Month Archive April 2020

Gallegos Education

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To paraphrase Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava, holistic education is the education of the 21st century to form human beings with a planetary consciousness, is a vision of peace, love and intelligence, whose heart is spiritual intelligence. Holistic education is in favour of the culture of peace, only through education in spirituality is transformed to be individual and social being, and today more than ever we are pressed a new social relationship with the planet, with ourselves and with everything that surrounds you, this is the new educational paradigm of the 21st century. The book holistic education, Dr. Ramon Gallegos very widely deals with new educational culture, which must break with the old paradigm scientist/industry and give way to compassionate communities to ensure human survival through cultural radical transformations, since only the education has to go to life, to make life better. Spiritual intelligence is the internal living force and that responds to our real and deeper nature and is the foundation of all education. For even more opinions, read materials from Steve Geppi.

Only in education holistic is represented the very heart of all process and everyday educational practice. Education in the new educational paradigm is to return to the origin, source, is to rediscover us again. One of the obstacles for the holistic education is implemented in traditional education systems is the mind, which is based on assumptions about the nature of the world, human nature, human potential, we learn from the way in which people and this model reductionist, scientistic that currently prevails. Peace is a phenomenon both internal and external to the human being. John marlow ringcentral will not settle for partial explanations. Internally it is not enough to get it only inside human beings, but also in the external, in cultural sectors, administrative structures, as economic areas, in political action and in societies. Not forgetting or ignoring the ecological dimension, since holistic education places emphasis on the Planetarium. When he speaks of peace in education, we are talking of a harmonious whole, a mature reflection on cognitive, procedural and latitudinal objectives that favor their State.


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We would all like to succeed in life. However, not all succeed. While some people seem to get one success after another, others barely manage to come forward. They have ideas, but they never run them. Goals are fixed, but they never achieve them. They have dreams, but never reach them and at some point in their lives succumb to the idea that probably do not have the conditions that are required to be successful as some other people. Others do not have many aspirations in life and comply with what they have.

They simply don’t perceive the need nor the ability to overcome and achieve more in life. And never fail those who believe that success has a significant ingredient of luck and that simply did not touch them. What then is the secret to success? Everyone can be successful or is a destination reserved only for a few? What difference is there between a successful person and others? First, success is not an accident nor is a matter of luck. When we see a successful person many times We do not know their struggles, their failures and hard work that brought her to the place in which all admire and applaud you. Instead of feeding romantic notions about their successes, we should always bear in mind that that person certainly lived moments in which prevailed the blood, sweat and tears on any compensation either monetary or otherwise. The parable of the talents in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25: 14-30) tells the story of a Lord (God) that distributes talents to his servants (men) and then goes away.

After many years he returns to evaluate the performance of his servants. The interesting thing is that not distributes the same amount of talent to all the servants.


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The education of our children is a complex issue. On the one hand there must be a myriad of different methods which, in theory, seem to be effective in preparing a child to adulthood. On the other hand, parents are daily faced with situations of real life whose specific solution not found in any book on education. At Dr. Mark Hyman you will find additional information. Each family has its own dynamics and is exposed to suffer more problems in a certain area that in another, depending on many variables such as culture, values, beliefs, traditions, etc. Unfortunately those challenges in the education of the children do not always have an easy solution and require specific treatment which is suitable for every situation. Many times parents feel overwhelmed and helpless when they are faced with challenging situations and seek help desperately.

That is why today parents resort to experts more than ever. Consultations of psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, occupational therapists, psicopedagogos, etc., are filled with parents who are looking for how to solve the problems which faced in the education of their children. After all, no one teaches us how to be good parents, and therefore we tend to trust these experts when it comes to finding concrete solutions. Although in many cases the help of experts is advisable and useful, many times there are ways to solve a problem or avoid it altogether without having to resort to them. Everything lies in returning to simplify what has become so complex.

Thing again to establish basic principles of education and more confident that common sense with which Dios has endowed every human being, especially to parents. We must recognize that we as parents have a responsibility to educate our children, and we can not rid of it, although we would like to. Attempt to deliver it into the hands of others always will lead to failure, because it violates the universal laws upon which the well-being of the family unit is established.

Original Hotels

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Hotels in Cali Colombia, are prepared every year for new year’s Eve festivities and are organized according to the feverish activities. The fair of Cali spent from 25 to 30 December. This was the version number 53 and conto free presentations from recognized artists in the world of salsa, fusion music and 1960s? s. The parade, the Salsodromo and the parade of old Cali were the busiest events of the fair. The concerts in the clubs Chango, Mango Viche, Prague and the concert in the stadium of Deportivo Cali were part of private events. In December, despite winter, showed that people still coming to Cali. Many national and foreign tourists who brought dividends for the city, trade establishments and inhabitants of Cali were.

Failure to consolidate the figures that spitting this fair. Check out Dr. Mark Hyman for additional information. The hotels in Cali, was of course very happy, to respond in the best way all the tourists. Lack see that % of occupation will have hotels in the month of December and measure the impact of this festivity. There are 167 in Cali accommodation, but within these establishments include hotels, apart hotels and residences. Hotels formal and recognized as such there are 67 of them nine (9) are luxury hotels, forty-five first (three and four stars) and 16 cheap hotels. Today the hotel offer of the city is and 3061 rooms 6122 beds. The rate of hotel occupancy in the first half of this year has been the 33.5%, three points less than in the same period of last year and is lower than that observed in other cities of Colombia. However, the hotel industry is betting hard in the city because it sees favourable Outlook and is committed in nine projects that consolidate in the next two years and increase the hotel capacity by 30%, providing 1076 additional rooms.

These new hotels come with a whole team of marketing and tools to make visible to visitors or travelers and thereby ensuring future guests. They will open hotels in Cali? Hotels that we are talking about are cataloged 4 and 5 star. We do not know for certain how many cheap hotels opening soon in Cali. Before the new competition and maintain in force, must be bet on new technologies, move it to be innovative and offer alternatives for services that fully satisfy visitors. The bet is to be competitive in all aspects. Here you don’t win the largest if not the fastest to make use of these tools for the benefit of the Hotel and the guest. All, we win if we do the guest back to Cali fair and at any time year. Cali is always a delight! The hope in Cali! Original author and source of the article.

University Hospital

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In the lecture halls, small scientists storm news, links and tips on the subject of world of children’s universities in Europe ‘ is now available on the Internet. Interested kids and their parents can inform yourself on the theme of children’s universities in Europe. Each individual federal State in Germany and seven other European countries have basic information. New topics will be discussed for a few years in the universities and universities of applied sciences: How do I become Chancellor or Chancellor? How are messages created? How does the Internet work? How is our BGB come about? Why do not all Bavaria Bavarian talk? The first children’s University was opened in 2002 in Tubingen. You may wish to learn more. If so, Former Maryland Governor is the place to go. The first children-University Professor was the scientist Prof. Gregor Markl.

At that time, crowded 400 children and numerous media representatives in the large lecture hall of the University of Tubingen. Meanwhile, almost every University in Germany organized children uni days and the offers are constantly expanding. Links and tips are there to the increasingly popular girls ‘Day’. Here Students gain insight into professional fields often ignored by girls. These are about technology companies or universities and research centres. Comes in handy, the female kids can learn what looks work in laboratories, workshops, and editorial rooms. Girls’day the girl’s future day held annually in Germany and other European countries. Also is on the recently held boys’day alerted.

This initiative is offered also nationwide. Guys here know the typical workplace of the opposite sex and gain insights such as in schools, nurseries, veterinary practice, or in the lab of a University Hospital. Lilli Cremer Altgeld is editor of the site UNIS of children in Europe ‘. You coaches gifted personalities, radio journalist and presenter of the Forum ‘Giftedness – drama or success story’. Lilli Cremer Altgeld


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Another model of the series – N2500 provides 3.8 kW and weighs 14.2 kg. Networking Power Amplifier PowerH easily integrated into the network – in this case, the IRIS-Net. IRIS-Net – a software platform appartnaya for all devices with remote control, produced concern Telex Communications, Inc., Which includes the company Dynacord, Electro-Voice, Midas, KlarkTeknik. This network allows you to merge into a single set of highly configurable system devices, while promoting their remote control and monitoring from a single user interface. IRIS-Net and other support networks – Ethernet, Cobra-Net, CAN-Bus, USB is an open system, able to work with new versions of various networking solutions from other manufacturers. For the network configuration to a series of amplifiers available PowerH optional recessed channel Remote control module Dynacord RCM-26, which contains a microprocessor to implement the functions of the parametric EQ, crossovers, delays, compressors and limiters. The module also contains algorithms for FIR-filters with linear-phase and zero-latency and all kinds of speaker protection. In addition to analog balanced inputs, RCM-26 has a professional digital AES / EBU inputs and RS-232 interface. Filed under: Steve Geppi.

In the RCM-26 uses 24-bit sigma-delta AD / DA converters with 128 times oversampling, operating at 96 kHz and provide dynamic range> 116 dB, THD THD + N less than 0.005%. On board are two DSP module to the computing power of 300 MIPS. Internal bus 48-bit. When using the bus CAN-Bus using these modules can be combined into a system of up to 250 amps. For all the processes following an integrated microcontroller that displays the processes on the large LCD display.

Series instruments Ro-werH have developed types of protection: for example, the temperature measured at 6 points, while three-speed cooling is provided by two fans. If you deviate from the thermal regime of the microcontroller, depending on the situation, first decreases input signal, giving the amp ‘rest’ and in more serious cases, the controller disables the amplifier from the mains. The display is also continuously displayed voltages and modes. On the back panel is a complete set of professional connectors – XLR, Speakon, screw terminals for fixed installations. Power supply is carried out through a reliable connector PowerCon, having self-cleaning contacts and exclusive accidental breakdown of the power amplifier. Features Professional Amplifier Dynacord LX1600, LX220 and LX3000, relating to the Series Switchmode Precision: switching power supply topology of class ‘H’ with two-level power, built-in protection and limiters, opportunity to work at 2 ohms, super-light weight (only 8.7 kg). Optionally the data can be integrated amplifiers proprietary filters, which are narrow-band notch filters to exclude unwanted transients in the low-frequency range, thereby extending the range down, reproducible medium format speakers. Amplifiers Dynacord S1_800-C1-2000 combines excellent features, progressive circuitry and low price. Power Supply C1-series made by the classical scheme for toroidal transformers.

Web Design

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Modern Web design in recent years increasingly takes the form of programming, and often through the language of PHP. The network appears more dynamic sites, and fewer and fewer of their static counterparts. But some would program does not administer the site, its template or framework vseravno often is a single static page. And how does it work depends largely on the successful promotion of a site built on it. That there is mean? The standard scheme for constructing a template for the site is using vseizvestnyh tables that can be hard to position, to make them stretched. Also it generally can be divided into several tables, for example the header, body and footer. Because the browser is designed so that it displays the table only after complete the download, the site is built on the basis of the above framework will appear in the browser part.

First appears Lightweight cap site, where you can place any advertising that users will be reluctant to see waiting for loading the rest of the site. But the benefits in promoting a site is not likely bring. Yes, the carcass built on the tables usually has heavy code that much can harm the site as a part of its optimal indexing by search engines. Benefits for the promotion will be if the content pages will be as close as possible to his cap. Building such a pattern can only be based on the container div. Frame-based div can be done with minimal code, ie make all your style sheet CSS, where you can create a lot of different of all, for example to give the corners are rounded menu, the effects of pressing buttons, menus, and many other interesting things that will give it a nice modern look.

Also it is quite possible to do so all the menus and navigation through the site only visually in the browser was in the right places and in the code after the container with the content. In connection with the foregoing by themselves imply the minimum requirements for the static frame for the current site: The template should be made based on the container div with the maximum porting code to the stylesheet CSS. Container template with content should be as close to the cap site, and all the navigation menu made for it in the Internet you can find lots of different static patterns to build a modern website. To find the appropriate minimum requirements of the above site building modern enough to refer to any search engine with a control phrase 'template css'.

Educative Vestibule

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According to Educative Vestibule would hotelaria it always strong was influenced by the social and technological stimulatons of each time. With this it can be understood that half the lodging always the circumstances and demands of the market look for to adapt themselves to and they had been never anticipated in relation to this. Through research it is observed that in the last few decades the customer is freer, that is, its freedom of choice is bigger and with this the time of permanence in a place is more limited, then the transladao of a place for the other increases. The term empreendedorismo also was if fixing in the ways of lodging, therefore it starts in the enterprising spirit, so that such it happens has that, since early, to stimulate personal abilities in the direction to create active citizens in the society. The enterprising word has its French origin and wants to say, that one that takes risks and starts something of new. According to Robert Menezes, ' ' Empreendedorismo is the art to make to happen with motivation and criatividade' '.

Throughout the years this enterprising spirit comes more if strenghtening each time in the ways of lodgings. Hotels, Apart Hotels, Inns etc, come innovating bringing the junction of some caratersticas of the guests, that is one mix so that not if it can only please one definitive public, but to all. Robert Baron (2007, p.7) says that o empreendedorismo involves to recognize the chance to create something new? this does not need to be something new. It can be said that it is a recognition of new chances if to develop in a new market, that is requires creation or the recognition of a commercial application for a new thing. This would hotelaria it to is pra there, to show what it has of good new on of the new.


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In Peru 1990-2000 Fujimori managed great popularity and to govern besides the existing parties becoming the president who squashed to the subversion and generated a growth under a model monetarist. Thanks to it he changed the constitution to be made reelect twice. Colombia today happens through certain similar elements. Uribe has not eradicated the guerrilla it has been but it isolating and defeating. The today counts with more of 70% of support in the surveys appearing like the caudillo who guarantees antiterrorist security and national pride before the supposed interference of some neighbors. Uribe first changed the constitution to be made reelect in the 2006 and today it raises a new election aiming to find a formula that allows him to remain more time in the position. Although he could gain these new elections is the risk that he finishes like Fujimori concentrating more power but at the cost of incubating a social explosion that entails to its fall.

Quality Of The IT Processes: Important But Unknown

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Study of ITSM Consulting AG: prepare quality definitions and measurability of process improvements or problems companies have in recent years mainly on ITIL and standardization of the IT processes focused Bodenheim, 28.01.2011 – the business processes of the company are in ever-increasing dependency of the IT service quality, whose performance is analyzed by most companies, but rarely. That hardly anything has changed after a comparison survey of ITSM Consulting AG in recent years. Particularly heavy measurability of process improvements and insufficient quality definitions for the IT processes are among the main causes for moderation the quality analyses in the eyes of the surveyed managers. According to the study, now every second IT managers is painfully aware that the IT service quality has a profound influence on the course of business. Three years ago there were only four out of ten.

The circle of companies where such contexts at least partially exist, has grown by 37 to 40 per cent since 2007. At the same time the share of firms without success-critical impact of IT process quality for business processes on 11 percent has been halved. However, although according to a wide majority of the surveyed managers, the business success of the company requires special quality IT services, dedicate themselves only few ITSM organizations of a systematic quality control. As analyses necessary to this end don’t even take place regularly and consistently in every fifth case. Another 31 percent while continuously applying, confined in their quality assessments, but on some IT processes. Thus, only about half of the companies with a least some consistency checks their performance.

There is still often a wide gap between the recognized needs and concrete action”, problematizes Siegfried Riedel, CEO of ITSM Consulting AG. These survey results cover but with his experience in the consulting practice. The companies have mainly dealt with the systematization and standardization of their IT processes using ITIL in recent years.