different Galaxies

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In front of him should not be anything, including empty space, since it financially. Behind him an observer would see a hemisphere filled with galaxies, and our galaxy would be in the center of this hemisphere, in the limit to observe from a distance. All other galaxies, which he had seen from Earth, but now located in its new 'horizon', for it would disappear, as with respect to it would move faster than the speed of light, and light from them never came to be our observer. But they are not from that ceased to exist objectively! Returning immediately to Earth, he again would have found them in their places. However, there is no reason to believe that our galaxy in the universe is kind of special, the more central position. Rather, it is completely random, ie our position Galaxy with equal probability anywhere in the universe. Therefore, the observer, a journey to the "horizon" of the universe is likely to see a picture, not unlike the observed on Earth.

Ahead, on his way movements will appear more and more galaxies and their clusters, and the back will "go beyond the horizon," already seen them before. We should note one very important fact because the galaxy disperse uniformly accelerated, our observer anywhere in the universe would seem that it is his location is the center of the Big Bang. But this means that the true center of the Big Bang in the Universe exists, and that the Big Bang itself nothing more than an illusion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

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RF Security Council discussed the environmental issues in the last Wednesday in the country has passed the Security Council of Russia. It is noteworthy that he was devoted to problems of ecology and environmental protection. Recall the need to of the Security Council on the Environment during his visit to the Chelyabinsk region spoke first deputy prime minister Dmitry Medvedev. According to him, the solution of environmental problems should become a priority for Russia today. At the Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev said the need to revise their attitude to the 'dirty industries' and repeatedly raise the fines for breaking environmental laws. He also assured that the amendments to the legislation aimed at protecting the environment and energy efficiency of the economy, will be accepted until the end of this year. Speaking at the RF Security Council in an environment that Russian President Vladimir Putin made a series of statements on the ecology and environment in the Russian Federation. In particular, he urged more effectively protect the interests of Russia in the sphere of environment in the international arena.

Also, the president stressed on growth of toxic waste in Russia. There was also touched upon the construction of oil pipelines, the development of the shelves, the development of the Urals and the issues related to the purity of drinking water sources, recycling waste and emissions of harmful substances. Ecological and environmental organizations in Russia highly commended the focus on the country's leadership on environmental issues and expressed the hope that these statements do not remain an empty declaration.


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Amazed at times how true is the proverb about the beam in the eye. People sometimes (and someone often) so carefully and subtly avoid seeing some flaws in themselves and their behavior, that this art can write a book treatises and dissertations. What is done with success by what we call psychologists, therapists, spiritual teachers and gurus simply. If you think at the moment "over a look," then, as always be right. Although I'm trying to track carefully hidden from himself ogreshnosti own, the fate of the detection beam in his eye I could not be avoided. It is a good thing because who we were, if not to expose introspect his sinful life and blasphemous thoughts. How many times have I, watching people in a certain situation, and sometimes myself, being in the same thought: "And then he (a) fuss? Nothing special happened, and already all on pins and needles. AND even if the outcome of this situation is not the best, it is not as catastrophic as it seems at first sight.

" About so I watched some of the fussiness of formic, and their questions, "how can you be so calm?" Only smiling like a Cheshire cat. Because how many times I tried to convey in words the profitability of the emotional and mental state, prior to the majority of it does not reach, and after a while I gave up these efforts. And that would do you think? Recently I had was similar to those now described, with not realizing the whole tragicomic this analogy. That you may not have been as dull, to which "did not come," describe what happened.

Swedish Languages

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Along with the formation of the Scandinavian languages group, no longer existed and preexisting dialects. Sharp linguistic boundaries between adjacent dialects, too, did not appear. Throughout the Middle Ages all the Scandinavian languages are similar, including written and literature of their shape. In feudal times there is also no more need for the complete separation of languages, since it is not formed yet neither the state nor the people, by and large, not divided clearly enough to ethnic and territorial basis. Separated from each other languages begin with the development of state, commerce and capitalism in the period from 15 to 18 century. Of Norway's literary language, which existed at the time of the initial stage of its development in 16 century actively ousted Danish literary language, which led to the rupture of the state of the literary language with the language used to everyday communication.

It was only after almost two centuries, the Danish language, which existed in Norway began to form in the Norwegian language, literature or riksmol exists in the present. Along with riksmolom forms the second literary language based on dialects of Norwegian farmers, it was named landsmol. Virtually impossible to distinguish between neighbors with each other Scandinavian languages, namely Danish, and Swedish languages, Swedish and Norwegian languages. The sharp distinction between the languages is viewed only in the literary and public forms. Icelandic language is developed enough apart, it hindered the formation of a sluggish social and economic development. This also applies to fereyskomu language. Thus, the division of the Scandinavian languages in eastern and western groups are gradually receding into the background. There is another classification, according to which the Norwegian, Danish and Swedish are included in one group, and Icelandic and fereysky languages form another group. However, despite the fact that there are differences in the languages of the Scandinavian group, they have many common, which can be attributed to the ancient dialectical relation and similarity in social and economic development to date of countries.