Month Archive October 2014


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I am not going to argue the fact that alcohol has become the catalyst for the social life of many people and much less think to discuss the potential benefits of alcohol in the body. But there is one universal truth from which I am am sure everyone is with me: excessive alcohol is harmful to health. Unlike what many people think, the solution with alcohol isn’t in refrain from drinking it but in learning how to drink in moderation. Alcohol is a drug, potentially addictive, socially accepted and taken over by hundreds of millions of people around the world and even though many are who deny his alcoholism, accepting only be drinkers moderate in social situations, the truth is that the line separating the moderate drinker and alcoholic is very thin. Novelist has plenty of information regarding this issue. You drink too much alcohol? Probably do part of the thousands of people who claim to be only social drinkers, but what are so sure of this?. Answer the following questions honestly and, more affirmative answers you have, greater is the probability that you have of develop a problem of alcoholism or have these. If you’re at a party or social gathering and your Cup is empty, are you always looking for you a new one? After drinking, do you suffer from mental gaps? Do not you feel good when you’re all day without drinking alcohol? You drink alcohol to relax or to relax at the end of the day? Do you have been told several times they have already drunk enough? Do you drink alcohol frequently when you are alone, in any bar or home? You had to miss work or study by having drunk too much alcohol? Learn how to drink in moderation without doubt the key to not fall into alcoholism or the total prayer is learn how to drink in moderation. When a person drinks in moderation, alcohol is not converted into something harmful to health.

Watercolor – The Most Common Mistakes To Avoid

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In the past the vast majority of artists used to be very empirical, practice the art of watercolor without having well studied. Almost all learned the technique of watercolor without knowing exactly what it was. However in practice many mistakes that I believe we should hear all those dedicated to watercolor painting: pencil drawing not hard: To draw you must use the type 2B or 4B pencil If portraying a human figure based on picture, do not use the flash: a flash photography, because of the nature of light does not give any depth to work. Apart from that, the points of view is behind the head, which tends to flatten the features and expressions. Make the model of the human FIGRA look to one side: This way you can have a good assessment of skin tones, lights and shadows that are natural and natural expressions of the personality behind the scheme is working.

Balance the model of watercolor: Try to emphasize all the characteristics of the persons or the image and not only concentrate on one, this can skew the watercolor and allow to omit important details of it. Use a wide space with light: The light allows the model of watercolor carry all the features so that no changes have occurred in the drawing, especially the effect that light has in the shade. Use the gray shadow to highlight: when they see the shadows, do not hesitate to leave a Totnes darker. It adds more strength and expression and gives more depth to your drawing. The limitation of its shades of dark gray decreases the range of tone. So experiment with darker values. Do not use glossy paper: the pale watercolor drawing depends on the paper used.

Use roles that are neither too soft nor too hard makes the technique of watercolor is denoted much more, like the leftovers and the features of it. Draw crescents, Cirules not integers: The crescents give an appearance of greater reality to the drawings, primarily in the human figure and nature. Among the errors more common in watercolor, primarily in the development of grass or hair is to draw every leaf and every hair, leaving a broken wire effect. Use the contrast in place. To avoid this, use soft feathers. Given these common mistakes made in watercolor painting to avoid colors and contrasts that give insight to the art of painting. Be as natural as possible is the main technique of watercolor so any sketch or figure must strive to be as smooth as possible. Discover the characteristics of the technique of watercolor.

Cantina Mariachi

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But as well as providing a quality cuisine, this string of franchises is a surebet of profitability as a business concept. The restoration is one of the market segments that has undergone further development in recent years and one that presents a higher potential since it allows achieve greater sales market and recoup the investment in a short time. New habits of consumers and the development of the sector, have boosted the sector, emerging a new catering concept based on a very careful atmosphere, service more personalized customer, and a few different products without forgetting factor price for the target goes to that. The habits of consumers vary and with them the structure of the sector. Poet may also support this cause. One of the main incentives to invest in the restoration market is increasingly performed more meals outside the home, the Spaniards spent a third of its budget on food and 67.3% of this budget is allocated to spending power outside the home, says Gonzalo Juliani, director of expansion of Lizarran. Information corporate Lizarran tabernas selectas chain created in 1988, belongs today to the number one company in restoration in Spain, Comess Group. Since the creation of the company in 2003, this giant of the hospitality industry has experienced significant growth and today is one of the world leaders with more than 350 operating establishments and presence in 11 countries. This group, which also boasts renowned brands such as Cantina Mariachi, Pasta City, Rock and Ribs and China Boom, billed more than 175 million euros annually..

Franz Bach

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The “flagship” of geo-marketing and Vertriebsplanungs software Regiograph by GfK Geo marketing is strategy. Regiograph strategy can waiting with a variety of other functions that support not only the operational business and the current distribution plan, but offers extensive assistance in the strategic planning of the external service. In Regiograph includes strategy for example a site assessment of existing and new sites (considering the market share, potential, and catchment areas), automatic discovery of potential sites, detailed analysis of the flow of goods, etc. All versions of Regiograph by GfK geomarketing with different digital maps and may market data used so that an optimal sales planning for own use can be achieved with this geo marketing software and the correct digital maps. For example the Regiograph shop offers the geomarketing software Regiograph and all optional digital Landkarkten. With extensive advice exactly the correct version is found for every need of Regiograph, to streamline the Vetriebsplanung. Contact: loading hole & Franz Bach GbR Benjamin Beloch & Sebastian fashions Bach Guild Juan Street 17 D-48599 Gronau phone: + 49 (0) 2562 / 9922500 fax: + 49 (0) 2562 / 9922504 mail: at the Beloch & fashions b Regiograph-shop find geomarketing RegioGraph familiar versions in addition to the (Regiograph planning, Regiograph analysis, Regiograph strategy) also digital maps and market information for almost every country in this world, so that you get complete from one source the perfect solution for your sales planning – from the individual consultation and analysis of your needs about the software and Training of employees responsible for the relevant digital topographic maps and market information. In February 2008, Benjamin Beloch and Sebastian fashions b the loading hole & Franz Bach geomarketing founded GbR in the Westphalia Gronau.

From the very beginning in terms of focused Geo marketing (and often related sales planning and sales management). Geo marketing complements the classical marketing mix to spatial and locational factors. Geo marketing increases sales and marketing decision security. By the addition of external market information, you quickly reach an objective decision basis for expansion, sales planning and media planning. Since May 2009 the Beloch & fashions Bach is geo marketing GbR of official distributor of fiberglass Geo marketing and supports companies in introducing and optimal use of the acclaimed geomarketing software RegioGraph.

35 Years On Course For Success: HECTAS Hanover Celebrates Anniversary

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HECTAS branch appreciates 35th anniversary with more than 400 employees. The longtime clients include leading companies such as ABB, E.ON, Reemtsma and WABCO. In a question-answer forum novelist was the first to reply. Hanover July 24, 2012 – the subsidiary of the HECTAS facility services Stiftung & co. KG in Hannover, which was established in July 1977, supports customers in different industries, including retail, automotive and insurance. “Many of the nearly 250 customers have long-standing business relationships with the Gebaudedienstleister: trust companies from the region often for decades, in particular the maintenance cleaning of HECTAS”, says Ralf Gehrmann, branch manager of Hannover.

These include, for example, E.ON, Reemtsma, WABCO, and figure Here, HECTAS cleans among the offices and guaranteeing a consistently high level of hygiene in the workplace. A special feature of the Hanover branch is that it offers inventory and packaging services. For example, customers in the food retail sector very well accept this offer of our product portfolio. You will benefit from the fast implementation and precision of our employees”, stresses Ralf Gehrmann. Independent of this service the location Hannover branches is one of the largest and most successful HECTAS. The portfolio includes also a comprehensive service of mats in addition to a wide range of security services. This includes, inter alia, a rental service for dirt-trapping mats as well as a professional mat cleaning. “The loyalty of our customers shows that we are well positioned we are looking forward to another 35 years”, so Gehrmann on the anniversary of its establishment.

Hanover is one of 24 nationwide HECTAS branches, among which are many local presence locations. In total, approximately 6,000 employees for the Wuppertal company involved in Germany. Links: hannover about HECTAS: HECTAS facility services Stiftung & co. KG with its headquarters in Wuppertal is one of the leading quality providers for infrastructure building in Europe. The Company building-cleaning services, building services and security services more than 11,000 employees in eight European countries in the segments. HECTAS is a company of the Vorwerk family of entrepreneurs, was established in 1974. HECTAS offers its sophisticated, developed individually for each customer solutions, inter alia in the fields of industry, management, food processing, health and care, trade and logistics. Your personal contact: Jens Koenen, Vice President of corporate development & Marketing Europe T. + 49 202 9479-4360 F. + 49 202 9479-4860 E.

United States

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Because behind every door there is a small treasure or one hide large history. Contraction, separation, or an inheritance in the family often in the short run to space. The storage compartments then often serve as an interim measure. Also, if delayed the completion of the home, or if a longer stay abroad is imminent. On the other hand the SelfStorage compartments used in the long term, as a kind of external cellar”. There is season – sports equipment, tools or clothes square.

Customers of this storage times looking her compartment in the month to get things or to store again. Commercial self storage users are often long term tenants. They also like to use the possibility to send packets directly to the MyPlace House. Particularly when valuable compartment content, the security aspect plays an important role for many MyPlace customers. Additional information at author supports this article. The entire building is under video surveillance, and a number code only allows access to the site. It is possible to search seven days a week from 6:00 to 22:00. Manuela Giesen and Gabi reason Steioff assist its customers also in the computation of the required storage space. The clients are often amazed at how little space they actually need.

Most would rent out the belly”out unnecessarily large compartments, says Gabi reason Steioff. As a rule of thumb: a storage area of 1 m is required for the establishment of 10 m living space. The facilities of an average 80sqm apartment m has about 8 m-large storage compartment space therefore in one. Again and again it happens that customers who again dissolve their compartment thank you and say they didn’t know what they would have done without us”says Manuela Giesen. If you are interested in reporting, we invite you, to make an appointment with us. We like to show you the warehouse, report from everyday self and connect with customers, who are ready for interviews and photo shoots. We would be glad to welcome you! Event announcement: 01 September says experts MyPlace again write a review”. The art experts Reno Daschmann and Sinika Roman of the art and auction house Wiesbaden, to clarify free about whether the Wiesbadener store treasures or just worthless junk in their cellars. For more information see was_bietet_myplace/wertsachen_bewerten.html MyPlace SelfStorage Selfstorage means flexible rental of storage facilities for individuals and businesses, mostly in sizes ranging from 1 to 50 m, and go back to renting simple garage rows in the United States for the storage of goods of all kinds. MyPlace self is the market leader in the German-speaking world. In addition to the 23 branches in Germany, MyPlace operates 10 more in Austria and 2 in the Switzerland. For more information see

Important Tips On Google Adwords

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Learn how to optimize your ads, increase their ratios of clicks, reduce advertising costs and maximize return on investment quickly? The following tips will help you to achieve all this. Track your ROI (return on investment) this is a statistic that really need to know. You should know where they come from your conversions based on keywords. If you know this detail, widely reduce your advertising costs which makes increase their overall profits. Now Google gives a useful service from your Adwords account called Analytics that give this vital information. How to improve ROI? He is needed to improve conversion ratios. This can be done with: quality of traffic: one of the biggest mistakes new adword users make is to offer a general term.

You should be more specific with your keywords. For example, instead of offering sports car, it could be better with red convertible sports car. If manages to attract more traffic directed, you will have more opportunity to convert them into actual sales. Ad Copy (promotional text): try something simple testing split. Test with the same ad, but with different titles. Be sure to click on the option to show ads equally in your account.

This will be an ongoing process that will force him to gradually write better productive ads. Landing page: do your own landing page? If you only are binding is directly to the merchants page, then this is not for you; But having a landing page is something that you should consider. If you have landing page, you will need to constantly monitor and update it. Is the people by clicking thru to your seller? If it is not, then are you must work on the landing page to remedy this. Try improving your page title, writing better copies, making links stand out more, etc. You could perhaps offer something free. The aim of the page landing is pre-vender products people even before they reach your link!. Work from home if wants to start his own business on the internet already and also explain in detail through videos and conferences as do a proper marketing on the internet and be able to earn money on the internet, enter now to: