Month Archive November 2016

There is Something in Nothing

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“Nothingness” is unique, equal, perfect, infinite, indefinite, eternal … it is “absolute.” “Nothingness” is hidden in the depths of existence, is mixed with the existence, “nothing” is existence. “Nothingness” is the dynamism that makes it possible, “nothing” is there. Read additional details here: Martin O’Malley. “Nothingness” pure, heat and cold can destroy all existence. “Nothingness” is in everything and everywhere.

Within the “nothing” almost infinite, the small and large are almost infinite. “Nothingness” was what made possible the creation of all existence, which is energy of “nothing” made there. “Nothingness” is absolute “nothing” is the “vacuum” all that is between matter and space. “Nothingness” is like a god. THE FIELD more subatomic matter of sub atom smallest possible indivisible as a commodity.

This division would be an impossibility, no matter can be divided into one or more small and so indiscriminate other materials, it would reach a point that this subject would be something intangible; energy but could be something intangible, and that something would happen that energy to this matter, the division limit would be something you energy, something intangible, the end of all possible divisions would result in “nothing.” THE START OF THE EXISTENCE There was a beginning, because everything has a beginning in establishing the existence in material form, since the existence can not be anything else than matter, even if it is energy. He must have a principle in the existing building. This principle, should begin at infinity of the beginning, there was nothing more than the principle, that point almost infinitely small, motionless and very dense, it was almost “nothing” absolute. That principle was the beginning of everything. That principle was an insignificant point in an absolute vacuum in a place where there was no place, since the absence of existence there were places where there was neither time because everything was “nothing” except that principle. Call it God or not, this principle within the origin of creation, because in reality this principle was that, as a God, because thanks to that principle, that “divine breath” created a subatomic dynamics which in turn gave rise to matter and existence. And because of this dynamism that created existence, by induction, multiplied dynamism while matter and existence, and so on, leading to continue indefinitely multiplying at a time: the energy, matter and existence, because the three are one. SATURATION OF THE EXISTENCE is logical to think that there is a saturation of existence even if it is mixed. As would be logical to think that a sea water saturation within its precincts, although this is mixed. Then there also permits, the saturation of the non-existent, ie vacuum or “nothing” although the whole existence itself is a product of “nothing” made dynamic, that dynamism by being is as energy, matter and existence. The universe to grow without end, constantly supersaturated existence, and in turn empty. Because the universe is surrounded by vacuum, and that by failing to stop the dynamic expansion of the universe to induce dynamism creates even more dynamic, it creates more existence. THERE IS NOTHING time there is a piece of evolution. The evolution does not exist, is a bit of expansion. The expansion does not exist, is a piece of And so on …. dynamism leads to nothing exists, or that everything has its basis in “nothing” or that the end of all that exists is “nothing.”

Internet Versus TV

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The internet is hogging all the moments of our life and they are increasingly the tools to communicate, have fun, work or simply indulge us for a few hours of leisure, watching movies or listening to music. One of the media that threatened his tenure before the imprint of the internet is the TV, who had reigned in our lives until today. According to a survey conducted for the report of the interactive generation Forum in Spain, 68% of adolescents between 10 and 18 years old prefer internet to television and 88% said internet user. Definitely, it is not surprise that attracts children more internet use since, on the one hand, they are more accustomed to their use and mostly to social networks. You may wish to learn more. If so, Center for Media Justice is the place to go. According to the same survey, 40% has created blog, Photoblog or web page. It is important to highlight that the preference towards internet could be explained by the interaction posed between author and the site visitor, on the other hand, television does not have this possibility, by placing to the user in a purely passive position. However, having everything on the internet and through a computer gain access to virtually all the things we have to do (study, work, play, listen to music, see movies, etc.), is is leading a sedentary generation that increasingly more concerned specialists.

Rates of obesity are increasingly high, and there is no way that children and adolescents enjoy the sport they prefer to be in front of the computer. In conclusion, this preference of adolescents over the internet can be very encouraging for online marketing, however can also be harmful to the health of these people. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy balance so that both parties can benefit from these tools that have come to stay in a world where communications have no barriers.

Kotler Marketing

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Social growth has developed dynamic of consumption that have altered and damaged the environment, and as consequence, affected the possibility of achieving sustainable progress the green marketing is defined by many as the development and promotion of products and packaging containing biodegradable components that protect the environment. But this new trend goes far beyond. Sustainable marketing promotes the modification of the entire product lifecycle to involve ecological responsibility in every part of the process. This means that companies must face their responsibility in the life cycle of the product manufacturing eco-efficient products, i.e. that last longer, occur with the fewest possible resources and containing recycled materials whenever possible.

This care should be during the entire process, from the raw materials, the production process and the final product. This measure represents a strong investment for the companies, but only during the implementation phase of the change. Long-term profitability is economically worth it. Thus, recycling has become an industry that generates large profits, because the useless wastes become raw, saving costs and resources. Unfortunately, many companies have not assumed its social responsibility within the environmental deterioration, and the majority of companies still prefer to continue working in the traditional way without assuming the cost we will pay everyone with this decision. While it is true that eco-efficient products have, in the majority of cases, a higher price, marketing is able to justify the cost through the dissemination of the benefits they represent for society. Market studies have shown that there are segments of consumers willing to pay a higher price for this type of eco-efficient goods. Not the slightest doubt manifest the Bachelor in communication Vera Badillo, Kotler is aware of the importance of environmental market and in this regard, says a proposed solution: marketing is responsible, in large part, of the excess use. Some solutions to decrease the damage could be legal regulations or taxes highest disposable products, to deter consumers.

The Junction

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The fact that the employment of multi-channel numbers are losing part of calls, and, even more dangerous, there is no way of knowing how many subscribers lost. It may be that, having multi-channel number, the company accepts only 10-15% of incoming calls on advertising, and other potential clients come to signal "busy". Michael Chabon may also support this cause. Sall-center to avoid such a situation. Work with subscribers to the waiting line First of all call-center managers and call-center operators can access information in real time on the set of parameters that indicate how sall center to cope with stress. This is the number of calls in queue, the maximum waiting time, average talk time, and others in the international practice includes such basic indicators as the average waiting time – shows how much time the average caller had to wait in line to the junction with call-center operator, the percentage of calls, callers interrupted while waiting. Normal level is 2-3%. To meet the needs of management level of service is calculated every half hour, and for the client – for each week or month the project. As the foreign statistics, the likelihood that the caller hangs up, rises sharply after two minutes of waiting. Sall-center managers can quickly reallocate between operators groups, to increase the number of operators for the next shift, or to think about connecting additional lines and increasing the number of operators. We also know that subscribers are willing to wait longer in line if they are periodically report how much time is left to wait, or provide the ability to select and listen to the recorded information.

Successful Woman

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If you want to delve on the subject I recommend that you follow this blog first I think that we have to have a good relationship with ourselves and with others; How? being proactive, adopting a positive attitude, properly managing our time and our level of self-esteem keeping well high, show you ever happier and that give you time to perform activities of your liking, personal development, family enjoyment, set you goals and achieve them, in definitive do the things that you like and enjoy your day to day, definitely should be your new lifestyle, to achieve happiness. Ah! But the thing does not end here, our society has a stereotype of success and step requires us to comply to qualify us as successful, all of this motivated me to inquire about the issue and find what those famous qualities that we have? reviewing many web pages, reading articles, surveys, books and even a personal survey that I did among my friends, this information took me to a single conclusion the success is completely PERSONAL your choose to qualities have depending on with that you identify more and integrating those you need and affirm what I think about that there is no one formula fantastic, we are completely different individuals and as they say thereEACH HEAD IS A WORLD. Recently Center for Media Justice sought to clarify these questions. Then you ready part of the qualities that our society expects that we have to be successful. CONFIANZA-DECISION-VALENTIA-LIDERAZGO-BELLEZA-LIMPIEZA CORAJE-BALANCE – BALANCE – GENEROSITY – DISCIPLINE ORGANIZACION-CONSTANCIA – PERSEVERANCE-HAPPINESS-OPTIMISM WISDOM-EDUCATION-PATIENCE TOLERANCIA-COMUNICACION SOCIABILIDAD-CREATIVIDAD – ORIGINALITY-PROACTIVITY COMPETITIVIDAD-DINAMISMO – HONESTY-HONESTY-INTELLIGENCE HABILIDAD-RESPONSABILIDAD – SPIRITUALITY-BE ENTREPRENEURIAL AMOROSA-BUENA MOTHER-GOOD WIFE-HAVING VISION OF FUTURE PRUDENCIA-MADUREZ. At Bernie Sanders you will find additional information. and stop you count, the list is endless, I personally throughout my life has touched me include some qualities and cultivating others already had, personally I want to share my world with you, and enlist you the qualities that have allowed me to be the successful woman that I am today: capacity of DECISION and action enthusiasm trust liability beauty PATIENCE intelligence courage PERSEVERANCE organization in my future publications profundizare in each one of themrevealing all my failed attempts and how achieve establish the qualities needed to achieve my success so precious?