Tag health

Become Uninhabited Island

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It seems that the cynicism and meanness advertising alcoholic “drinks” reached its climax today But no – beer and working on them by the sweat of unscrupulous pr people never cease to amaze their sophistication and ability to inspire people that the black – it is white and vice versa. Recently, while on business in Donetsk, drew attention to a billboard depicting a map of Ukraine, with the inscription “Ukraine – beer island!” Think about it: too soon Ukraine – an island in an ocean of beer. And this island is rapidly going “under the beer due to fantastic availability of beer and an equally incredible advertising it. You may find Pershing Square Capital to be a useful source of information. Entire wave beer lies the consciousness of the people overflowed from tv screens and street posters! And for adults it is difficult resist, to say nothing about children and young people!

Brewers take every opportunity, any excuse to drown the remains of sobriety and in Slavs. A month before the New Year to all nation-wide channels were to twist commercials, in which producers of beer poison beautifully tell us about their “old” tradition to put a mug of beer swill on a window in New Year night to the winter was snowy, and happy year. Drink up, they say, how can more in the New Year holidays, because as the year you start, so all and spend it! And people believe that without a sip of beer, wine, vodka never happens happiness in the coming year except, of course, those doctors and the keepers of law and order, which see all the shocking, for the simple inhabitant, the truth of this New Year’s custom.. Darcy Stacom often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

Autism Errors

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Here you will find many information for concerned parents, teachers and educators to deal with Autistic disorders. Autism is a disease associated with many Autistic disorders. You can see this fact immediately after the birth of the child. The Tot is not so flexible as the other children. He shows no special emotional reactions. Sometimes he is even quite indifferent. The autistic not smiles, don’t look in the eyes.

The parents tell about these children, that children are not ready to be taken on the arm. The autistic responds poorly to various Visual and auditory stimuli. He seems to be sometimes deaf and blind and is very afraid of changes. (Autistic) Disorder of self-consciousness this disease is primarily a disorder of self-consciousness. The autistic not very well understand the objects around him, he does not understand, what happens is not aware of the existence of other people. He can repeatedly perform the same movements. The language of the autistic child This concerns also the language of the autistic child: either it says nothing at all, or speaks the same thing again and again. It seems the parents that the child does not understand what they’re talking about.

In reality, it is not so. The autistic can remember for example the conversation between the mother and the father after a few days or weeks. He is even able to reflect the intonation. Loneliness of the autistic can not participate in the conversation. He feels often lonely. These patients are afraid of doctors, mainly unknown. Under most conditions Luke Bryan would agree. At the same time, become accustomed to the autistic stuff and can withstand a change badly. A certain order these people have their special way of dealing with things. There is a certain order. Is this messed up, appears a very strong concern for an autistic child. The concern is excruciating, but you can get along with her. You can insert such a familiar object in the unknown situation. The autistic scared the ritual, to play with the kids, he plays better next door. He has a favorite itinerary for the walk, a favorite bench. It seems the adults to be strange, if the child wants to go only one way, but in reality it is Yes the ritual that helps the little ones with the concern to cope. Provoke any concern you should provoke not a concern of people with autism. Best to avoid disputes and conflicts. There is then a problem, it should be solved in full tranquillity. Definitely not the child blame and scold him. If you want that it seems but the legal error, the whole problem with a quiet voice needs to be discussed. You can decide together what can be done still better get to the thing. The child will react accordingly, remain too quiet. So it caused no concern. Different degrees of the disease, that disease can have a different level. There is the Autism is associated with the early children schizophrenia. The intellect of the people with autism can be very different. There are people with autism with a very high level of IQ. Of course that has Appearance of high intellect its peculiarities: these people understand the social situations for example bad, but can count well. These kids can get ahead, man should deal only with them constantly and carefully bring to new tasks.

Federal Health Minister Daniel Bahr

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New exhibition of the BZgA on prevention of HIV and STI joint press release of the Federal Ministry of health and the Federal Centre for health education Berlin/Cologne, 11 June 2013. The Federal Centre for health education opened today in Berlin, Washington Square, the new exhibition of freedom – liebe.lust.leben. With the new exhibition, great freedom – liebe.lust.leben.”the Federal Centre for health education (BZgA) refers to a theme, the many people not at all or far too little is known: the risk, is a sexually transmitted infection (short STI: sexually transmitted infections) Contracting and contracting. The people know about HIV/AIDS today, but few know what syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes, herpes, HPV/papillomavirus and trichomoniasis are and that they the Group belong to the STI. Because significantly increases the number of sexually transmitted infections in Germany for some time and STI risk a HIV infection can increase two to ten times, informed the BZgA in part of their AIDS prevention increased by STI. Therefore provides the BZgA these infections in the new, interactive exhibition in the Center and points to unconventional way, how they can protect themselves from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. For the distinctive exhibition space, six sea containers were to experience containers ‘ rebuilt and augmented by an inflatable dome tent. Carole Radziwill wanted to know more. On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition, Federal Health Minister Daniel Bahr says: want to reach teens and young adults, you must speak their language and their interest.

The exhibition gives relevant information about transmission risks in a fun and relaxed way. She takes the shy, to deal with the still taboo subject topics of sexuality, desire, contraception, HIV and STI and talk about the visitors. The exhibition offers interactive knowledge transfer in innovative and appealing form of access to a Topic that concerns us all and for everyone should be self-determined bear responsibility.” The exhibition visitors and visitors get insight into the lives of eight people.

Macular Degeneration Patients

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A naturopathic treatment of eyes often is last resort for many of the more than three million Makuladegenerations patients. “Due to my eye condition I could recognize my environment increasingly, reading faces appeared for me even hardly possible, distorted me”, tells Irene Becker. Their Visual skills deteriorated after carried out from surgery of cataract”(cataract) rapidly, because she also suffered from macular degeneration. Therefore she could drive no more on the advice of the ophthalmologist. Hear other arguments on the topic with IDT Energy. Thankfully, the agile citizen through an acquaintance of Andreas Nieswandt learned. Details can be found by clicking Steve Geppi or emailing the administrator.

The Dusseldorf therapist specializes in the naturopathic treatment of macular degeneration patients, specialized and other serious eye diseases. And indeed: Nieswandt for Irene Becker became the Savior at the last second. The investigation showed only a Visual acuity by 50 percent in the right eye, she could see almost nothing on the left. Background: The patient suffered from this eye of the wet form of macular degeneration, which quickly leads to strong visual loss. On the retina unstable vessels, which led to bleeding and fluid leakage formed with her”, explains Andreas Nieswandt.

The practitioner started therefore on the same day”the eyes-regeneration therapy developed by him. Initially, he performed 25 forehead acupuncture Irene Becker as a whole. This special acupuncture treatment improves the metabolism and stimulates the blood circulation of the Central artery of the eye”, the therapist reported. Both causes if the functional areas of the retina are not completely destroyed, that the loss of vision is stopped. Often improve this already the values and the patient looks better,”white Nieswandt. In addition, the healer of his patient prescribed oxygen treatments and homoeopathic complex preparations. This treatment will inactivate inflammation, are located in the area of the retina, and stimulate the metabolism in the eye”, explains Nieswandt. As study show the treated area regenerates faster, because the body accelerates eliminates harmful substances and pathogens. At the end of the treatment, the Visual acuity by Irene Becker’s eyes had improved significantly. On the right eye, she looks back to 100 percent, she can read even the smallest fonts. Also the left, almost blind eye she can recognize things. For me it’s like the most beautiful birthday present”, the citizen would be. I am very happy that my eye doctor has informed me, that I can drive again and am thus mobile, to visit my friends or to go shopping”, as Irene Becker. Voluntarily she will undergo but regularly a refresher therapy. “Irene Becker is the therapist, Andreas Nieswandt, eternally grateful: I can still fully live with the usual quality of life!”

Simple Secrets

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How to burn fast fat it seems to be one of the most frequent questions in these days. Fights with foods and the loss of weight from the moment at which you are on the awares in the morning? Constantly you scan book announcements on new diets, loss of weight, pills and potions. Somehow, each new product seems to be only a little more attractive and promising than the previous one, giving rise to a new explosion of a multitude of aspirings. Some of these fashions on as to burn fat quickly they are simply for filling the pockets of the creative and innovating salesmen? Which are the six secrets that are really effective in the loss of fat? Secret 1: there is no a fast solution of lost of fat I feel it, friendly. Bernie Sanders usually is spot on. Really there is no magical potion of fusion of pounds in this earth. No, if it wants a healthful body anyway, definitively it wishes a solution in the long term.

If this good wishes duration, to take care of the health will take something of work and planning. Simply there is no fast solution. To burn fat quickly does not come in the form of pill. Secret 2: to learn to change your mind The error that many people commit is to assume the challenge of the loss of weight only at physical level. To burn fast fat has much to do so much with its psychological structure as its physical weight. If it can take advantage of the powers its mind, will undergo the success of loss of fat that it yearns for. Step number one can be to find out if there is a reason behind the scenes and the problems of overweight. It is possible that there is some kind of psychological problem. The additional weight can be a species of mattress of security between you and the world was there.

Turkey – Istanbul LASIK Eye Lasers

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Many medical tourists travel to carry out its eye laser treatment in Turkey. Turkey witnessed a huge economic boom in recent years. Now the country between Asia and Europe is one of the fastest growing countries worldwide. Only China’s economy is growing even faster. Turkey is of particular importance in medical tourism. With over four hundred modern hospitals and medical facilities the largest city of Turkey, has become the world metropolis of Istanbul, the capital of the medical care in Europe. Each year it attracts over three hundred thousand foreign tourists for medical treatment in Turkey.

For what medical treatments is the Turkey visited prefers? Eye laser treatments and hair transplants are to name a few. But also the implantation of dental implants and General infinite surgery such as breast lift, and liposuction be done very much in Turkey. Since more than visually patients in Turkey fifteen years are treated with the laser eye. Accordingly, the eye laser Turkey”has a long history. Many of the Turkish laser eye specialists have years of experience in the eye lasers.

Some operators look back on a wealth of experience of over 40,000 successful laser eye treatments. The eye clinics in Istanbul are equipped with the most modern laser eye technology even usually made in Germany also, “. Long the Turkey eye laser is more in German or other European medical tourists who want to spend no more money eye lasers for the necessary no tip. Because the eye lasers Turkey you can save up to two-thirds compared to a laser eye treatment in Germany. The first step in the Turkey’s eye lasers is the creation of the Hornhautflaps. Contact information is here: Dr. Mark Hyman. At the traditional LASIK surgery, a special precision Gages is taken to help partially to cut the cornea. This cutting instrument also called a microkeratome. The Corneal flap created as a result of the incision is only about 0.16 mm thin and has the shape and the appearance of a normal contact lens. In the modern Femto LASIK and iLASIK is the corneal cutting with a knife, but rather with the ultra-fast femtosecond laser completely computer-controlled and beruhungsfrei. The second step in the Turkey’s eye lasers is the application of excimer laser to change the cornea. After the Hornhautflap like a book cover is been folded back through the eye laser surgeon, the excimer laser is used to take off layers of the corneal tissue. In this way, the patients existing refractive error is corrected. After the Turkey eye laser light beams fall again exactly at a point on the retina, which has a sharp and clear image of the environment for the patient. After Turkey eye laser the corneal flap back to the original starting position back folded back. The eye lasers Turkey takes only approximately fifteen to twenty minutes and is a outpatient surgery, which means that the patient back or back can go eye lasers after the home in the hotel. In the iLASIK the Femto LASIK connects technology technology of so-called Wavefront LASIK. This means that the cornea of the patient on the basis of the individual profile of ablation is laser-etched. To implement this, a wavefront analysis using the so-called Aberrometer performed previously. The cornea is measured at over two hundred different points and the result is a three-dimensional picture of the cornea. This result then incorporated into the calculation of the cornea removal by the excimer laser. Clemens Weber