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Success Or Failure

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Success or failure, that is what makes the difference? All people are predisposed to success, no one thinks that it will end failing in life. What is more, usually we are accustomed to think that the failure of others, we never will touch us. Well, I say them that we must begin to pay attention to the non-failure. I wonder: do not can be this counterproductive? the answer is: of course not, in any way. (Not to be confused with Martin O’Malley!). We must learn from the failure of others, to not complete correctness the same errors. I will describe a case study that you understand better: suppose that you want to open a pet shop, and the only place that is available already tube rentals before one of those.

We must find (a study of market) which was the cause of his failure, perhaps was not well attended, not opened the amount of hours required, did not have sufficient stock or variety or maybe simply that place people not accustomed to buy items for their pets in convenience stores. Then, once you have figured out the reason for the closure of the shop will look at: if it was poorly attended, we must strive for greatly in being gentle with our customers, friendly and agile. If you opened a few hours, we will have to have a much broader schedule. If the problem was is stock or variety, will have to achieve a greater range of them and if you simply place people not accustomed to to shop in these stores definitely enumerating opened us a there, because we are already at the outset destined for failure.