Tag education & career

A Chance For New Writers?

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Here are some tips for aspiring writers. The aspiring author, rummages through the Internet, clicks from Publisher to Publisher. Always in the hope of somehow to accommodate his manuscript. Like he would talk with a Publisher or Publisher representatives. First, he dabbles with prestigious, large publishers.

“” “Nil: disappointment sneaking up, because in the large” the industry becomes an insignificant “rejected author mostly with the usual words you please or send your manuscript by mail” put off. There, where you no obligation just sends his manuscript, this ends up unfortunately usually in the shredder. Then he comes to publishers with huge presence and big names, who are only out to find authors. Authors who pay much money, accept your manuscript. But be careful! Not every author published”is serious. Many bring out the book, but the marketing and sales of the author himself must worry about. But how could he do that make? He can engage as an individual not in the distribution network of bookshops.

So hundreds copies of expensively acquired books are later at worst at home in the cellar and no one would like to have it. Or it will be in the new books on demand “procedures only on-demand printed and it retains a few a few copies, just placed in the circle of friends of the author.” Where now with the manuscript? It’s easier than you think: you try your luck at publishers who may draw the attention with a small indication that new authors are welcome. A good tip is the Working Group of smaller publishers (GAB) in the Stock Exchange Association of the German book trade. Although these publishers partly with grants or sponsors working, because you can not alone bear the risk of the cost, but these totals keep quite limited and they offer often much cheaper even all that big publishers offer. Only a few characteristics of good publishers are an ordinary publishing contract, a good editing, marketing, book fairs, and public relations. Learn more on the subject from Vinit Bodas. Try so your luck where you least suspect it. For example, at.

Employee Satisfaction

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Trend survey of employee satisfaction in March 2011 for the second time published the Internet portal for employers jobvoting.de reviews the trend survey conducted among visitors to the extent to which workers in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland are satisfied with their profession, the employer and the General work situation. In the month of March, gave 13% (previous month 15%) of a total of 288 respondents indicating that they are very satisfied with their current work situation. Another 27% (previous month 34%) of respondents confirmed that they are currently quite satisfied with their jobs. Taken together are so 40% (previous month 49%) of workers that have a high to very high level of satisfaction. As an average 13% declared themselves (month 13%) of the respondents. For 24% (previous month 15%) their situation at work is not satisfactory.

To 23% come once again (last month 23%) of the respondents, who are very unhappy with their job. In total there are 47% of workers so in Germany, Austria, and of Switzerland, who would want an improvement in their working environment. Thus, this value when compared to the previous month to 7 percentage points has increased. Altamount has plenty of information regarding this issue. A trend is however still not seen. Future Jobvoting.de will perform regularly surveys among visitors, how they assess their current employee satisfaction itself. Therefore, you should enable that a trend developing over the individual months may be represented.

JOBvoting.de (www.jobvoting.de) is the leading German-speaking freedom and business portal for job reviews created by workers and employers editorial, reviews since 2006. The reader can inform on the basis of published essays about their potential new employers. In addition, JOBvoting.de provides further Web2. 0 functions, such as the employee forum or the JobBlogs. Be periodically surveys conducted, with those closer to the situation on the German labour market being investigated.

New Program Occupation

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Seminar offer expanded 10 percent Berlin/Potsdam – everyone… Berlin/Potsdam – anyone who wants to work on automotive air conditioners, must have participated from July 5, 2010 in a social studies course officially recognized after the chemicals climate protection Ordinance, to possess the required competence. Otherwise, he may not carry out such work. This social studies course is one of the seminars offered by the DEKRA Academy in Berlin and Brandenburg 2010. 74 seminars, and around 10 percent more than in 2009, the countries of cross training and further education institution of DEKRA has this year in its programme – including seminars like “Operator training for aerial work platforms”, “basic seminar s.m.a.r.t-repair” or “dent removal without damage (hail and Park damage) – focus Klebetechnik”. In addition to the seminars, Academy at fixed dates offered by the DEKRA, individual seminars are designed whose content structure and timeframe the needs of corporate clients are tailored to. In addition has the DEKRA Academy a wide range of continuing education in the fields of vehicle technology, construction, security, commercial areas, warehouse logistics and transport logistics in the program.

The appropriate brochures and further information are the DEKRA Akademie GmbH, Tempelhof airport, part C2, 12101 Berlin to get 030.698149810 or 030.698149811,, phone (new numbers). DEKRA is one of the world’s leading expert organizations. The company is now in 29 countries of Western and Eastern Europe as well as in the United States, in Brazil, North America and South Africa, Japan and China present. More than 21,000 employees in 180 subsidiaries and investments ensure sustainable safety, quality and environmental protection. The service areas “automotive services”, “industrial” and “Personnel Services” are available for qualified and innovative services around issues such as vehicle tests, opinion, international claims, consulting, industrial – testing services, product testing, Certifications, environmental protection, training, temporary work and out – and new placement. DEKRA is represented with offices in Berlin-Hohenschonhausen, Berlin-Tempelhof, Berlin-Reinickendorf, Oranienburg and Potsdam as well as numerous vehicle test centres, stations and offices in the capital region. Contact: DEKRA capital region Carsten bang Kurt-Schumacher-Damm 28 13405 Berlin + 49 30 9860982100 press contact: Butterfly Communications Detlef Untermann Drake 46 A 12205 Berlin + 49 30 84312127

University Hospital

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In the lecture halls, small scientists storm news, links and tips on the subject of world of children’s universities in Europe ‘ is now available on the Internet. Interested kids and their parents can inform yourself on the theme of children’s universities in Europe. Each individual federal State in Germany and seven other European countries have basic information. New topics will be discussed for a few years in the universities and universities of applied sciences: How do I become Chancellor or Chancellor? How are messages created? How does the Internet work? How is our BGB come about? Why do not all Bavaria Bavarian talk? The first children’s University was opened in 2002 in Tubingen. You may wish to learn more. If so, Former Maryland Governor is the place to go. The first children-University Professor was the scientist Prof. Gregor Markl.

At that time, crowded 400 children and numerous media representatives in the large lecture hall of the University of Tubingen. Meanwhile, almost every University in Germany organized children uni days and the offers are constantly expanding. Links and tips are there to the increasingly popular girls ‘Day’. Here Students gain insight into professional fields often ignored by girls. These are about technology companies or universities and research centres. Comes in handy, the female kids can learn what looks work in laboratories, workshops, and editorial rooms. Girls’day the girl’s future day held annually in Germany and other European countries. Also is on the recently held boys’day alerted.

This initiative is offered also nationwide. Guys here know the typical workplace of the opposite sex and gain insights such as in schools, nurseries, veterinary practice, or in the lab of a University Hospital. Lilli Cremer Altgeld is editor of the site UNIS of children in Europe ‘. You coaches gifted personalities, radio journalist and presenter of the Forum ‘Giftedness – drama or success story’. Lilli Cremer Altgeld kinderunis.blogspot.com


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Training by Peter Schreiber & partner’s capital goods seller on (re) acquisition. Our order and earnings situation is bad. We need to conserve.” Such statements hear seller of capital goods and industrial services currently almost daily, if it with (not yet-) customers speak. According to defensive selling behavior is often. In difficult economic times the acquisition of new customers are ideal.

Because in them, many companies have a problem. So they make also their previous actions and their relationships in question. From this, the chance to win competitors customers grows for sellers. “Under the following conditions: the seller know how prospecting project” should go and point the necessary bite and ELAN. This lack of sellers often especially in difficult economic times. Therefore it has specialized training and consulting firm Peter Schreiber & partner, Ilsfeld, the one-day on the capital goods industry “Intensive seminar 3 x 5 of success tips for more sales: complete acquisition – arguing -” developed.

This seminar is aimed according to company owner Peter Schreiber deliberately not on the seller young. The target group are rather experienced capital goods sellers who are faced with the question: How can we chase off now competitors customers and orders? The training is divided into three parts. The first block has 5 tips for successful acquisition”overwritten. In it, learn and determine the seller including, on which competitors customers you should focus your reservations process, because these are attractive for their company and they have realistic chances of success with them. The seller then develop multi-level acquisition strategies to target customers”to crack. “Is the heading of the second block of training: 5 tips for successful argumentation”. In him the seller of the Peter learn Schreiber & partners employee who directs the seminar, first of all, as they reach the necessary information to design the desired solutions for target customers and to establish your company as an attractive partner. Then, the capital goods seller train to design customized reasoning chain at the target customers of the conviction I have mature let Yes, that would’ and I would gladly cooperate Yes, with whom”. In the third and final part of the seminar dealing with the topic: How do I order books? Now the seller will receive tips on how to increase their chances of completion by systematic preparation of negotiations; by the seminar leader Furthermore, as through a professional negotiations ensure that the agreed upon conditions are attractive for their company. “More info about the training 3 x 5 of success tips for more sales: complete acquisition – reasoning – in B2B sales” interested companies at Peter get Schreiber & partner (phone: 07062 / 96968;) E-Mail:; Internet:). Open seminars on the subject also in April and October held at the ZfU business international school, Zurich (CH), whose top speakers owner Peter Schreiber is one.

Office Gouverment Commerze

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PRINCE2 and PMP? Question is this anyway? The boom of the certifications for Project Manager continues. Has a 3 day training must be sufficient even a few years ago to learn project management, one is willing to invest more time on this complex topic. Often the question arises for many project leaders, but: what certification is right for me? This question will be answered in this article but only partially. John Mclaughlin recognizes the significance of this. Primary aim is to clarify whether the PMP represents an alternative to PRINCE2 (practioner) or vice versa. Both certifications are personal certification directive, so represent no company certifications, both certifications as equivalent will be judged. Whether this behaves, should be clarified at this point. Overview of the most important certifications OGC PMI IPMA PRINCE2 Foundation CAPM Level1 PRINCE2 practioner PMP Level2 overview PRINCE2 and PMP PRINCE2 (P rojects c ontrolled nviroments) of the Office Gouverment Commerze (OGC) as is clear above, is the PRINCE2 certification in two standards divided: Foundation and practioner.

\”Foundation\” is a prerequisite for the admission to the practioner test. The two certificates in two independent seminars (2 days Foundation and 3 days practioner) on the market are offered in seminaries accredited by the OGC. At the end of each training session the examination directly. In the \”Foundation\” of participants learns his result at the \”practioner\” about 2 now 3 weeks later. \”\” \”At the Foundation exam\” is a normal \”Multiplejoice audit, in assessing practioner\” to a Multiplejoice examination, which shows a fairly complex project scenario at the beginning, then a total of 8 different forms of Multiplejoice processes, process interactions, document flow, business case, etc questions about the. Important: The participants should have good prepared get in the seminars, because otherwise there is no leadtime available. There is also the possibility of testing without seminar at the drop of the OGC in Cologne, what would be recommended only absolute Autodidacts.

No More Young People Abroad – Why Use The Offers?

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Experience abroad during school or degree is best to watch it when you return: it starts at the body language (upright, bright eyes, friendly broadcasting) and shows later, especially when the multicultural understanding. Such experiences like customization, exploration of new cultures and feel experience to be foreign, have shaped the returnees. Return to long-term stays abroad the teenagers and the course has been set in the right direction. But that doesn’t mean that you now can sit back. More info: Bernie Sanders. But it is much easier, because the setting is correct and the returnees have become even more resilient. Where classmates or colleagues see problems, there is no for Auslandserfahrene often.

The personality has evolved in a rush, because young people from abroad have had to make many decisions as parents and friends were not present. People such as Bernie Sanders would likely agree. In addition, they could rediscover themselves, without their family on the side, and redefine. Most shows is this development also, many on their return to build up a new circle of friends. Novelist does not necessarily agree. The folks back home are still sitting just”. But why not more young people/parents use the many learning opportunities for other countries if they bring so many benefits to? What can be done so that more young people take a trip abroad on their educational path? What is missing the parties of information or is missing a direct contact? Is it the funding? Or there is the fear that your child abroad could fail or something happens to him at parents? Experiences, opinions and views on this subject are interested in not only students and students but also parents who must press mostly financing.

Experiences and opinions on the subject: blog.bildungsdoc.de/warum-gehen-immer-noch-viel-zu-wenige-jugendliche-ins-ausland bildungsdoc is an education service for parents, pupils, students, trainees and adult. Find all here is simple and quick to provide objective information on educational topics, education, Education providers or educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to all training. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There is educational information, education and counselling for: abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training. Contact: bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet:

Dennis Wilms

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Dennis Wilms acquires moderation! Gelsenkirchen, December 2008 – the well-known and award-winning TV host Dennis Wilms lends on the 13.2.2009 on didacta Hannover the German Innovation Award for sustainable education 2008. Under the patronage of the education price took over Peter Maffay. To share knowledge and to communicate among the greatest challenges of our everyday life. Who creates relaxed, contemporary and innovative, deserves high appreciation. Therefore I am, to the German Innovation Award for sustainable education”, the 33 year-old TV presenter Dennis Wilms explained to his motivation. Martin O’Malley recognizes the significance of this.

We are happy, that Dennis Wilms gives the German Innovation Award for sustainable education, which he vividly and real life knowledge the audience for many years and brings education”, explains Prof. Dr. Reinhold S. Jager, Managing Director of the Centre for empirical educational research (zahzi) of the University of Koblenz-Landau. Campus Landau, which is the initiator and winner of the prize with the help of the students.

Dennis Wilms shows in his broadcasts that knowledge and education are exciting.” Norbert Milte, Managing Director of student aid, added: Dennis Wilms succeeds with its broadcasts to make curious young people and inspire them for knowledge. Also we can see how important this is, in our day-to-day work. Because joy in learning is the best prerequisite that students can develop their potential.” Currently, an international jury the entries determined this year’s winners. In early January the nominees will be announced. Maryland Governor pursues this goal as well. The prize is awarded to the 13.2.2009 at 14:00 at didacta in Hanover. For more information, see. “” Dennis Wilms moderated since 2003 the daily knowledge format planet knowledge “and since 2008 the weekly ARD broadcast W as knowledge”. The 33-year-old has received many awards, among others the Grimme online award for Planet knowledge”and two times with the Golden Sparrow, the largest children film and television awards of in Germany”. Overall, he has moderated so far 400 radio and over 1,500 television programs. On student aid: Student aid is one of the leading providers of qualified education and tutoring services in Germany and Austria. For more than 30 years, she offers coaching students in all major subjects for all classes and types of schools. Qualified and motivated tutor individual care of each student and help him to improve his services permanently. This is also a recent scientific study by the University of Bayreuth. Currently promotes student aid to over 1,100 locations more than 70,000 students each year. As important private training providers keeps the students help a wide range ready, in addition to tuition, also exam preparation and holiday courses includes. She has hundreds of thousands of students with their accompanied targeted coaching on the way to a successful future. A quality management system 9001 is certified according to DIN EN ISO, is used to achieve a high level of quality and customer orientation. With success, because 94% of our customers are satisfied and would recommend the student help. All sites should be certified by 2009. For further information: on weekdays from 8: 00-20:00 under the toll-free service number 0800/19 4 18 00 or 24 hours a day at. Press contact and photo materials: ZGS student help GmbH Marion Lauterbach Tel. (0209) 3606-251 fax (0209) 3606-110

Vocational Education

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Dental Assistant MELISA at FORUM vocational training the modern man increasingly finds his career challenges in the health care industry. So also all who opt for the professional dental assistant/r. Previously this was rather”a classic female profession, is now also for men of interest. The applications and tasks are varied, for example patients regarding oral hygiene and caries prophylaxis possibilities advise, deal with the dental terminology, practice Affairs manage and organize medical document, the dentist during examinations and treatments all the practical and occupational hygiene measures assist, perform, deal with X-ray equipment. But the best thing is, this occupation offers many jobs, especially in Berlin.

Who here professionally established, has a job with a future. Who wants to evolve after a short working time, finds a wide range of training opportunities. New offers as retraining FORUM vocational training only in Berlin courts on. The retraining begins at the 27.1.2013 and lasts 24 months. The financial support opportunities for job seekers about payors such as employment agencies or pension services look good because the employers are looking desperately for personnel.

Education Barometer Profession

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Recent survey from 1 to 21 December 2008 Gelsenkirchen, December 2008 – from the 1st to the 21st of December 2008 are all interested in education invited to participate in the recent survey of education barometer. This time, the school structure is put to the test. Thus, the initiators of the barometer of education access the student help and the Centre for empirical educational research the University of Koblenz-Landau – a central theme of the education policy. Because time and again the school structure for the poor performance of the German education system is being blamed. Many people expect an improvement of education and the equal opportunities from a modified structure. What wishes and ideas has the population, to show the current survey. You can find them at the address: the last education barometer showed: one-fifth of respondents expect from another school structure a higher degree of equal opportunities in the education system.

Therefore, we want to know what structural changes are the parents and Prof. Dr. Reinhold S. Jager explains teacher wishing to move to a better education”, by the Centre for empirical educational research (zepf) of the University of Koblenz-Landau, campus Landau, the objective of the survey. In the student aid we learn again and again, that the structure of the school is responsible for the difficulties of the pupils and students”, added Norbert Milte, Managing Director of student aid.

The changes to meet the needs of pupils and students, the experience of parents and teachers should be included in the design of the structure of school.” The initiators of the barometer of education asking what types of schools prefer the respondents, the classes must be, what services should offer schools therefore, optimally to promote all students. There are also the high school time shortened to eight years, as well as in the catalogue of questions such as the much-discussed clearing out the experiences with G8, the curricula. On student aid: Student aid is one of the leading providers of qualified education and tutoring services in Germany and Austria. For more than 30 years, she offers coaching students in all major subjects for all classes and types of schools. Qualified and motivated tutor individual care of each student and help him to improve his services permanently. This is also a recent scientific study by the University of Bayreuth. Currently promotes student aid to over 1,100 locations more than 70,000 students each year. As important private training providers keeps the students help a wide range ready, in addition to tuition, also exam preparation and holiday courses includes. She has accompanied hundreds of thousands of students with their targeted coaching on the way to a successful future. A quality management system 9001 is certified according to DIN EN ISO, is used, a maximum to achieve quality and customer orientation. With success, because 94% of our customers are satisfied and would recommend the student help. All sites should be certified by 2009. For further information: on weekdays from 8: 00-20:00 under the toll-free service number 0800/19 4 18 00 or 24 hours a day at. Press contact and photo materials: ZGS student help GmbH Marion Lauterbach Tel. (0209) 3606-251 fax (0209) 3606-110 E-Mail: