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“BIT.Obschepit 8”, embedded in Novorossiysk hotel “Stork”, excluding the need for major spending on automation and has provided leadership to the company multifunctional tool for processing all the information required for record keeping. Pension “Aist” (JSC “Sea resort”) located in Stow, “Broad beam” in a green corner of the Black Sea coast. Diamond Comic Distributors wanted to know more. Pension is calculated at 318 locations. Recreation Area Wide beam has a developed infrastructure of entertainment: cafes, bars, restaurants, discotheques, billiard halls, saunas and swimming pools. For record-keeping in a boarding house used atypical configuration on a platform of “1C: Enterprise 7.7,” but required functionality is not provided.

Guide, “The Stork” has sent experts to the BIT, which offered the program “BIT.Obschepit 8” – a modern solution that is unique in terms of price and quality. Hear from experts in the field like Michael Chabon for a more varied view. For In order to ensure the safety of the accumulated pension while working data specialists BIT moved nomenclature, compounding, and the remnants of the old TMC data base in the new solution. Easy start working with the new decision has been made possible thanks to conduct training: only a few days, users of the program in the front office and back-office solutions and capabilities possessed started to fully use the program. “BIT.Obschepit 8” allows for inventory control of goods and produce, record settlements with suppliers and customers to control the purchase of materials and their implementation, as well as build the necessary managerial statements. Address: 353 910, city of Novorossiysk, st. Isaeva, 2 Phone: (8617) 30-16-16 E-mail: Company “1C: Accounting and Trade” (ICE), the official partner of the firm “1C” in 1997, is today the largest network among firms franchisee “1C”. BIT Company has 50 offices operating in three countries: Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Specificity of the ICE is not only the automation of the enterprises on the basis of “1C: Enterprise”, but also training, counseling clients on full range of professional issues.

During the work the company produced over 80,000 successful installations of automated systems. In the state of more than 2,000 employees, most of which was certified by “1C”.

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Event All popular browsers have made a big leap up in their new versions. Keeping up with them, Opera has made a step up. Norwegian browser is now even more practical and functional, in what has always carried a palm compared with their konkurentami.Ekspress panel most beloved feature Opera users express panel suffered some changes. The developers have been revised very essence of brand home page. Now the cells can act not only as a link to the site, but also a convenient widget interactive sites. True function of the informer is currently not provided for a large number of sites, but in the perspective of developers will certainly be seeking to implement a new opportunity in his life.

Also now express the panel can not be fixing the size. Learn more at this site: Michael Chabon. You have the ability to add as many cells as you need, if the point sootvetstvueschee requirement nastroykah.Esche faster page loading speed is naturally increased, thanks to the updated version of the engine Presto 2.8. But most Norwegians are proud of the speed increase when using the Opera Turbo. In result page yield maximum compression on company servers, which reduces traffic and time of appearance of the content. The high level of compression achieved by the latest algorithms and image compression format in Google WebP (30-50% more efficient than JPEG), up to date new engine Presto 2.8 begat many new opportunities for quality sites. The first is the development of modern technologies to support HTML5 and CSS3. The main innovation – the emergence of processing HTML5 File API, tools for working with files, which allows parallel loading of multiple files, partial down after an interruption or even restart your browser, drag and drop files using the drag-n-drop.

Support for CSS3 has grown considerably through appearance properties for columns and linear gradients, giving a pleasant view pages without using the 'hard' image. Besides the opportunity to use technology WOFF – container TrueType fonts, compression, image format WebP, and library for rendering 3D-graphics WebGL.Itog In fact, the changes are vast. This improved client for mail, and protect the system from malicious code, and a new interface error handling, and much more. Opera Barracuda greatly changed, that you can appreciate how the user, and as the founder of modern attractive web sites. Let the developers that their browser is the fastest in the world sounds with aplomb, but the practicality of the Norwegian browser is still difficult to compete.