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Memo driver. More recently, the presence of even very small percentage of alcohol which leads to a breathalyzer catch imminent deprivation of rights. Is it good or not, a moot point. On the one hand, this measure prevents the temptation to fans drink driving, even the slightest chance to sip on the other hand, alcohol can be contained even in the most ordinary, so-called no alcoholic beverages, such as a brew kefir or drugs. Well, the most unpleasant, either instrument has a margin of error. Price errors Breathalyzer, deprivation of rights. As you know, besides all the positive and negative aspects of the procedure takes place and abuse by inspectors DPS.

That to do and how to behave if an inspector asks to breathe into a tube. In fact, not all that easy, the inspection the inspector must observe certain procedures prescribed by law. -The inspector conducting the test for drunkenness obliged to invite two witnesses. If not, you have every right to refuse to sign the protocol. Send the driver for inspection the inspector shall have the right in several cases: – the driver refuses to take the test on the road, and requires a medical examination at a health facility – the driver does not agree with the testimony of the device – the driver is not behaving properly, or the inspector is reason to suspect that a person is intoxicated. – Do not forget that even if the medical examination must present two witnesses. On the duties of an inspector, we figured out Now let's see, how to behave as a driver. – Turn on the phone and write down everything that's going on, even if the inspector will protest, you have every right to do – do not forget about the concept – no harm will have a breathalyzer, necessarily certified, it will help you compare, if you have any doubt – you have every right to ask the officer to stop you DPS quality certificate breathalyzer – before so as to blow into a tube, look at the time and always remember – before you sign the listing, read carefully, see if it works correctly pointed out, particular attention should be paid on time, if time does not converge, demand re-test. You can easily slip your not printing, is one of the ways employees kidalovo DPS. – In any case do not give up medosvidetelstvovaniya, it is 100% disenfranchisement – if you were sent to medosvidetelstvovanie and you have doubts about the honesty of the doctor conducting the procedure, immediately go to an independent examination, it will help you prove your innocence in court if the court does not take into account the evidence independent medical examination, it will give you grounds to sue the prosecutor's office, well, perhaps most importantly, do not try to bribe the inspector, remember that in most cases you can perfectly legitimate to grounds to assert his innocence


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