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Leadership Department Energy

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The Association of professional executives DFK calls for the rapid formation of a Department of energy. The Association of professional executives DFK calls for the rapid formation of a Department of energy. THE executives see now urgent need for action, as pointed out by Rothkirch: the decision is long overdue. The sluggish implementation of, the Federal Government proclaimed, energy revolution shows that the fragmentation of competence in various federal and State ministries is not sustainable. A Department of energy ahead of the election would be a clear sign of the Coalition’s capacity to act and how important is the energy change for Germany. For interests of the factions must stand back. The mutual obstruction and profiling at the expense of this topic, and at the expense of industry and thus the threat of jobs in Germany to an end have the petty dispute of competence in the coalition must come to an end! “, so Bernhard von Rothkirch, Chairman” the DFK. The bundling of know-how existing today in various ministries and skills is urgently needed.

After all in Germany in supplying energy to a key industry”, said von Rothkirch continue. THE executives see the need for action less in the form of organization, but rather the need to manage the energy transition faster and stringent. Also the other topics such as network expansion, memory expansion, the adjustment of the support systems for renewable energies, and more would have to be taken forward quickly after the withdrawal decision on nuclear energy. The clear mapping to a Ministry, so the view of the DFK, avoids duplication and friction losses. Delays and failures can be more easily detected and fixed.

Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel had held after completing the phase-out of nuclear energy in the year 2022 conceivable such a Ministry. A time that is much too late according to the DFK. THE executives see now urgent need for action, as pointed out by Rothkirch: The decision is long overdue. The sluggish implementation of, the Federal Government proclaimed, energy revolution shows that the fragmentation of competence in various federal and State ministries is not sustainable. A Department of energy ahead of the election would be a clear sign of the Coalition’s capacity to act and how important is the energy change for Germany. For interests of the factions must stand back. The mutual obstruction and profiling at the expense of this topic and to the detriment of the industry and thus the threat to jobs in Germany must have an end.


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