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Educational Research

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So that they are studied, we need, initially, to construct a model represents that them. Such model, to be constructed, will go arrives in port to require it of several disciplines, generating a new knowledge. Moreover, this model it cannot be generalized, of when if only to the chosen situation (Bastos ET al. 2003). Authors as Morin (1996) point the transdisciplinaridade as the exit to deal with the complex situations. A boarding to transdisciplinar occurs when we use slight knowledge, proper methods, abilities and boardings of one discipline inside of the structure of one another one and in a new context. In this in case that, these boardings or these concepts are called transversal lines and can be considered according to two perspectives: in a platonic vision, these concepts and these boardings independently exist of contexts, having to be taught of general or abstract form; in a construtivista vision, the transference of one occurs disciplines for another one, through the modelizao of a nucleus, that will be transposed, and of an adaptation subsequent to the plan of the context. It is important to stand out that the knowledge to discipline are basic practical to multidiscipline them, interdisciplinares and until transdisciplinares.

Thus, it does not make felt to disdain these knowledge, but to advance in the direction of actions that allow to articulate them, generating understanding in raised platforms more.

Educational Performance

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In 5 years of studies it concludes the EnsinoSecundrio, demonstrates a good performance in the area of the education, where in the mesmocolgio he gains to the 18 years its first job, becoming, in 1941, professorde Portuguese language defending the education as practical of the freedom. Soon apsse to become professor of the Osvaldo College Cross, on account dedicated to aestudos of philosophy and philosophy of the language proper. Following its ideals, form-seBacharel in Right in Recife, but having the directed vocation to lecionar would logoabandonaria the profession, that practically did not arrive to exert, therefore its paixopela education (DREIRE, 1985, p.8 lead) to defend it thesis for the Cadeirade History and Philosophy of the Education in the School of Beautiful Arts of Pernambuco, teseessa that it would be its first book. In 1947, with only 26 anosele was nominated managing of the Department of Education and Culture of the SESI, entirely ondeentrou in contact with the alfabetizao of adults, participating deum intense work of formation of circles of dialogues between epais professors of pupils. In all study that Pablo Freireparticipava on pedagogical theories always drained in experiences deeducao, being that all left of one I continue effort of critical reading darealidade social, in which its experiences would have ‘ ‘ to be lived in way auma how much possible so narrow participation in the daily life them educandosdo povo’ ‘ the calls life reading (BRANDO, 2005, P. 63). Since the first years dedocncia, the professor Pablo relutou in changedding into a professor of room deaula and a searching specialist in academic subjects. In 1961, he was nomeadoprofessor of history and philosophy of the Education of the College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the University of Recife..

Educative Entertainment

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The citations concerning Griffith, Melis, Spiegelman and Herg, in this modest article series, only serve to place one few nugget in is without end that had integrated this epic. We lock up with Carl Barks. John Mclaughlin is likely to increase your knowledge. To the 93 years, the creator of Donald Duck, Uncle Patinhas & family, would make one tour for 11 countries of the Europe, with right the parade in open car and sessions of autographs with consisting authorities and meritrias authorities. Very probably the world had thousand and thousand of similars, that had lost without the same pomp. Of Barks certainty nor it dreamed of this, when he was conducting of mules for the 1916 gone ones and lived there with one bloquinho of paper, drawing compulsory everything what it saw for the front. Tony Gilroy, cineasta, speak through one of its personages in the film ' ' Duplicity? ' ' we have more power and consequentemente more to know and in sight of this bigger possibility of sobreviver' '. The Educative Entertainment considered here spread out a little more than knowledge in its bigger scope for a bigger number of people. If it occasioned effect or it only reply it is not: that each one speaks for itself.

Each one of us has a special affection for one, or another one or some producers. They in had shown to ways and experiences to them, and fatally our lives had enriched. In accordance with Paramahansa Yogananda in ' ' The Perpetual Search of the Homem' ' , ' ' we will be seen in this palco of the life as many times how many they will be necessary, in them even to become so good actors who we will be capable to represent our part with perfection, and in accordance with the Divina&#039 Will; '. For less crdulos we use verses, therefore nothing in instant some has more movement and is so imagtico. Of Hugo Loyal Moura: ' ' a contact lens here it is what I wanted to be to live inside of its olhose to make you me ver.' '

Guaviare Cocaine

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In May of 2000, the organisms of security of the CRAF accused of the expedition of special permissions to the basic cocaine buyers at the same time to enter the zone of distension and the imposition of the prices of the sales. In 2000 Colombia there were than 400,000 hectares dedicated more to the cocaine, which resists the eradication efforts and leaving the size of the cocaine cultures without changes, in agreement with the United Nations estimations. In that year, the cocaine culture in the clearing, the CRAF until the old zone demilitarized (clearing) of its official dissolution in February of 2002, increased of 6,000 hectares to 7,900 hectares, in agreement with the Embassy of the EE.UU. This area represented the 6 percent of the total of the Colombian cultures. Most of the increase was the result of the expansion in the part of the Guaviare, zone of culture that extended in the clearing, whereas the zone of the Macarena, that is totally within the ex- enclave of the CRAF, only increased in 300 hectares.

General Gustavo Socha, Antinarcotic director of the Police, was mentioned by the Service of Monitoring of the BBC in the middle of March of 2002, indicating: In this zone of Vistahermosa, Plateaus and San Vicente and in all the ex- zone of distension generally, and unique of cocaine leaf was not transferred without the approval of the guerrilla. What it really attracted our attention was the fact that the increase of the amount of seeded earth took place relatively near the municipalities on which there were very strict of control. Therefore, they are demonstrating that what is always said in relation with the increase of the production and on the participation of the CRAF in the business is certain. The air reconnaissance located to about 30 runways in the zone of distension. General Socha indicated that the guerrilla was preparation the runways to give capacity to different types from airships.

Russian Participants Of The French Resistance

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In the struggle with 'new order' – the Nazi regime arose patriotic and anti-fascist resistance movement. Its members published illegal newspapers and pamphlets, helped prisoners of war, engaged in the exploration, preparing for armed struggle. In the resistance movement involved people of different political and religious views: the Communists, Social Democrats, Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox Christians, members of trade unions and independents. (Resistance – defiance to the enemy) had a strong influence on other occupied countries, particularly Yugoslavia, Italy, Belgium, on the right holds a special place in the history of the Second World War. In France, together with French patriots fought for almost 40,000 guerrillas seventeen nationalities. Among them were about three thousand Soviet citizens who had escaped from German concentration camps and pow camps, who have created their own guerrilla groups and teams, which were part of the French Resistance forces. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Bernie Sanders by clicking through. A subsequently formed the first Soviet partisan regiment. Captured Soviet soldiers and youth occupied cities in the Soviet Union began to arrive in France since the middle of 1942. Nazis used them as forced laborers in coal and industrial areas and departments of Nord-Pas de Calais, in Alsace-Lorraine and other eastern areas of France, as well as the construction of fortifications. In eastern France and in south-western Germany, at the junction of the Franco-German border, there were many Nazi camps prisoners of war – in the cities of Forbach, Boulet, Saarbruecken, and others escape from Nazi camps was a matter of serious and dangerous: Many tried to escape, but only particular groups or lone managed to break free.

Sorocaba Production

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In 1806 the exportations had only reached more significant volume, with 80 a thousand arrobas. Being based on the enslaved man power, the coffee reigned absolute, during almost a century, as the main Brazilian wealth. Cities had been established and if they had developed because of the activity for the interior of So Paulo, in the South of Minas Gerais and the North of the Paran. The powerful agricultural aristocracy was awardee with headings of nobility for the empire. Thus the barons had appeared of it caf.em its farms, the cafeicultores took a life of luxury and wealth, compared with the one of the cut in Rio De Janeiro. The difficulty to carry the coffee in lombo from muares and cars from ox took the So Paulo farmers to invest in the construction of railroads.

In 1867 Saint was inaugurated, joining the main port of exportation with the zones of coffee production. Other railroads had appeared, guiding the opening of new farmings, that had also reached the Paran. With this growth throughout the railway lines some cities had all appeared that had known the prosperity, to start for Campinas, Sorocaba, Itu, Piracicaba, River Clearly, Banana plantation, Pindamonhangaba, Guaratinguet, Santos and So Paulo. All had known the movement of the aformoseamento produced for the farmers to show its power. The end of the Empire was contemplated already the gifts of the coffee.

The increasing production propitiated more development to the domestic market, brought the railroad, multiplied the cities, introduced the free man power, installed the first industries and provided the modernization to the urban centers. On account of the green gold, So Paulo later became capital it of the farmers and the metropolis of the coffee. Headquarters of the railroad, of famous cultural institutions, inaugurated the modern art. In the decade of 1920 as capital one of the state of bigger coffee production of the country, it strengthened the image that if delineated of the powerful locomotive that lead Brazil.