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Physical Education

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According to Oliveira, (1994, P. 105)? Physical education in Brazil was during much time considered neutral without ideological connotation. It was restricted one physical activity whose movement was apprehended for the pedagogia of the consensus in its eminently biomechanic aspects. She is necessary before any innovative attitude enabling, convincing and to clarear the mind of this professional so that from it starts to occur to the changes effective of the area. while the professionals of the Physical Education not to open the eyes looking for to penetrate in its reality of concrete form through the critical reflection and of the action, will not be capable to promote the man conscientiously the life levels highest, thus contributing with its parcel for the accomplishment of the society and them people in search of its proper happiness. (Medina, 1989).

It would be ideology excessively to dream as Betti, of that the Physical Education as disciplines must have for purpose? to introduce and to integrate the pupil in the corporal culture of movement, being formed the citizen who goes produziz it and to transform it, instrumentalizando it to usufruct of the game, the sport, the dance and the gymnasticses in benefits of its quality of life. She is necessary that the pupil has? right? to know what, why and so that to carry through this or that movement, that is, to give to reason and practises it to meaning, establishing criteria and until they help and they intervine in order in accordance with to guide to the work the interests of the group. The intervention of the pupil will go to contribute so that the professor adopts one practical pedagogical reflexiva, potencializadora and above all flexible. Following this line of reasoning we have that to agree to Santin, (1987, p.28), when it says that the Physical Education will have greater identity and greater autonomy when if to approach more than the man and less of the anthropologies, when to leave of being instrument or function to be art, when to move away themselves from the technique and the mechanics and if to develop critically.


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