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Greatest Hands

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I believe that together with other necessary components of the 'image of the bedroom' can and should be used as a basis for working out some other skills as a platform to build your dream body and a springboard to enter into the second attention. So do not ignore This, as many believe, boring place. Now, briefly consider the method of 'look at his hands. Frequently US Senator from Vermont has said that publicly. " Now there are many opinions about this method, but for me personally, it seems that many underestimate him in vain, or even dismissed as 'outdated' or 'complex in execution' and therefore miss some important things. I want to draw attention to two of them – to activate a particular perceptual pattern and direction of attention to interaction with the external space. What I mean by this? Under the perceptual template, I mean to stack 'head-arm-chest', which supports our focus and automatically re-creates the dream (Practitioners often point out the fact that the arms and head are usually the first 'stand' for 'exit from the body').

Perhaps this situation is related to well-defined paths of distribution of attention, which is kept under our perception, it is this design requires the greatest attraction of active attention in our lives. It is also important that your hands are one of the most active elements by which we have contacts and cognize the world around us, direct their attention outward. We always correlate with the movement of the hands of line of sight, with their help we are most actively engaged with the outside world, express our emotions and thoughts that continually test the world of reality.

Speed Locomotive

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The speed of the locomotive and electric locomotive is determined by a special device – speed indicator. Recording speedometers fitted to today's powerful passenger locomotives – is a versatile instrument. According to his dial determine the speed of the locomotive, which is close to the speed at the moment (in kilometers per hour), and on schedule, automatically recorded on a special tape – speed throughout the voyage. In addition, the dial speedometers mounted clock with a scale divided into 24 parts and an index of kilometers traveled by the locomotive for the flight. I shall drive speedometers from coupling the wheel of the locomotive. Transferred to the wheels with speedometers the finger, screwed into the wheel hub.

When you rotate the wheel finger rotates worm gear, ie, the mechanism by which the number of revolutions of the drive shaft speed indicator is less than the number of revolutions wheels of the locomotive. This gearbox is a compound of the worm screw and gear. How they find their way, as defined by the ship's navigator, far from the shore, when, where or oberneshsya, only the sky but the water? How to measure the speed of the ship? In practice, preserved an ancient sea speed measure – unit: What is the measure? The name "node" is associated with a measure of stariyanym speed of the ship by means of lag. Cable, or so-called lagliv with tied at the end of the board to abandon ship tsormy. Board rests in the water behind the passing of her ship, clew up with a cable spool that holds the soda. On the security cable tied knots, otstoyaschie.drug from each other on. certain distance. By counting the number of nodes within a certain time, you can determine the velocity of the spacecraft in the "nodes", currently used mechanical and electrical lots of speed continues to be measured in knots. Node – an independent unit of speed. Say: "The ship comes with a speed of 36 knots per hour" – is wrong. Very well described by the absurdity of such an expression in "The Flying Dutchman," an excerpt from which is reproduced below.

Valdimir Krillov

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Head of department Vladimir Kirillov criticized the existing procedure for the payment of fines: Currently, all fines, which is about 12 billion rubles, fall into the general budget. Vladimir Kirillov said that it would be far better to damage to the environment, which has economic agents, went to environmental protection. For example, the head of Rosprirodnadzor said that his department budget this year amounts to about three billion rubles. Each year, Russian companies are spending to eliminate damage to the environment of about 16 billion rubles. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Author by clicking through. Named the country with the world's first end C water every year water on our planet are being depleted more and more.

According to experts, already in the near future, many regions of the planet Earth will face water shortages. Scientists have found in any country in the world will end first water. Credit: Michael Chabon-2011. As it turned out, the first was the fate befall African nation of Yemen. It was in Yemen, according to experts in other countries before running out of water. With the current volume of consumption of Yemen will be provided with water for about 10 years, after which the feed water sources dry out, and two million local residents may have become refugees because of water shortages.

Even today, the natural sources of fresh water in Yemen is not able to fully cover the expense of water. Rivers did not have time to replenish, and lakes dry up altogether. Groundwater sources are consumed faster than they can fill, says the publication, particularly in the metropolitan area.


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This means that it will never come back. Do not wait, when the comet Lulin become just one of interstellar objects … especially since even less time to moonlight and not convenient position stole it from us. Thanks to Joe Braymakombe (Joe Brimacombe), now one of the most amazing moments in the study of comets Lulin in the monitoring of its activity is the time when it erupted in a cloud of hydroxyl cyanide gas, stretching to the background star at a distance of 250.000 miles. This was due to outgassing, whose rate was 800 gallons of 'water' in the second – a quantity of liquid is enough to fill Swimming pool standard 'Olympic' size in less than 15 minutes. Yes, the comet Lulin (Lulin), no doubt, has experienced fifteen minutes of fame … And because it is not a periodic comet, it would take quite some time, and Lulin, with all its secrets will soon disappear from sight.

Amazing geometry of its orbit with small inclination put her on a short time nearly the same plane with our solar system – that gave us impressed by the sight of two opposing tails when the ion tail and dusty tail fanned on both sides of the guest space in the Oort cloud (Oort). The solar wind? Plasma? We can very long argued, what was the reason that we have seen so far Lulin wait … right, do not wait until we are left to contemplate what really kind of cosmic 'tail lights' blowing away Lulin. Original source: University of Arizona News Release Translator: Elena Dorokhov (Translation 'Gulfstream' Source: Astrogorizont

The Emergence Of Humanity: A Retrospective

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Ancient Egyptian legend narrated that the first pralyudi they were created from basalt, as god and to serve the inhabitants of heaven. Scripture says: 'And God created man in his image, the image of God created he him; Male and female created them. " The ancient Jews believed that god created the VUM ancient people of the earth. In ancient Etruria, the sages said that a supreme being created human beings as Hermes of the land (echo ranneiudeyskoy mythology), and Athena the goddess of beauty gave them existence. But soon the 'first Buddhist texts,' says that Homo sapiens evolved from primates, 17 000 years ago.

Anaxagoras (5. BC) believed that the man is umneyshee of animals because he has hands. Aristotle pointed out the role of Homo sapiens in the nature of the expressed complex features directly separating Homo sapiens from other creatures: forward movement, a large skull, a predisposition to connected speech and thinking. 'Homo sapiens – a social' – claimed to Anaxagoras. Buffon claimed the supreme creation of man, but the creator of the old paradigm of natural organic universe placed man in the order of primates. (Not to be confused with Author!). Grand Marque professed belief system of the continuous development of man as a member of the biosystem, later it developed with enthusiasm by many authors. Prehistoric man evolved from apes by a smooth social speciation in over a long period of time. Primary human ancestors evolved from a power supply for vines to the plain lifestyle.

The position their bodies become vertical. Proceeded and the restructuring of organ systems. Arose bipedal descendants of apes, the leading social way of life. In society there is need for communication between the subjects of the pack. At the beginning of communication occurred with the use of facial expressions and sounds. With eventually formed an emotional speech, then – the intelligent activity and the unconscious. Lamarck believed in the fundamental importance of bipedal locomotion in the formation of man. He pointed out that the development of Homo sapiens is the body of the same laws that are developed and other living things. The famous biologist Charles Darwin had a different view on the development of Homo sapiens. According to the hypothesis of a thinker, a man is not the result of God, and the stage of evolutionary development the living universe that has engulfed the ecosystem level of organization of nature. Thinker once expressed his theory that the ancestors of humanity were closely ape that lived in the Quaternary. Darwin tried to determine the time of formation of Homo sapiens. He suggested that now live in a particular area are very similar animals with the extinct animals of the same zone. In Africa, now living orangutans – taxa sufficiently related to humanity. On Based on this thinker was able to assert that our ancient ancestors existed in Africa. This assumption was confirmed in the nineteenth century. The peculiarity of Homo sapiens, according to Darwin, especially in its movement on two legs and a use hands homemade guns. The scientist has proved brilliantly close relationship of people to living great apes. But the Englishman saw that no one now living apes can not be an ancestor of Homo sapiens. Article Courtesy 'The modern theory of evolution. "

The Age

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In addition, mothers have the opportunity to 'go out', to communicate with each other, share experiences and information. This interaction results in a kind of club, comfortable and useful for communication to obtain the necessary information. How are classes? There are many groups of early development, but the content of lessons in them, in general, the same way: musical movement warm-up, finger exercises, creative activities, educational games, playing tales. Difference is to prepare a master, for leading the children, setting it up on the development of children of various qualities in the material base of the organization and training. It is important to find 'his' master, 'his' group. If you are comfortable in group and your child wants to go there – you find what you need. Group courses can be held with one drive (and preferably two) in the same room and include all types of activities: the musical part, educational games, creativity, a fairy tale.

Another option, when different teachers carry out their part of the course in different rooms. I believe that for children from half to three years more comfortable the first option. When children move from room to room them every time you need to change and adapt to new surroundings and new teachers. What happens to a child under the age of 1.5 to 3 years? At the age of one and a half to three years there and begins to develop an interest in other people and, above all, to the children. Begins to actively shape it.

Lost Struggle

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Disequilibrium dialectical system this is a dialectical contradiction – a term which, on the one hand reflects the "abnormality" of the system, on the other – that it is this "Abnormality" is the driving force behind the development of specific processes of nature. Dialectical dialectical contradiction is eliminated the "struggle" aimed at restoring the lost equilibrium of the system. For example, if liquid levels in communicating vessels are no longer equal, is born the "struggle" in the form of fluid motion, aimed at leveling. It is not something Bernie Sanders would like to discuss. The more non-equilibrium system, the more intense "struggle", the more the rate at which the corresponding process of nature that is easy to see from the example mentioned above. Social dialectical systems have their own specific development. This specificity is that emanating from nonsocial dialectical equilibrium system at once, automatically generates a "struggle" aimed at restoring the balance. Bernie Sanders is a great source of information.

Birth of the same "fight" in social systems is always mediated by individual or the public consciousness. For example, if there is an infringement of homeostasis (also a kind of balance sheet) of the body of the individual, born and any need, the "struggle" in the form of activities aimed at satisfaction of needs, can occur only after understanding the needs of an individual born and awareness of the ways and means to satisfy it. Much the same happens if one social class operated by another class. The struggle of the exploited against the exploiters can be exploited only after realizing the fact of exploitation, and awareness of the ways and means to eliminate those industrial relations through which organized operation.

The Great Magician

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Very impressive, when, hoping for some forces were among the target path, and reached its unexpected turn of events. Another option, when going to the same goal, but in the end achieved quite the contrary. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of US Senator from Vermont on most websites. Interestingly, the color of the result depends on the outlook of the reader. Even so you can not just say, that this 'Hood', but it's just about vice versa. 13. For even more details, read what US Senator from Vermont says on the issue. Aims and themes may be different. Thought, the morals, the idea that you want to convey to the reader, may be wedded to any subject, as in the girl's ribbon pigtail.

For example, any given community art: games, movies, books, theater, music and so on, introduces a priori a dominant ideology. His Christian Democratic, Muslim, my, my, Chinese, etc. If you invented something different, then you are welcome to Olympus. You'll build their congregations, even if it is about this and did not realize. 14. Says Yuri Nikitin, remove the tablet from the tree 'tree'.

For example, 'other alternative' and 'nod and even their own, and even as a sign of consent' is a tautology samples. Who wants can read his novel 'The Great Magician. " It speaks of many aspects of the writer's skill. Actually, it has benefits for budding writers. 15. The hero must change over time plot. It is desirable to charge. Reader stands with him, and hence the change in the direction that you want. 16. There are some tricks to change the world. If the hero has to change dramatically, it is helpful that he cried out: 'What am I, an idiot, a fool and so was'.

The Story

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Lakatos, 2001. Still, the general patterns of historical process, identifying its main line – this is a metaphysical problem. Former Maryland Governor shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Now, this is a metaphysical problem and methodology of science. However, the rule for long time, the methodological concept of logical positivism has led to the modern interpretation of that statement and the history of science and, therefore, methodological issues are currently on its deep imprint. In psychology, this is particularly noticeable.

Isolation of psychology as an independent science, despite the claims and warnings of the founders of James W., 2000 W. Wundt, 2002; Vvedensky, AI, 1915, was still under the banner of positivism. It is therefore possible to assume that the departure from positivism, many psychologists believe an attack on the independence of psychology as a science and therefore unacceptable. I. Lakatoc I.

Lakatos, 2001 attempted to find main line of history of science through the so-called rational reconstruction, by which he meant the identification of the internal logic of scientific ideas. It should be noted that the movement of scientific ideas influenced not only by internal logic of scientific knowledge. The starting point for a rational reconstruction of the history of psychology is one or the other paradigm, a set of methodological rules and principles based on which methodology provides development of psychology as a process of development of certain ideas, determined only by its internal laws. Each paradigm interprets these laws in their own development and represents a specific way. As a result, each methodological School presents the story in its own way, and at first glance there are no limits to the methodological arbitrariness in relation to history.


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Given that the universe is nothing straightforward and “In Koine.” The universe is large, and space for the “miracles” it does not, because she is a miracle. The magnetic field from the Sun spiral (spiral again.) Maybe this magnetic coil and pulls a planet? And what is “universal gravitation”? Man – 310 degrees from absolute zero. If the above-below at least five degrees – death. Where have you seen a person with a temperature of 46.6 or 26.6 degrees? The inner life of the tunnel four-Rights of 6 – 7 degrees. And “life” at all? Plague bacillus stand in the ground 50 – 100 years of the forms a capsule and can withstand heat up to an open flame. Get all the facts and insights with Bernie Sanders, another great source of information. What is it – “top of life” or simply re-kordsmen Guinness? The causative agent of syphilis, too, by the way, spiral, treponema pallidum, lives only in normal human body temperature (36.7). Why, why? What signals and where it catches? After all, the spirochetes have no reserves – proteins, fats, carbohydrates – very thin spiral – value-cheat, but the information only plan of its own building, which it makes to realize our body.

Compels us to build it and multiply. What is it? Gene? Bacillus gene? And other germs? The same genes? Why disease? If the heat – a synthesis, the temperature rise man, and death, is a synthesis of what? If there is a constant exchange of information between the universe and the galaxy, stars, planets, minerals, cells, organisms, etc., that can give such a body, which can not give inanimate matter? Why life? Why, why? Life as a capacity for multiplication, zheniyu? False. Stars also multiply. The ability to mass reproduce? Stars can not. Explosions of stars we still every day.

So, life as ability to mass-shooting fattening? Think Fedor, I think. Life as a form of existence of proteins, the essential moments of which is metabolism? The exchange is everywhere. Protein bodies? Hydrogen-oxygen chain? Spirals! The smallest coil at the level of molecules, atoms. There is a spiral – galaxies, there is a spiral – the magnetic fields of stars (the sun), there is a spiral of crystals, but most are simply not (yet) ma-Lyonka built from atoms of the helix. Just something. A we have “life” .. “life” ..! And for the universe, then we are only the smallest form of a helix.