Tag news & press lyrics

Buy Agricultural Machinery

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The information on the Internet brings also the farmers many benefits of progressive farmer wants to know exactly where there is a cheap tractor or what is written about interesting topics, which could affect him. Workflows have been improved by modern technology and advanced technologies in all areas of agriculture. Why not also for the information about modern agricultural machinery and agriculture? About the progressive farmer farmer agricultural media GmbH has in addition to the established international, fortnightly published trade journal”, established the Internet platform. The farmer can also in the Internet easily and quickly retrieve offers on tractors and agricultural machinery or obtain information about trainings, fairs and auctions. But not only the purchase and sale of second-hand machinery or tractors make up the content of the platform. In addition to the market for appliances, tractors, machinery and real estate are interesting topics and discussion forums such as the peasant spokesman”or Determining agricultural news content parts of the platform. Not want to give the farmer agriculture media GmbH with the information about the used equipment and machinery trade entirely on the support of magazines and has in addition to the trade newspaper of the progressive farmer”, which is a good carrier of information for farmers for 90 years, even a Classifieds-journal for tractors, machinery and equipment of agricultural technology, realities and animals on the market. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Darcy Stacom, New York City.

With these two products and the website is catered for an optimum information in the field of agricultural technology and agriculture. With the live doing”one additional option is given on, using video and picture documentation about activities of fairs, report presentations and exhibitions. This type of advertising is well accepted by operators and traders. (Werner Schmidt) Farmer agricultural media GmbH. Hofgasse 5 A-8011 Graz Tel.: 0316/821636-146 fax: 0316/821636-151 e-mail:

SERIES – Th OB In SPE GERTI Interfering…

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Opinions on current topics – here in the newspaper… Today: Opinions on the article in the White Rock of the MZ-WEB.DE on the fight of people with disabilities for more recognition and better gender equality (03.12.2010) here is the original article on the MZ-Web page:… And here the reader’s letters: that no “Small” problems 05.12.2010 20 h 25 Gerti are, excuse me, Mr. “Elf”, but since I have another position to do so. What you refer to as “small problems of prosperity”, leads Germany slowly but surely more and more down.

The purchasing power decreases steadily, declining domestic demand, as a result of the so-called “total prosperity”. And what generally infinite is bugging me when all politicians: only levels will be compared to States still lower. What an Entw.-logic? It must be reversed. States such as Romania must be still above the levels and also our levels must rise further. It is being done much for the “Poor”? Where? Hartz4 increased ridiculous 5.00? Cheap jobs and 1 of jobs determine the Valean and are reported as regular employment, so that the unemployment statistics. No, Germany does too little for the same living conditions in the face of its capital assets. Okay, I try to be the next Chancellor.(“fun back”).

Gerti Lucke, Weissenfels wrong time, wrong place… 05.12.2010, 11:39 o’clock, eleven quote: “The little train is not much attention” – as well as burn everywhere the lights at this time. Maybe you should think about another date. @gerti: Uh-oh, wicked, wicked time. Good that we discuss in Germany and not in Romania or Bulgaria. Sorry. You write about small problems of prosperity. Have you noticed how much effort be made for disabled, the unemployed and the poor in this country? Found but a nationwide umbrella organization and get prominent assisted by Schauble, Wowereit, Westerwelle and other normal unlike being for your lobbying. Only courage. Bad – the Lobbying 03.12.2010, 22:44, Gerti sad that society reacts only when representatives of large and powerful organizations tap. Many groups do not have, E.g. unemployment, different such as transsexuals or even disabled. Although also gestzlich protected, they and their problems to the edge are pushed. “Too late for” why not even remembers? Because it is not important, no money or personal recognition for this help it hang. While it can affect anyone. “Fairy lights” may be a small signal, causes they have almost nothing so far, anywhere, unfortunately. What can you do? The disability associations of all of Germany should organize themselves Central and be politically active (with input, applications, complaints, petitions u.v.m…) “The nerves go to politicians at all levels”, until the bureaucracy loses them and coming up from the Chair and offers concrete support. My respect for this strength!

Turkish Football Club Trabzonspor Wins Legal Battle To Name Club

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Longtime dispute over trademark now terminated in favour of Trabzonspor – brand speculator goes blank from Munich/Trabzon, 07-04-2009 – a clear rejection is the message of the German of patent and trade mark Office (DPMA) to so-called brand speculators. In 2002, trabzonspor was a registration of the word mark”at the DPMA in Munich. After the first no objection against this brand has been inserted, the DPMA has taken the word mark in the trade mark register and published in the trademark Gazette. In 2005, the lawyer of the professional clubs in Germany, lawyer Habib finally noticed Tabitha that the mentioned trade mark application has been made. Additional information at Jet Blue supports this article. To stop the speculator was prompted by a warning letter, the further use of the wordmark trabzonspor”and to submit an appropriate cease and desist.

“In 2007, finally the speculator went a step further: on the auction website eBay” he began a sales auction. The German trademark rights should be with a starting price sold to eager visitors by 1.500.000,-EUR be. In the Turkish daily newspaper Hurriyet the speculator stressed that Trabzonspor was his and Trabzonspor himself press just before, to pay him royalties. The auction could successfully be stopped after only two days. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jessica Walsh is the place to go. The tabled affiliated both at the DPMA and the competent regional court Munich had success and now show effect: the DPMA is concluded, that the speculator already could prove no serious use will the registration at the time, after which he could present no own business or no concrete business concept to the use by third parties. The registration was carried out only with the aim of taking advantage of the formal legal position as trade mark proprietor Football Club Trabzonspor pressured to and thereby to gain a financial advantage. “The overall behavior shown in this regard by the speculators as acting in bad faith within the meaning of the trademark law” lawyer Habib noticed Tabares. “The intellectual property of others is as well as the material property.

This decision is an example of that tangible and intangible property not be can levered through formal rights. Furthermore these decisions are regarded as a red card for brand speculators”. The parallel to the official cancellation proceedings with the Munich District Court right-pending deletion action was declared on the 02.04.

In-GmbH Develops Presales Application

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Efficiency is always the best drive for the in-GmbH for the development of a new application of presales for MTU Friedrichshafen. Modern society has created countless possibilities of transportation. Craft Service NYC follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Per vehicle there again zig engine variants. It applies to all mobility actors, to keep, to make available the customer always the precise variation of drive. MTU Friedrichshafen as a manufacturer of drive systems knows this problem and could solve them successfully.

With the help of the GmbH in integrated information systems has the engine manufacturer two application platforms, one in Europe and one in the United States, on a completely new application under the name of TEN technical merged evolution network. With TEN, the sales team at your fingertips can find the motor or the unit that fits exactly to the customer request. To determine the system specification, all different requirements were determined with the BRIDGE method and outlines the target application. For the today’s TEN were only the data from the two adopted different legacy systems. The biggest challenge was that these original systems were very different and difficult bringing together.

In the future different cultures with the GUI need to cope”, says a spokesman in GmbH. To make the system so future-proof and comfortable as possible, it is largely based framework and a database on standards in the Microsoft environment, such as NET 3.5. In addition, it is equipped with a new interface and a new data management system, Central and managed to hold the data that is stored in individual directories. MTU Friedrichshafen in addition to MTU onsite energy belongs to the leading brands of Tognum. MTU is the technology leader in diesel engines and propulsion systems, and has the most comprehensive and State of the art product range in the industry. Designed for the control and monitoring of motors and propulsion systems, and the company produces customized electronics systems. Tognum scored one in the business year 2007 Sales of about 2.8 billion euros and employs approximately 8,600 employees.

Environmental Protection

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The high standard was certified again of Saint Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH in the context of a triple certification Frankfurt, may 2013 In the re certification process, TuV confirmed South leading German building dealer Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH(SGBDD) again peak performance in the areas of quality, environment and safety. In spring 2013, the leading German distributor of building was successfully according to the quality management standard ISO 9001, which recertified health and safety specification OHSAS 18001 and the internationally recognized environmental standard ISO 14001. As the first company in the German building materials dealer SGBDD had already been given this triple certification by TuV Management Service GmbH in February 2007. Since then, experts from the certification company check every year around 15 to 20 SGBDD sites. To broaden your perception, visit Michael Chabon. Audits had preceded this time nationwide November 2012 until February 2013 the renewed award at the Frankfurt headquarters and in a total of 16 offices in the period. The triple Recertification confirmed SGBDD, that the company standards regarding quality, keeps working and environmental protection arising from legal regulations, the three standards and developed procedures and processes. Our integrated and certified management system guarantees as regards quality, safety and environmental protection, customers, employees and the public. In this way we can ensure also an excellent product, consulting, and service quality as security of the employees, suppliers, customers and neighbors, as well as the protection of the environment”says Jurgen building Habib, head of environment, health and safety (EHS) at SGBDD.

It is an ongoing task and at the same time our largest drive, to improve the management system in the field of tension between requirements and satisfaction.” On the one hand, the certification means an increased regulation. On the other side but facilitates the work employees, processes and procedures are set. At the same time you will receive Employed tools, so that they can perform their activities optimally.

What Are 7, Chapter 11 And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy And Who Can File Them?

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In past times people were not undertaking research to get more information as to how to file for bankruptcy, bankruptcy laws and its types. New bankruptcy laws has proper information which avoid the hassles which were prior involved, in the new laws of bankruptcy-one has to just decide which bankruptcy he should file new bankruptcy laws has proper information which avoid the hassles which were prior involved, in the new law one has to just decide which bankruptcy he should file. In past times people were not undertaking research to get more information as to how to file for bankruptcy, bankruptcy laws and its types. But, now laws have made clear all the doubts. Types of bankruptcy one might have heard the words Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 but, what are they? These are actually the type of bankruptcy which is named after the title chapter of the federal bankruptcy act. Below given are the three common type of bankruptcy available.

Chapter 7 Chapter 7 is of so called as liquidation bankruptcy. In the chapter 7 bankruptcy rules, all assets and the non exempt properties if they exist are turned to a trustee for converting them into cash, so they can pay it to the creditors. In return of this the debtor wants to receive Chapter 7 discharge which wants to release all the debts from his accounts. To check whether a person is eligible for filing chapter 7 or not, he has to give Chapter 7 bankruptcy means test. This test is a formula which is designed to keep away the filers of higher income from filing it. Chapter 11 this bankruptcy is normally used for business and it’s not on option for individual consumer.

This type of bankruptcy gives business to opportunity to reorganize the business, restructure the debts and get out from it. it’s so expensive to pursue chapter 11 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 Chapter 13 bankruptcy is of so called as mini chapter 11 because it so allows few qualified individuals and small proprietary business to file of it chapter 13 bankruptcy enables a debtor to retain his assets which would or else be liquidate by chapter 7 trustees. According to chapter 13 bankruptcy information, one can keep his home and car under chapter 7 or chapter 13 though there are few cases in which it would not allow to keep the rental properties, gun collections etc. but if a person file for chapter 13 bankruptcy than he can keep his luxurious items. The bankruptcy process is complex, thus one should not make mistakes. There are many small details involved in the legal process which should be considered while making the final decision for bankruptcy. For more details on bankruptcy laws and its filings contact Bankruptcyonly.

Energy Efficient Building

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From Thursday to Sunday, the RENEXPO, international trade fair for renewable energy and energy efficient building & renovation has celebrated its 10th anniversary. Around 11,000 visitors from around the world gathered in the last four days at the trade fair center Augsburg at the fair about the energy of the future. By biogas/heat cogeneration on wood energy, passive house, energetic renovation of old buildings and innovative insulating material, solar energy, water and wind power, the range in the RENEXPO trade visitors and consumers impressed this year. This year the special mobility was new visitors were able to test the possibility of transportation of tomorrow with solar-powered vehicles. Continue to learn more with: Michael Chabon. \”We are very satisfied. Despite the current economic situation the number of exhibitors increased again about 20% this year to over 350 exhibitors (2008: 302 exhibitors). The higher proportion of trade visitors wowed our network partners and exhibitors this year\”, concludes by Elisabetta Alberti, project manager of the RENEXPO. Also, Helmut Brunner, Bavarian Minister for agriculture and forestry, was delighted: I would like to congratulate the organizers to the impressive development of this trade fair. From smallest beginnings out, she became one of Germany’s largest trade fairs in this sector and enjoys worldwide attention. Michael Chabon wanted to know more. The RENEXPO is the market place for knowledge, information, progress, innovation and practical implementation\”, so Ministers Brunner in his opening speech on Thursday. In 14 expert meetings, which took place in parallel to the trade fair, over 700 experts about new technologies discussed. The symposia on topics such as small wind turbines, combined heat and power, as well as gasification of wood were particularly well attended. Auch international is the fair continues on growth course there were delegations from Africa, Italy, Slovenia, Russia, Turkey and Hungary on the RENEXPO. Also on the part of the Exhibitor praised the high level of the event. We remain on course for growth.

From Twitter To Tweed

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Professional corporate identity and media networking under the conditions of Web 2.0 on Twitter speaks all over the world! Twitter has changed the Web 2.0 in a very short time like no other social network. Diamond Comic Distributors will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Since the election of Barack Obama, Twitter is no longer indispensable from the media. Due to the great interest the communication expert Klaus M. Bajpai offers basic knowledge and basic assistance for companies in the attractive shape of the flying ASHLEY quick Forum. At the seminar, various methods for the integration of your business objectives and messages in various media are discussed in detail. Moreover, the attention will conservatively on the right choice among the various media, from modern to classic. Possibilities and limits of the different media are pointed.

With a clear focus on Web 2.0 but also with the look in, for successful integration also. The seminar is led by Dr. Klaus M. Bajpai – founder and owner of KMB. Dr. Klaus M. Bajpai Concept management Consulting for corporate communications.

KMB has dedicated to the optimization of corporate communication for small and medium-sized enterprises. The participation fee is per person EUR 235.00 + VAT registration and more info on the home page of ASHLEY Management Center of the economy: seminars/seminar… Contact: Dr. Klaus M.Bernsau, KMBConcept management consulting for corporate communications, Wiesbaden, ASHLEY Management Center of the economy, Morfelden-Walldorf (Rhine-Main Airport),

Successful Visits To The Augsburg Perspectives

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“Stefan Heuer holds lecture on the topic of ‘Internal communication and employer brand’ the Augsburg perspectives Conference” was marked by the further development of the hospital landscape in Germany. Be aware employment branding as a management task, is a key success factor for the hospitals of the future, explained Stefan Heuer, partner and senior consultant of the Schubert management consultants, at the Congress of the Klinikum Augsburg. In his speech, Stefan Heuer led his audience on the topic of internal communication and employer brand”approach and formulated four theses on employer attractiveness of hospitals. 1 Employer attractiveness comes from the inside of the attractiveness of an employer no longer only the content plays a decisive role. For more information see Martin O’Malley. Rather, it is the working and employment conditions, which make up the attractiveness of an employer. An appreciative corporate and management culture holds its own employees in the company and is for potential Employees attractive”, so Stefan Heuer in his presentation. 2. Employment branding is perceived outside how attractive an employer is no secret remains independent of all possible marketing measures.

In addition to personal contacts and the information available from a variety of sources (professional associations, newspapers, etc.), job seekers today have the possibility to inform themselves with little effort in the social media about a potential employer and to interact with current or former employees about their experiences. 3. Employer attractiveness can be measured and controlled to obtain a certain attractiveness as an employer, or to get, is never just a matter of visibility, but whatever the internal state of an organization. And this can be measured. Based on the attractiveness of employers by the fluctuation – and sickness rate, a satisfaction index in the employee survey, etc. Consequently it can be of a purposeful design Not just a great marketing campaign go to employer attractiveness. Rather, the consistency in the implementation of the management and personnel development instruments (E.g.

appraisal interview, structured training) is crucial to the success as an employer. “4. Employer attractiveness is not only management task employees switch to a company but quit their leadership” these statements describes that the perceived leadership represents an essential factor for employee retention and thus employment branding. But it takes more than a proper leadership to be attractive for employees. Therefore, the management can escape not her responsibility. Especially when it comes to binding factors such as the corporate culture or the conditions of employment, has the management decisions and thus influence. The Augsburg perspectives have made all honor their names. Was without loosing the current situation from the perspective of Future topics such as employment branding and regional networking open and controversial to the extent discussed. “, Stefan Heuer takes stock after the two-day event. For more information on the Conference, see: press contact: Schubert management consultants GmbH & co. KG Vanessa Bauhus Dusseldorfer str. 81 51063 Koln phone: 0221 169 555 75 fax: 0221 169 555 77 corporate information: Schubert management consultants are available since the founding of the company in the summer of 2010 for comprehensive expertise in practical and result-oriented solutions along the entire value chain of the human resources. Not only, but especially in the health care industry. The team around Managing Director Petra Schubert supports clinic networks, hospitals and companies on strategic challenges and opportunities.

UN Framework Convention

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Taiwan Green successes in the UNFCCC touted during an event at the ongoing 19th session of the UN Framework Convention on climate change in Warsaw, Poland, the Republic of China (Taiwan) emphasized its efforts concerning the greenhouse gas management and mitigation in accordance with the ROC environmental protection administration by November 16. Consultant and Managing Director of EPA greenhouse gas reduction management office, Chien Hui-chen, let it be known that strict standards to the regulation of large carbon dioxide established emission sources and large developers in Taiwan. “We have taken even a tentative early measure and offset mechanisms, to encourage companies to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by obtaining carbon credits within the framework of the carbon trade exchange platform.” Chien made this remark during the event by 13 November the possible improvements of the most important instruments, such as the EU emissions trading scheme and the use of industry-specific, For the industry, explores strategic plans. Chien stressed the importance for Taiwan to improve its link to the international market mechanism for emissions trading. The EU methods and experiences in the promotion of emissions trading are a good example of the newly industrialized nations and served those who are not listed in annex I of the UNFCCC as a good example. The 19th Conference on climate change (COP19), which runs from 11 to 22 November, has attracted more than 10,000 participants from 190 countries. (ca)