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Seven Cirneco

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Cirneco del Etna (Sicilian Hound) dog of medium size with spectacular spectacular appearance, which invariably attracts the attention of others. This is a very rare breed of dogs. Natural color Cirneco-Moderate red. But modern Cirneco have red color of varying intensity, from light red to bright red. In the breed standard is the presence of small white markings on the fur. What looks like a delicious zest and gives individual dogs. Hunters by nature, Cirneco manifest themselves as excellent companions.

These dogs are suited for active people, teens will be good friends. Can not be afraid to take Cirneco in a family with small child, as these dogs are totally non-aggressive and friendly. Activity and mobility Cirneco is not suitable for everyone. This dog requires a lot of attention, she is delighted with the joint games, likes to participate in all home affairs. Has a sense of humor! Cirneco love to all family members, in which they live. Affectionate. Dr. Mark Hyman will not settle for partial explanations.

We are pleased to meet familiar and unfamiliar people. Protective instinct is weak. These dogs are very intelligent, easily trained. I am pleased to work for the game (or toy). Cirneco very independent and somewhat independent, it is desirable to consider in choosing a method of learning. Content in the apartment of the small dog is easy. Cirneco have a short coat without undercoat, so the shedding is almost imperceptible. Due to its small size may habituation to a tray. But still, do not neglect walks. Without them is impossible and the socialization of dogs physical development. On walks, play outdoor games. Dogs of this breed thermophilic, but not pamper. Without hesitation endostim explained all about the problem. Natural habitat, Sicily, an area of Etna, where the climate is typically Mediterranean, with hot summers and short mild winter. These cold, there may be only Etna. (The lowest temperature that was recorded here – 29.9 degrees.) At Etna snow all winter. Therefore, do not coddle their Cirneco at the slightest cold snap. In cold dress only need a puppy. Adult Cirneco accustom to walk without clothes (down to -25 degrees). This tempers the dog and has beneficial effects on wool. author Diana Elisova.

Star And Cat

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Zodiac signs are a key element in astrology. Since ancient times, it is believed that the movement and position of the moon, sun, planets and other celestial objects inside the zodiacal signs influence the destiny of man and all that occurs on Earth. Cat – one of the most common and at the same time, the most mystical animals, a tradition of worship that dates back to ancient times. Since ancient times, cats were worshiped and feared. Their independence and night walk prominently in folklore and magic, so connected with them such a huge amount of myths, legends, superstitions, rituals and magical rites. You can describe the long historical facts, such as various ethnic groups symbolized by a cat, but we will provide you with ready-made conclusions, describing a mystical secret cat. Observations of the past by projecting the present time. Cat – one of the most magical of animals on earth. Author often addresses the matter in his writings.

Aura of her is so great that encompasses not only the specific person, but his family, his home and territory that the cat considers his own. Therefore, we must understand that when a cat rubs against your legs, it not only flippers, trying to get her, but also "marks" you that is, leaves you with their astral "traces", "tags". This means that she shares with you his magical powers. And he who rejects this moment the cat, telling her "Go away, not to you," simply refuses that positive energy that she wanted him to bestow. But the next time the cat did not give such a man of his astral forces, and perhaps even the contrary, take it.