Tag services & consulting

Successful Reminders

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The right psychology, that is often the key to successfully to remind and to collect debts. Hamm, in June 2010: it draws the prior Inkasso GmbH with its expert team of a large pool of experience and outstanding friendly and persistent claims is calling. It is important that always a positive relationship between the debtor and creditor will maintain the debt collection experts from Hamm. The judicial Dunning and enforcement procedure initiates the prior Inkasso GmbH only at persistent non-payment. Often no evil intention, if consumers do not pay their bills and therefore become debtors. Many forget the numbers of amounts in the stress of everyday life – in some cases, liquidity bottlenecks can pay financially too. Therefore, the right strategy in addressing the debtor according to the prior Inkasso GmbH is an extremely important factor.

Often run recoveries where you used a polite tone and on the Bills reminds the debtor at the end positive. The successful strategy of prior Inkasso GmbH contains in the rule first sending the collection letter of formal notice. Especially forgetful debtors are the ones who now respond and pay their bills. The other type of debtor is, as already mentioned, the insolvent debtor, which conditionally can not pay the Bills by cash-flow problems. This would sure like to pay the outstanding claims, but it cannot and does not simply respond to the letter of formal notice. This renewed and solution-oriented contact on the part of prior Inkasso GmbH (E.g. in the form of offering an installment) is the right way. Another type of debtor is the notorious debtor.

This group of people deliberately ignored the letter of formal notice and therefore, immediate legal action should be initiated with him. If the form of the written reminder for different reasons is ignored, trained experts of prior Inkasso GmbH with the respective debtors call professionally on these situations, to learn about the reasons for the non-paid invoices. The reason for this is not to pay the employees of prior Inkasso GmbH-known, they apply systematically the specific strategy for each debt type, which has proved in practice already very successful. It aims to move the debtor through the right choice of words and competence to the payment of the outstanding amounts. If unfortunately this measure does fail, the prior Inkasso GmbH introduces the legal proceedings. Depending on the case, it may be applying for reminders and enforcement notices. Further steps would be applying for warrants the proceedings as well as a possible foreclosure, the request to submit of an affidavit, or in extreme cases.

Success Guarantee

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A.D.U. building service relies on electronic quality management system create customer satisfaction through the quality of our services. This is since always scale the A.D.U. building service and includes a commitment to continual improvement. To meet this high demand, the company has since 2009 on the quality assurance system innovative e-QSS. Certified as per DIN EN 13549 control and management tool provides e-QSS objective and complete evidence, that provided all the services at the agreed level.

QSS intelligently adapts to the specific needs of each company. Together with the customer creates an electronic checklist which provides a high level of transparency and security. The implementation of quality control with a mobile PDA guarantees a significant time savings in the data collection and evaluation. The data are automatically sent immediately after a check carried out, using GPS or Internet to the QSS-server. For the principal is available, of course, in a specially protected customer area the result of just a few minutes after the tour online in the Web portal. Large stack of paper with quality control forms and lengthy evaluations thus belong to the past.

But e-QSS offers even more. During a Kontrollgangs, for example, is determined that a fire extinguisher inspection is due or is discovered a faulty lighting, the competent staff of the customer directly via Flashmail can be informed. Special orders can be ordered directly through the system, and of course, the customer gets an automatic feedback after completion of the order. A client supports multiple properties in different locations, so he has based on the e-QSS software in a very short time, from the desktop, an overview of the quality of cleaning in his buildings. No matter, whether this building in Paderborn, Bielefeld, Kassel, are Hannover or Dusseldorf. Rapid and transparent evaluation Performance comparisons of different buildings and periods, significantly reduced response times, as well as a fast and uncomplicated information and communication are the main advantages of the e-QSS system”, says Heike Eltze, Managing Director of A.D.U. building service. Jessica Walsh has compatible beliefs. An innovation with real added value”. Heike Eltze

Schmitt Team

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Klaus Schmitt about basic principles and decisions for the successful practice – impulses for the individual design of the practice (2) strengths promote – or combat weaknesses? Every person, every dentist has a unique profile of strengths. There is also the counterpart, someone looking for exactly this counterpart for this profile. It is important that you involved your strengths in environmental’ use. This means that there are strengths, that are only of importance and others that you can use for the benefit of patients. In the detection and the proper use of this combination, is the key for extraordinary achievements. Find strengths and expand none can be equally good in all.

Only if you focus your efforts on your strengths, you will achieve a resounding success. And way to achieve this, you become aware of your strengths. So let us look, where are your strengths, your talents, your passions. This applies to your personal strengths as well as for your team and the entire practice. Tip: Make a list of all the things that have succeeded lately especially you, your team, and the entire practice, or which like to carry you or your employees. These questions can help you: in what activities I forget time and space, because I’m so focused? Areas in which I deemed expert? What do my patients to me, what my employees? What works give me a sense of satisfaction, etc… You decide which talents and skills into your team and what competencies make up your practice as a whole also. You have an extensive and diverse collection are available, you can now combine into groups. Strengthen personal strengths: Skills personal skills social skills training, knowledge / know-how strengths of the team: special abilities of the achievements of the team specific know-how of the team n MA successful team development Counselling skills practice strengths as a whole: Small and large successes Awards, certificates feedback training, certification relations, membership, networks considering the strengths, talents and skills in their entirety, to fulfill three roles as a dentist: the expert of course your professional strengths as a dentist are the Foundation of your activity! You are a surgeon, like placing implants, through training, focus and passion or rather an Endo specialist, looking for fun root canals and cleans? “Or perhaps a teaching” dentist, patients like to teach how they can get their teeth for life? The Manager in the role as Manager of your practice build on efficiency and effectiveness.

Messebau – So Is The Trade Fair Appearance With Minimal Effort A Success

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Easily from the Office online the fair construction also organize various trade fair highlights of various industries are pending in the year 2013. The preparations of a company on its fair include above all also the planning and the construction of the stand. Here, the Portal provides a time-saving alternative to the traditional and time-consuming search for the arranging of exhibition construction under pimu.de after a construction company for exhibition stand construction. According to individual requirements specifically suitable contractors through online find an important criterion for the successful trade fair appearance is the type of the stand, which aims to support the objective of the trade fair of company and promote fair construction. An island booth, for example, offers an all-round view on products and presentations for visitors and customers. Another criterion, which must be taken into account in trade fair construction, is the objective of the trade fair. Should customers be tied and won? Innovative products and services will present? Depending on the target that affects the choice of the type of the stand. So, for example, corner stand and stand with the selection available.

But the planning and construction of the stand can mean time, cost and personnel expenses or a painstaking search for a suitable contractors for exhibition stand construction, which takes into account the desired criteria and implement. This painstaking search is with the online mediation for exhibition stand construction over here companies a free tender can contact the appropriate contractors for exhibition stand construction? Individual timelines and place the trade fair as a fixed budget and the desired design of the stand, as well as to consider any additional equipment can be entered in the competition. Easy access from the Office organize the fair construction with the portal and minimize time and cost for exhibition stand construction mediation on pimu.de companies to plan their trade fair to attract targeted construction companies with a contract tender, which can meet the conditions. An advantage for companies is that they can perform the complete planning and organization for the construction of the stand online. Favorable conditions make it easy to find the right tenders for construction of trade fair also construction companies. So provider for exhibition stand construction can for tendering targeted search, cheap contact the customer, generate jobs and increase sales. Related links to the portal to the arranging of exhibition construction: contact: pimu UG (haftungsbeschrankt) on the Enckekaserne 127 39110 Magdeburg Germany phone + 49 (0) 391 503 85-851 Web: pimu.de E-Mail: contact at pimu.de register Court: Amtsgericht Stendal registration number: HRB 18780 Finanzamt Magdeburg USt.Nr.: 10211701132 Managing Director: Stefan Sahili

Industry Services Sell

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Capital goods seller how the sale (wholesale) projects in addition to the associated services manages acquisition training by Peter Schreiber & partners practice to bring projects and service contracts finalised. We struggle with the problem,…”we want to in the future…” If capital goods seller hear such statements from potential customers, they face the challenge for customers or better with the customer to design a solution of the problem, so that they can acquire a job. This is often a difficult task, among other things, because such purchase decisions usually several areas as well as people in the customer’s organization are involved in, that have some different interests. Michael Chabon has many thoughts on the issue. Succeed like the sale (wholesale) projects in addition to the associated services, seller of industrial goods and services in a practical training experience of the consulting firm specialized in the sales of capital goods, Peter Schreiber & partner, Ilsfeld at Heilbronn (D). Participants train in the two-day acquisition training projects and industrial services successfully sell”first, to determine where these currently a need exists or soon arises when their target customers. For example, because the potential customer is under competitive pressure. Or because he’s under pressure of rationalization. Or because its market has changed.

“After practice to identify the seller, which areas and people in the customer organization to the purchase decision are directly or indirectly involved and what needs the members of the buying Center” have. Another training focus is: How can seller design alone or in contact with a specification workshop problem solution for the customer with the customer organization for example within the framework. “Furthermore: How can they produce through a systematic relations with the decision-makers feel this is a very good and pleasant partner, with which we would like to work together”, so that the own organisation awarded the contract even if it is not the cheapest provider. The participants in the acquisition of training not only in theory know all this. Rather serve real target customers of the company as a case study, with which the seller in the business want to come or expand the business relationship. For more info about the practice training success in the sale of projects and industrial services “interested companies at Peter get Schreiber & partner (phone: 07062 / 96968;)” Email:; Internet:).