Tag Business on the Internet

Secret Illusion Marketing

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You will need two special ingredients to make this marketing strategy work successfully. You must have a product that is very valuable to your target audience, and something that you can provide for free. So what secret? – You ask. Tell your visitors what they can to get your product for free, if you will advertise your site. You can make your product is incredibly valuable, selling it. Write to the product compelling ad full page and start a real payment system. The higher price would you put, the more people will consider it a valuable product. Michael Chabon is often mentioned in discussions such as these. But be warned – do not set an incredibly high price.

So how do You can afford to give away an expensive product for free? Very simple. Create an information product that can be placed on the Internet. For example, electronic books, web sites with a paid membership, reports, etc. You do not will need to spend money on his creation and delivery to customers. But the strategy itself.

People visit your site, reads an advertisement for your information product, and concludes that the product is really valuable. Immediately after a price for the product say that the reader can get it for free, if you agree to place a link on this announcement on the main page of your site, or publish your ad in their ezine certain number of times. If the reader is not the site or mailing, you can install a script that can track the referrals. Tell visitors so that they will have to invite three friends to this site, or send this ad to your friends via e-mail to get your product for free. In any case, you’ll win! You will get free advertising for your site, or earn good money. Besides, it’s – viral tool: when someone advertises your website, you get new visitors, which will also advertise your site, etc. ————– Larry Dotson. Translated into Russian:

Desired Effortlessly

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What’s the quickest to accomplish what we want? The famous Internet marketer, Michael Joyner argues that there are five basic laws by which we can achieve any goals. To achieve the goal must be observed: The Law of straight lines: the shortest path between two points – a straight line. Also in achieving the goals: if you want to get quick results, choose the most direct way, do not need any extra steps and tasks. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as John Mclaughlin by clicking through. Act a clear vision: goal, which you should get, you should see. In order to get something, you should clearly understand exactly what you want.

Law focus: until you achieve your goal, you will not focus focus on anything anymore. Act concentrated power: same – until you achieve the result, you do not waste your energy for anything more. The inevitability of action-reaction: two inseparable things, which depend on each other: action and subsequent reaction. These laws are certainly true and tested experience and time, but they could still be reduced to three postulates: Know exactly what you want. The problem is that many fancy the idea, but here’s a picture the final result, whatever they would like to see – not always.

Owning your own business – the idea, but what, where, to what extent – it is objective. In order to accustom themselves to the representation of goals, a good training – visualization. Vividly imagine the end result – it looks like, sounds like it has changed your life and the lives of people around. Accurate representation of yourself that you want to help you rather choose the means to achieve objectives and reject unnecessary steps. Follow straight lines. Do only what brings you closer to your goal. Do not waste time on the performance of unnecessary tasks, which take you away. It may even be your everyday habits, but because the implementation of this paragraph is not so easy at first glance, it seems. If, say, you decide in a short period of Prestressing and save some money, spend money on a weekly and the familiar campaigns in restaurant on the weekends it would just breach the rules of straight lines, as in general for a month or six months accumulates an impressive amount. Focus on those things that bring you closer to your goal. Do not waste time and energy wasted. No need to recycle – making too much effort, we can not see how fall in love with minor things. And in the end we get an unsatisfactory result – a lot of work, little progress. Concentrated Are you the maximum can be determined by analyzing the activity. Ask yourself: Is all what I wanted, I have achieved in the time allotted to me? Enough I use my potential? Crept I close enough to ultimate goal, or standing still? If the answers are unsatisfactory, then your attention dissipated, and something is missing from your mind. Maybe it is time to let go of this situation, switch to another activity or try another way to achieve goals. Constantly review its activities to obtain maximum results.